Executive Director
Carol Carrillo
Keeping Kids Safe:
Bodily injury inflicted non-accidentally on a child; willful cruelty, unjustifiable punishment, or corporal punishment causing a mark.
Not providing child adequate food, clothing, shelter, supervision or severely endangering child's health.
Victimization of a child through sexual activities, including
molestation, indecent exposure, fondling, rape, pornography, sexual stimulation and incest.
Willfully causing child to suffer by attacking self-esteem, constant criticism, yelling, belittling, insulting, rejecting or withholding love and support.
Forcing or coercing child into activities beyond child's capabilities or that are illegal or degrading; including sexual exploitation.
2. KidsSafe Promoter: Offer In-Kind Donations & Sponsorships for
CAPC Events
Hello Friends of CAPC,
Thank you for your support of the Child Abuse Prevention Council of Contra Costa County (CAPC). In the month of February we are working hard to prepare for our upcoming events as well as keeping you informed on the successes of our CAPC programs.
Please see our article below about our social justice efforts and how you can help.
As always thank you for your support!
#SocialJusticeDay and CAPC
The General Assembly of the United Nations proclaimed February 20th to be World Day of Social Justice in 2007, inviting its members to devote one day to national activities aimed at the eradication of poverty, the promotion of decent work, gender equity and access to social well-being and justice for all. The pursuit of social justice is truly at the core of CAPC's mission. Our programs and services support and strengthen families and they embody the ideals of human development and dignity. CAPC's programs work to break-the-cycle and remove the great barriers that hold families back from being the best they can be. With each parent education class, each student in our Speak Up Be Safe program, and mandated reporter trainings, CAPC is keeping kids safe and strengthening families.
Our kids depend on us - parents, caretakers, teachers, coaches, ministers and so many more - to protect them and to nurture them. However, we also know that raising kids can be a rocky road with unforeseen obstacles. With positive parenting skills, with child protection programs in place, alongside family support and community resources, families will thrive and children will be protected from abuse. Our core values promote that as a basic human right, every child deserves an equal opportunity to reach their fullest potential.
Please join in CAPC's social justice efforts. You can help to make sure It doesn't hurt to be a child. On February 20th, please support our work with a tax deductible donation to CAPC. Thank you. ____________________________________ |
CAPC Annual Luncheon- April 27th
To commemorate National Child Abuse Prevention Month, each year the Auxiliary (ACAPC) of CAPC hosts a luncheon event during April.
Please join us for the 13th Annual "It Shouldn't Hurt to be a Child" Luncheon benefiting the Child Abuse Prevention Council of Contra Costa County.
Thu, April 27, 2017
10:30 AM - 1:30 PM PDT
Orinda Country Club
315 Camino Sobrante
Orinda, CA 94563
For more information, ticket purchases, and donations, please
click here.
January Recap of
CSEC Brown Bag Luncheon
CAPC would like to thank ARM of Care for a wonderful presentation on January 31 at the CAPC and CSEC sponsored event in honor of Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Through various activities, we learned about how their agency works with youth who have been victims using art recreation and movement. Community members attended and we had a informative afternoon. Thank you for your support!