February, 2021
Vol 37, No 2
Check out the latest Outdoor Buddies outdoor adventures!
Outdoor Buddies is now Accepting Hunt Applications on our Website
Hunt Request
Outdoor Buddies has limited hunting opportunities. To request a deer, elk or pronghorn hunt slot please click on one or more of the links below and fill out the requested information.

Requests received by 2/28/21 will have priority over those received after that date.

Requirements & Conditions
Participants in Outdoor Buddies sponsored big game hunts must be registered members of Outdoor Buddies. Registration must have been completed prior to being considered for a big game hunt.

All hunters who want to hunt in Colorado (95% of our hunting opportunities) must possess a “WILDLIFE RECREATION ACCOMMODATION PERMIT”, issued by Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW), authorizing the hunter to shoot from a vehicle. It is also suggested that hunters be enrolled in CPW’s Mobility-Impaired Big Game Program; for questions and application form contact CPW at (303) 291-7380.

Participants are expected to provide their own transportation to/from and during the hunt, unless other arrangements are made in advance, and pay personal expenses including required licenses. Outdoor Buddies will provide a location to hunt and an able-bodied helper/guide.

If you are selected for a hunt with Outdoor Buddies on private property, returning to this property for a future hunt, without our approval is strictly prohibited. This action may disqualify you from any future hunts with Outdoor Buddies.

All Outdoor Buddies sponsored big game hunts are “No Smoking” activities.

Selection Process
The Outdoor Buddies Big Game Hunt Committee will review all requests received and you will be notified if you were selected or not via email.

If you are selected for a hunt slot, we will let you know what hunt unit to apply for. If you draw a license from the state we will work with you to schedule the details of the hunt. Please do not apply for a license for your requested hunt until your hunt is confirmed.

Cancellations – If you are selected for, and accept a hunt with Outdoor Buddies and then cancel, you will not be eligible to hunt with Outdoor Buddies the following year. Please note – we will review all cases and will not apply this rule to valid medical or health related issues.

Hunt Locations
Applicants may designate an area where he/she would prefer to hunt, however it may not be possible to schedule that location due to the limited number of opportunities at each hunt location. Please note - by selecting "no preference" on your hunt location, you will increase your odds of being selected for a hunt.
Outdoor Buddies 2021 Banquet Cancelled
At the most recent board meeting, we have made the very difficult decision to cancel the in-person annual banquet in 2021 due to ongoing concerns related to COVID-19. Although we are hopeful and optimistic that conditions will improve in the next five months, we are required to make many decisions related to the banquet far in advance, and therefore must make our decision on the banquet early based on the information currently available.

We will still be hosting our usual raffle event at a later date. Please stay tuned for updates on how you can win raffle items and support Outdoor Buddies. Details to be announced.

We will continue to host as many of our events and programs as possible, in keeping with local guidelines and keeping our members and volunteers safe. Thank you for your understanding; we regret having to make this decision and look forward to simpler times ahead.
Other COVID-19 Updates
Events Calendar: Please note that all future events listed below are scheduled as of the sending of this newsletter, but changes are expected as we move forward. As the COVID situation continues to develop, some events may need to be canceled or rescheduled pending current and projected conditions. Thank you for your understanding.

Please be aware that Outdoor Buddies will be following all state and local guidelines for our events, including the mandated use of masks and social distancing. If you have a fever or other flu-like symptoms, have traveled out of state in the past 2 weeks, or have been in close contact with anyone testing positive for COVID-19, please do not attend these events. Furthermore, if you are in a high-risk category, carefully consider your risk before attending. Participants will be required to sign a waiver prior to attending events until further notice.

We will be continuing to update our events and precautions as the situation develops. Thank you for your patience, optimism, and understanding. Hope all is well with you and yours!
Other Cancelled Events
The following upcoming events have been cancelled due to ongoing restrictions related to COVID-19:

  • PheasantHunt at Drake Land Farms (March 20th) - CANCELLED
  • Spring Hunter Sight-in at Green Mill Sportsman’s Club - CANCELLED
Betty Harrison's Elk Hunt: Lead Cow at Last Light
Betty Harrison and her team waited patiently for the herd to move onto the correct property
A huge thank you to Jim Piper for a successful elk hunt and my husband Mike and Outdoor Buddies friend Lou for helping field dress and pack her out.

After watching the herd all day on public land and slowly making their way down the mountain, with daylight dwindling we weren’t sure it was going to happen. Finally the herd moved onto private property we couldn’t hunt, and shooting time was slowly fading. The herd was making its way onto the private property we could hunt. I had been watching the lead cow the whole time, just waiting!

Finally with 6 mins left of shooting time we were given the word that they were now on the property we could hunt. I got set up and took my shot at the lead cow I had been watching for over an hour. With two well placed shots (1 shot had her, but I wanted to make sure she was going down and not follow the herd back up the mountain). With adrenaline pumping we went to field dress her and quarter her to get her to the truck. With all the excitement and freezing cold temperatures we forgot to get a picture with her.

Boy did we feel it for days, but so thankful to have meat in the freezer.
(First picture is part of the herd with the lead cow I harvested.)
It was so cold there wasn't much time for pictures!
An Outdoor Experience and a Successful Hunt for Dan Brown
Dan brown enjoyed time outdoors and successfully harvested a cow elk!
First, I want to say thank you to Outdoor Buddies, Executive Director Dwaine Robey, Rob Adams and Patrick Nichols for their hospitality and expert assistance during my hunt.  Rob Adams, who handled the coordination for my hunt, was outstanding.  Not only did he call me several times to coordinate my hunt activities he called me while I was driving to the hunt location and he was waiting for me at my hotel when I arrived.  This was a first for me.  Thank Rob for the outstanding service. 

First day of the hunt was a little difficult because of the snow.  We were not able to get into some of the normal hunt areas but not due to the lack of trying.  I must say that Patrick Nichols can maneuver his well- equipped jeep with the best of them.   We got stuck at the first gate and I was not sure we were going to be able to get out of this sticky situation, but no sweat, with a few adjustments Patrick was able to get us back on the trail.  Impressive.  Good job, Patrick.   We continued our hunt with no success the first day.
Early on the second day we spotted a small herd of 15 elk moving to our authorized hunting area.  We waited and once they were on the right property, Patrick and I formulated a plan and moved to a position to intercept them.  I had one opportunity to take a 600-yard shot but decided not to because I am not comfortable at that distance and certainly do not want to risk wounding an animal.  We moved a few hundred yards and let them settle on the ridge line.  At 8:10 AM I ranged the cow I had identified as my target and she was 408 yards away and completely broad side to me.  I took a comfortable supported position, place the crosshairs about 2 inches above her shoulder and squeezed off the round.  She jumped, made a small circle and came to her final rest.

Then as you know the work begins.  Not much work for Rob and Patrick, they moved their vehicles into position (not an easy task for most because of the snow) and within about five minutes Patrick had her field dressed and ready to load on Rob’s truck.  Rob hooked the winch and had her in the truck in less than a minute.   Fast and impressive.  These guys are extremely hard working and efficient.  We were then off to the processor. 
The hunt was great, but the best part of the hunt was spending time with the great guys, watching them do what they do best and enjoying the outdoors.  Again, I just want to say thanks to Dwaine, Rob and Patrick for making the memorable experience for me.  It’s more about the journey than the hunt.

-Dan Brown
Recipe: One Pot Wonder Pasta With Tomato & Basil
Recipe by: Chef John Weninger
This pasta dish was brought to us by Chef John Weninger of Granby, Colorado. It’s a staple go-to pasta dish for them due to the distinct advantage of only having to wash one pot when done cooking. I’ve included the addition of venison as a topper because who doesn’t like some meat with their carbs?

•12 oz linguine pasta
•4 ½ cups vegetable broth
•1 medium sweet onion, sliced
•4 cloves garlic, chopped
•¼ tsp red pepper flakes
•2 tsp oregano
•2 tbsp olive oil
•1 bunch fresh basil, coarsely chopped
•1 can (15 oz) diced tomato w/liquid
•Parmesan cheese for garnish (grated or shredded)
•+/- 1 lb venison roast, hind quarter


Lightly salt meat and allow to sit at room temperature for 10-15 minutes. Afterwards, season simply with salt, pepper, and a touch of garlic powder.

Place meat on hot grill. Cook both sides for +/- 5 minutes each, depending on thickness of meat. Check internal temperature at 7 minutes total cooking time. Remove meat from grill at 130 degrees internal temperature (using meat thermometer) for medium-rare to medium after resting. Loosely tent in foil while finishing up the pasta and allow to rest for 5-10 minutes. Thinly slice meat, across the grain (perpendicular to the direction the muscle fibers are running).

Meanwhile, place pasta, tomatoes, onions, and garlic in large stock pot. Add in vegetable broth. Sprinkle pepper flakes and oregano, then drizzle olive oil over the top. Cover and bring to a boil. Reduce to low heat and cook 10 minutes, stirring every few minutes. Salt to taste. Turn off heat.

Plate pasta in large bowls, top with a few slices of meat in each bowl. Add basil and parmesan cheese to garnish.
References: Chef John Weninger: East Grand School District, Granby, CO
Nine Sixteen Vocational School: Culinary Arts
Upcoming Events
Outdoor Buddies 2021 Banquet

Raffle to be rescheduled to a later date.
April 17
Nick Filler
(719) 359-3641
Outdoor Buddies is managed by its Board of Directors
Dwaine Robey
Executive Director

Larry Sanford

Nicholas Filler
Vice President

Christopher Nowak

Terry Gleason

Kevin Kassner
(303) 946-2502
Tony Hodges

Nate Lucht
(970) 219-8817

Steve Medberry

Edgar Munoz

Jim Piper

Frederick Solheim
Director-Warriors on Cataract
Board of Directors Meeting Schedule
Non-board members are welcome. Please RSVP in advance.

Meetings are held from 6:30pm-8:30pm at the locations and dates below.

Please note that pending current restrictions these meetings may be held by phone instead of an in-person meeting.

Feb 9 - Thornton Sportsman's Warehouse
March 9 - Thornton Sportsman's Warehouse
April TBD
May 11 - Thornton Sportsman's Warehouse
June 8 - Thornton Sportsman's Warehouse
July 13 - Thornton Sportsman's Warehouse
Aug 10 - Thornton Sportsman's Warehouse
Sept 14 - Thornton Sportsman's Warehouse
Nov 9 - Thornton Sportsman's Warehouse
Dec 14 - Thornton Sportsman's Warehouse