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Class Schedule & Highlights

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Happy Valentine's Day!

We will remain open for all classes on February, 14th, 2024.

Yoga Buddies!
6 Month Unlimited Yoga
With Yoga Sanctuary's Yoga Buddies program, two members* who enroll together will pay a monthly rate of $89 each!

  • At least 1 Buddy must be a New Student at Yoga Sanctuary
  • If either buddy cancels early, the other will be converted to full price ( $109 / month )

We have decided to bring back Zoom on a limited schedule. You will be able to find a favorite class of yours on our new zoom availability!


8:45a Wake Up & Flow w/Noe

5:30p Vinyasa Flow 1/2 w/Kelly


10:15a Vinyasa Flow w/Joshua


8:30a SMART Flow w/Rachael

1:00p Vinyasa Vibes w/Russell

Zoom Pricing Options

$15 Single Drop-In


$59 / Month

Unlimited Zoom

This membership will give you Unlimited Access to our Live Streaming Zoom Classes as well as previously recorded Zoom classes.

Check our website for instructions on accessing the full list of Zoom classes.

Teacher Spotlight: Angela Albuquerque!


Restorative Relax Deeply - 2:30p


Restorative Relax Deeply - 5:30p

Yoga Basics - 7:00p

Angela Albuquerque started her journey into yoga over 8 years ago, following her love of movement after a long career as a professional dancer, dance instructor, and choreographer. She brings with her more than 25 years of professional teaching experience in movement of the body. Along her own journey of physical movement and wellness, yoga has helped her grow stronger, more fearless, and has taught her to live each moment more mindfully, on and off the mat. Angela is dedicated to providing a playful environment with the best possible yoga instruction for all ages, through creating a safe space, healthy alignment of the body, and finding that deep body-mind-breath connection, to help each student achieve a life of balance and wellness.

Yogi's Of The Month: Carolyn & Lawrence Rouse


"We continue yoga because somewhere along the way it became part of who we are. After you practice yoga for any length of time, you can't not do yoga."

-Carolyn & Larry <3

🧘‍♂️ Meet our Yogi's of the Month: 🌟

Carolyn & Lawrence Rouse! 

Carolyn and Larry have been married for 36 years. In the beginning Carolyn was always the yogi, and Larry was the runner. They moved to Las Vegas together in 1990 and found their first yoga class. Their first time coming to Yoga Sanctuary was to see Krisna Das perform a kirtan not long after Yoga Sanctuary opened. After his years of running, stretching became crucial to avoid injuries so Carolyn persuaded Larry to join her. They have been coming to Yoga Sanctuary on and off since 2001 and began their regular practice here around 2016. These two have taken their practice into every other aspect of their world; by practicing at home, or simply throwing down their mat in the hotel room where they travel. They have done yoga warrior poses in an Indian Kiva, on the top deck under the sails on a sailing ship, on the beach, and in the moonlight on the rim of the Grand Canyon to name a few. "The older we get the more value (we) see in practicing yoga. No matter what life throws at you, the strength, focus and flexibility in mind and body you gain from yoga provides a buffer for whatever comes next."


Sound Bath

Explore the many different types of sound using Crystal Bowls, Himalayan Bowls and Gongs…to name a few. We will deeply immerse as the sounds bathe you during this Sound Healing experience. Surely, you will travel to a state of BLISS!

Saturday, February 3rd - 3:30 - 4:30p

Chakra Meditation with Healing Reiki Energy

In this relaxing session, you will tune into and embrace the energy of Reiki. Starting with aromatherapy oils that are hand picked and related to your Chakra energy, giving you the ability to breathe easier and relax more deeply, resting in a restorative posture using blocks and bolsters while you are guided through a tranquil Chakra meditation infused with sound bowls while receiving healing energy through Reiki.

Saturday, February 10th - 3:00 - 4:30p

Yoga for Osteoporosis

In this workshop, we will cover the basics of bone health. You will learn a sequence of 12 yoga poses that, if practiced daily, was proven by Dr. Loren Fishman, M.D. to stabilize or increase bone density in 80% of participants. Students with all levels of strength and flexibility are welcome. Poses can be modified if you are unable to sit on the floor. Bring a yoga mat, block and blanket. Most of all, be prepared to work and take charge of your health!

Saturday, February 24th - 3:00 - 5:00p

Illuminate Breathwork for Healing & Awakening

Breathwork is a means of inducing an altered state of consciousness through full and connected breathing. An energy charge is created in the body, and as the energy disperses, it serves to release, or to cleanse blockages, both physical and emotional.

Sunday, March 10th - 3:00 - 5:00p

Do you have Workshop ideas?

We'd love to hear them!

We are looking to fill our schedule and would love some feedback from our community. What area of your practice would you like to dive deeper into? What subject would you like to learn more of? Who would you like to learn from?

Reply to this email with your ideas!

Yoga Sanctuary's Late Arrival Policy

Late entry to any yoga class is disruptive to your instructor and other students. Therefore, any student who arrives MORE THAN 5 MINUTES LATE, will not be permitted to enter class.
Your feedback is important to us!

At Yoga Sanctuary, we know the importance of our community and its satisfaction. We work hard to make sure every visit with us is the best it can be for you.

Tell us what you think about our classes, teachers, and studio.
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