February 2023 Newsletter


Save the Date!

Join us July 18 & 19 at the Renaissance Phoenix Glendale Resort and Spa for the 29th annual Statewide Child Abuse Prevention Conference! We selected this year’s theme, “I Am Prevention,” to help our conference attendees recognize their critical individual roles in preventing child abuse and neglect. By recognizing the power in their actions, they can sustain, expand, and build upon their current efforts to strive toward the shared vision of an Arizona free of child abuse. Registration opens April 3! Visit pcaaz.org/capconf for more information.

Impact Story

Triple P referral website connects Arizona moms and dads with Positive Parenting courses

A year ago, Prevent Child Abuse Arizona released a Triple P Website for Arizona parents and practitioners, made possible thanks to funding from the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS). Positiveparentingaz.org includes a course calendar, a list of resources, and a directory of local Triple P providers so that people browsing the site may connect with someone directly, if needed.

Prevent Child Abuse Arizona knew that the website would fill a need to connect service provider and parents to Triple P offerings. Since releasing the website, the results have revealed how truly needed it was. 

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Diminishing Racial Disparities through Policy and Practice

The American Public Health Human Services Association is working to influence policies and practices that address structural bias and inequity; connect its members to resources, organizations, and best practices to apply a race equity lens; and build capacity within public human services to promote social and economic mobility, health and well-being for all races. In the coming months, they will work in alignment with state and local human services leaders to move human services toward building an environment in which one’s race identity has no influence on how one fares in society.

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Today in Prevention

Protecting Children by Supporting Families: A Training for Mandatory Reporters

You may be a mandated reporter, but could you also consider yourself a mandated supporter

This training is designed to help people who work with children and families understand ways to connect families to resources and support in order to reduce family overload and prevent child maltreatment. The development of this training was informed by parents with lived experience of the Arizona child protection system (DCS), as well as focus groups of educators, a large category of mandated reporters in Arizona.

Access the Training

Trying to Communicate the Complexity of Neglect? Listen to this Podcast.

Hosted by the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Institute for Child and Family Well-Being, the Overloaded: Understanding Neglect podcast aspires to build a shared understanding of neglect, its underlying root causes, and how they overload families with stress. Its nine episodes each have a different topic to illuminate the depth of neglect’s complexity, and to show neglect is preventable if we work together to reimagine how we support families overloaded by stress. 

Listen to the Podcast


Sponsor the Child Abuse Prevention Conference

It’s up to all of us to reduce obstacles to strong, positive, and nurturing parenting. Child adversity, including child abuse and neglect, is a public problem. We all have a role in solving it, and we must work together.

Prevent Child Abuse Arizona is seeking sponsors for the Statewide Child Abuse Prevention (CAP) Conference, taking place July 18 &19, 2023, at the Renaissance Phoenix Glendale Hotel & Spa. You can help make our vision of a world without child abuse a reality.

Explore Sponsor Opportunities

Director's Corner

The Way We Show Up

Life can be unexpectedly scary sometimes. Last month, I was in a car crash. I hit a car that was running a red light. My car is totaled, but thankfully, no one was hurt.

It was a rattling experience, of course, and created a bunch of problems that needed to be addressed immediately and in the longer-term, like communicating with the other shaken driver, getting the police on scene, getting my car towed, filing insurance claims, and starting the process of finding another vehicle.

But those are solvable. Stressful, of course, but tolerable. In fact, the whole experience wasn’t just tolerable, it turned out to be meaningful.


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As a 501(c)3 organization, Prevent Child Abuse Arizona is eligible to receive bequests. Please contact Molly Peterson at molly@pcaaz.org if you would like to discuss including Prevent Child Abuse Arizona in your legacy.

Prevent Child Abuse Arizona can only accept donations from individuals, businesses, and foundations located in the State of Arizona.

Tax ID #86-0832901

Prevent Child Abuse Arizona is dedicated to strengthening families and protecting children through collaboration, education, and advocacy. The organization provides research-based prevention services, education and training to help promote strong families and safe, healthy children. For more information, visit pcaaz.org.