Love God, Love Others, Love Self

This month, we're reminded a lot about love. As Christians, we know the amazing power of love because we are blessed with God's unfailing love for us. God loves each and every one of us, no matter our shortcomings. I'm reminded this month to extend that same grace and love to others and to myself. We're not perfect, but we all deserve to be loved.

Find our calendars here:

To register for our programs, please complete this form. Here is our brochure with more in-depth information.

Please reach out to us with any questions, concerns, or prayer requests. Our contact information is below.


  • 2/3-2/5: SnowFest (grades 6-12)
  • 2/11: Young Family Social, 4-6 pm
  • 2/12: Youth Sunday, 9 and 11:15am services
  • 2/12: Real Life Outreach Project
  • 2/21: Mardi Gras, 6-9 pm (babysitting provided!)
  • 2/22: Ash Wednesday, 12 and 7pm services
  • 2/26: Lenten Fair


Want to volunteer, but not sure what type of commitment you can make? Contact us! We would love to chat about our volunteer opportunities! 

Here are our current volunteer opportunities:


On Sunday, Feb. 5, children in grades K-5 will learn about the sacrament of Holy Eucharist from Reverend Amelia and Revered Doug during Sunday School. There, children will have an opportunity to ask questions to enrich their understanding.

Learning about the Holy Eucharist is one of four milestones our children will experience at St. James's. The other three are: birth, baptism, and the fifth grade blessing.

Save the Date! Vacation Bible School will be June 26-29 from 9am-12pm each day. Registration and more information to come!


Did you miss our Youth Summer Preview? If so, you can get information about our summer mission and volunteer opportunities here. To sign up, complete this form. We hope you'll join us!

Youth Sunday is on Sunday, Feb. 12 at both the 9:00 and 11:15 service. We need still need lectors and ushers! Would you like to participate? Contact Katie to sign up.

The Blessing of the Keys for tenth graders will occur during the 9:00 and 11:15 services on Sunday, Feb. 12. The Blessing of the Keys is a milestone event to acknowledge and bless the increased independence of our maturing youth.


The next Young Family Social will be

at the home of

Reverend Amelia Arthur

(3918 Hanover Avenue, Richmond) on Saturday, Feb. 11 from 4:00-6:00 pm. Bring your family for casual fellowship and fun. Young Family Socials are open to anyone with children living at home.

On Sunday, Feb. 12 from 10:15-11:00 am, we will be celebrating Youth Sunday and putting together Valentine's Day bags for REAL LIFE. Come to Valentine Hall for fellowship, cake, and a service project!

On Sunday, Feb. 26 from 10:15-11:00 am, we will welcome the beginning of Lent with our Lenten Fair. Come, pick up materials to celebrate Lent at home, and learn a little bit more about Lent and its significance.


Celebrating Epiphany and service in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr

Epiphany Party

We celebrated Blake's ordination and Epiphany. Families could pick up bags with candles and chalk to invite blessings upon their homes. Children and youth also made stars to hang in their windows.

MLK Family Service Project

In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we completed different service projects during formation hour for CARITAS. We decorated placemats, filled bookbags, and made cookies and chili for one night's dinner. All ages were out for this event!

MLK Service Lock-In

Youth participated in a service lock-in over MLK weekend. They scraped, painted, and cleaned the Catacombs, which is used as a meeting space for NA and AA groups.

Ashlee Ligon

Director of Children's Ministry

804-355-1779 ext. 314

Katie Ricard

Director of Youth Ministry

804-355-1779 ext. 334

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