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Your Monthly News & Updates - February 2020 
Note from our Executive Director

"You're never too old, too wacky, too wild, to pick up a book and read to a child." - Dr. Seuss

Can you believe that we are a complete month into 2020? And with that being said, we are also into our second semester of the school year. We are so excited with the onboarding of Loma Park and Winston elementary schools in Edgewood ISD. This is an historic opportunity for San Antonio Youth Literacy.  Read more here >>

Upcoming Events

Cocktails for a Cause
Thursday, February 27 - 5-8pm
Blue Box Bar at the Pearl

Cocktails for a Cause is back! Join us for this fun event at Blue Box Bar at the Pearl.  A percentage of all drink sales between 5-8 p.m. will go towards the SAYL Reading Buddy Program. Hourly raffle prizes include gift cards, wine, and more! Light snacks provided while they last. Stop by after work and bring a friend! 

eading Buddy Seminar
Five Areas of Focus for Transitional Readers

This seminar is intended for new and current Reading Buddies. It will cover self-monitoring, fluency, comprehension, vocabulary, and decoding techniques that Reading Buddies can implement during their tutoring sessions. Reading Buddy Seminars offer a supportive environment for volunteers to come together to learn, ask questions, and share their own experiences. 

The seminar will be conducted by SAYL Program Managers Alyssa Pandelis and Ricky Garcia. The seminar is an optional training for SAYL Reading Buddy volunteers, and does not take the place of the initial, required training for new volunteers. 

Both sessions will be held at Cafe College, 131 El Paso. Register by clicking on your preferred date below.

Reading Buddy Tip 

Tips for Helping Students Stay Focused

We've all had the one student who has a hard time focusing during their session. It could be a one-time thing or a weekly occurrence. Try these tips at your next tutoring session, and don't forget, if needed you can always reach out to your Program Manager for more guidance.  See the full tip here >>

Volunteer Spotlight

Hats off to our Reading Buddy of the Month, Deya Palmero! Deya is a first-year Reading Buddy who has been very enthusiastic about the program since day one. She first heard about the program from a friend who had shared about her own experience on social media. After speaking with her friend and reading more about SAYL she decided she also wanted to volunteer. 
Read more here >> 
School Spotlight

Our School Spotlight for February is Antonio Margil Academy in SAISD.  Faculty and Staff at Margil Academy have been nothing short of spectacular this year. Not only are they exceptional with their students, but they are always very welcoming and beyond selfless when assisting our Reading Buddies and staff from SAYL. 
Donor Spotlight

This month we would like to make a special shout out to the V H McNutt Memorial Foundation and the Pi Beta Phi Alumnae Club of San Antonio for their recent contributions to SAYL's Reading Buddy Program. Thank you to V H McNutt Memorial Foundation for their recent grant in the amount of $5,000. As a past supporter,  SAYL truly appreciates their continued dedication and backing of our Reading Buddy Program. And we welcome and thank  Pi Beta Phi Alumnae Club of San Antonio as a new partner and for their generous donation of $500. We appreciate both organizations' support and partnership! Thank you!

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