This year, thanks to your donations to the Moraga Education Foundation, MEF was able to grant $2.55M to the Moraga School District and Campolindo. Your donations make a significant impact at our schools. Read below to see how your generous gifts create possibilities for every student, every day in Student Support from TK until graduation. Thank you!

Elementary Student Support

MEF grants support student well-being at Moraga's Elementary Schools by funding the Counselors and Reading Tutors at Camino Pablo, Los Perales, and Rheem.

How Does an Elementary Counselor Benefit Every Student, Every Day?

  • Performs restorative conferencing to address student conflict
  • Runs group counseling
  • Consults with teachers to increase educators' capacity to support students
  • Implements school-wide campaigns like Start With Hello Week and the Great Kindness Challenge
  • Hosts drop-in visits to the Wellness Center
  • Meets with kids who are struggling emotionally
  • Teaches social-emotional learning lessons in the classroom
  • Runs lunch-time clubs like the art club, culture club, and garden club

"Inevitably, throughout a student's K-12 career, they will encounter challenges ranging from transitions to new schools to conflicts with peers or rigorous academic projects. Having the ability to identify negative thoughts or emotions and work through them are the tools students need to weather future emotional firestorms. When students can work through these moments, they become more confident and self-efficacious individuals."

Andie Nishimi

Rheem Elementary Counselor

Camino Pablo Students Present at the School Board Meeting

On February 13th, four students, Scout Preston, Emmy Prast, Misheel Javkhlangerel, and Katie Bulis, presented about the Wellness Center and Clubs at their school, Camino Pablo, to the Moraga School District Governing Board.

At Camino Pablo, Counselor Kimberly Denton hosts clubs in the new Wellness Center four days a week. These clubs are the Art Club, the Chess Club, the Games Club, and the Kindness Club. Both the Wellness Center development and the Counselor position are made possible thanks to your MEF donations.

Third Grader, Emmy Prast, shared that "the kindness club helps you feel like you belong here, the art club makes you feel creative, and the games club is a time to meet and make new friends."

The student speakers shared the following comments about the CP Wellness Center from CP students:

  • Everyone is welcome
  • Makes students happy and calm
  • Gives students access to meet new friends
  • A place where you interact with students you might not otherwise know or talk to
  • It's a place to be yourself where you feel safe
  • It's a creative space for everyone

Reading Tutors Make a Difference.

Having Reading Tutors available for our students who are struggling to learn to read is not only critical for the success of those students but it also makes it possible for the classroom teacher to be able to focus on the rest of the class.

"The Reading Tutor program is an incredible opportunity that benefits many young students. Those who need additional help receive 1:1 or small group intensive support from the tutors. Students remaining in the classroom are then able to move at a pace that is appropriate for their level. The Reading Tutors program is essential to our Tier 2 intervention."

Tanya Rago

Los Perales First Grade Teacher

Student Support at Joaquin Moraga Intermediate School

MEF grants help fund the Counseling Staff and Wellness Center Intake Specialist as well as the Writing Aide at JM.

"MEF donors support JM's counseling program and the Leslie Cary Wellness Center. Establishing a space to provide social-emotional support for our students has been transformative for our campus. Kids use the Wellness Center to get immediate, focused, individual support with the goal of returning them to class ready to learn and belong."

Mike Plant

JM Principal

"Middle school can be a challenging time, and having a Wellness Center here is a game-changer. It's not just about solving problems; it's about preventing them. My child has learned coping strategies that make them more resilient and better equipped to navigate the teenage years."

Middle School Parent

A Writing Aide Makes an Impact in Classrooms

In addition to providing one-on-one writing support to students, the presence of a Writing Aide in class gives teachers time to reteach in small groups or meet with individual students.

Student Support at Campolindo

MEF grants help fund the Wellness Center, College & Career Center, Peer-to-Peer Tutoring Program, Campus Culture Initiatives, and a new Freshman Support Program.

Campolindo's New Freshman Support Program

Thanks to your MEF donations and in response to the unique challenges that 9th graders faced since returning to school post-Covid, Campolindo created a 0.2 Teacher on Special Assignment position and a team of teachers to develop a program to address students' transition to high school. The program focuses on academic needs, behavior, socialization, and the mental health of incoming students and has had a tremendous impact on their success.

"The Campolindo Wellness Center provides a much-needed, safe respite for students throughout the day. Students comment daily about how fortunate they feel to have a space like this to come to when they need it."

Jenna Wroble

Campo Wellness Center

"Ms. Batcheller and her team at the College & Career Center are always available to help us with college applications and provide supplementary resources like college external counselors and career coaches."


Campo Senior

Campolindo Wellness Center Data

"I didn't realize when I started at Campo how important the Wellness Center would be until one of my friends was in crisis. I didn't know how to help them, but the Wellness Center was a valuable resource because I could take them there to get help."


Campolindo Sophomore

2023-2024 Campaign Update: Not on Track to Hit $3M Goal

For the last two years, the MEF grant to our local schools has been flat, while costs continue to rise.

To make matters worse, the state of California is facing a massive shortfall, and this will affect the funding our schools receive next year.

Read more about how critical local support is for our schools.

Please support Moraga schools by making a contribution today!

Donate Today!

You can make a one-time donation, set up a monthly payment plan, or make a pledge to donate before the end of the campaign. All donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law. Remember to see if your company will match your donation!

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