February 2021

"We travel not to escape life...
but for life not to escape us."
February Birthdays
2/3 - Mike Dillon
2/10 - Grace Boyle
2/23 - Donna Hall
2/24 - Joe Fisher
2/26 - Kevin Mooney
2/27 - Dalis Gruger
Dues and Fees Statements - Reminder
Reminder: if you haven't sent in your Dues and Fees yet - do so now. The Club By-Laws state that all Dues and Fees must be paid by March 1st.

Please see our Dues and Fees notification for detailed instructions and forms.
Our Sympathy
We extend our sympathy to the family of John Barkett who passed away. John was a member of the Pymatuning Yacht Club and was very active in the Pymatuning racing fleet. John was well known among PCC racers and attended many PCC events. John lived in Boardman, OH.
Get Well Soon
Please keep Skip Feld in your thoughts and prayers as he battles COVID-19 at St. Elizabeth Hospital in Boardman, OH. Skip is on the ventilator in ICU. Kathylynn is able to see him daily, although for short periods of time.
Environmental Ambassador
Passionate about the environment? Become our Environmental Ambassador!

We go thru a substantial amount of bottles and cans during the summer weekends and would like to start a Recycling Program. We are looking for a volunteer, who would be responsible for establishing a collection bin, signs, and then drop off to a recycling facility on monthly basis. Any funds generated by recyclables will go to one of PCC funds.
Sailing School 2021
Our crew has been hard at work planning the 2021 sailing lessons! The Small Boat Program will continue as in past years. Once you are registered, you will receive your US Sailing textbook and the Little Red Book. You are then eligible to participate in all scheduled classes, and use club boats for extra practice between sessions. Each student will progress on their own pace. Progress is greatly dependent on time spent on the water and practice - we encourage all of our students to get out on the water as much as they can! When ready, students conclude their class with a written test and on the water practical to receive their certification.
Visit our website for 2021 Small Boat Schedule.

Our Basic Keelboat class will once again be available by request. This is approximately 20 hour course, and can be completed over 1 or 2 weekends. This class also includes US Sailing textbook, Logbook, theory and on the water sessions, followed by a written and practical test. Additional information and Application is available on our website.

Kids Day on the Bay will also return in 2021! Mark your calendars for July 17. This all-day event will include basic sailing theory, boat rigging and time on the water. Ages 8 and up. Registration will be required, so keep an eye out on future Breeze communication.
AED Update!
The AED cabinet has been mounted (thanks Brian!) and we'll be receiving the AED soon. A class will be scheduled in the spring to learn how to use it. The supplier is providing one class for free.
If you haven't yet, please consider providing a donation to cover the cost. Thanks!
Building and Grounds
by Ron Gallagher
Ready! Set! Wait a little longer!... About 13 weeks until the official Spring Work Day... Boooo. But, at least we can start thinking about getting the club ready to open for 2021! With that, the plan is to work in small groups during the month of April to get the work done. That worked well last year and with COVID still being an issue, we might as well go with what worked. More on this subject in future Breeze's.
then the numerous loose tiles in the hallway and the adjacent bathroom...
Ron, there's a soft spot in the floor in the ladies locker room... OK, we'll get to it over the winter...
Yep, a soft spot...
which led to the rotted floor...
...and then the completely rotted floor around the toilet.
I think this defines what "project creep" means. Well, hopefully the creeping has stopped and we can begin to rebuild. I'm sure many of you are itching to help, but this is a small area so the help will have to be limited to 1 extra person going forward. If someone out there has experience with a project like this and would like to help, let me know. Hope to have the work completed by the end of March.
Signed, "Deep in it" aka the Buildings and Grounds guy.
The Sidewalk Project Continues...
No doubt by now you've seen the poles installed down the sides of the dock sidewalk. With the poles in, we'll move forward with getting topsoil spread and planting flowers, bushes, etc. This is turning out to be a great addition to the beauty of the club grounds! When the weather is right, we'll be looking for help with the landscaping. This project will be an opportunity for anyone that couldn't help get the club ready in April, to fulfill their work party obligation. Thanks in advance!
Input to our monthly newsletter is encouraged and greatly appreciated! Please email articles and photos to Breeze Editor in Chief, Lidia Gray at szarak2000@yahoo.com by the 25th of each month.
Board of Directors
Bill Gray
Pam Ambrass
VP/Social Chair
Michelle Johnson
Bill Boros
Harbor Master
Ross Cummings
Racing Liaison
Ron Gallagher
Buildings & Grounds
Gene Soriano
Ex-Officio Board Members
Brian Bish
Michelle Bish
Lidia Gray
Breeze/PR/Sailing School