Foster long-term economic benefit
for Minnesota through value-added agricultural products.
MN-Based Coalition Launches MBOLD
On October 16, 2020, groups from throughout Minnesota celebrated the launch of MBOLD, a new coalition that brings together many of the state’s largest food and agriculture companies, research institutions and innovators to address major challenges facing the food and agriculture sectors. 
More Sustainable Packaging Solutions for Ground Beef
Last year, the Agricultural Utilization Research Institute in partnership with Dr. Claire Sand of Packaging Technology and Research published a report titled “More Sustainable Packaging Solutions to Improve Consumer Confidence in Ground Beef.”
Women in Minnesota Agriculture Seek Leadership Opportunities
Leadership opportunities and educational programs targeted at women in agriculture are growing. This expansion of support for the industry’s women is vital for building resiliency and diversity in Minnesota’s food and ag sector.
Ag Innovation News
The newspaper is designed to make research and technical information easy to read and enjoyable for the average user. From an initial subscription list of 4,000, it has grown to reach more than 12,000 print and online readers every quarter, covering AURI’s work in the development of new food products, renewable energy, biobased products and new uses for agricultural coproducts.