Children's Ministry has spent the month working on a project called Parable of Talents. In early February the children learned/acted out the parable story and spent some time learning about the the well projects in Africa that we support through our efforts. Each year the children are asked to use their talents to create or present something to the congregation to raise money to do something to make the world better. This year, they worked as a group in thier Sunday school classes to create projects that we can sell at the event. Please email Emily with any questions. If you're not going to be able to join us in person on Sunday, you can donate HERE to help our children build TWO wells this year!
Our moms’ group is open to all moms in search of a kid-free night out. Our next gathering is at 7pm, next Friday, February 25. Please RSVP to Andrea for the exact location.
We will celebrate the life of Gay Tucker on what would heave been her 90th birthday, this Saturday, February 26, at 3:00pm. A reception and birthday party will follow the service in Fellowship Hall. The service will be livestreamed HERE.
ASU Sol Singers and Canticum Bassum present songs of peace, freedom, perseverance, and hope on Monday, February 28 at 7:30pm in our Sanctuary. Tickets are $12 and can be purchased at: https://bit.ly/3ucjlE0
Ash Wednesday is next Wednesday, March 2. This year, we will have the opportunity to receive drive-thru ashes between 6:30-7:30 and 11:30-12:30. At 6:00 that evening, we will hold a Taizé service in the Sanctuary.
VAN GOGH AND THE BEAUTY OF LENT: Each week, in our lenten devotional, biblical texts and Van Gogh’s work will cast light on each other, pointing toward simple, powerful practices you can try yourself, or with your family or friends. (You can download the devotional; or hard copies are available in the narthex.)
PAINTING THE STARS: This weekly study will be led by Amy Notbohm and Pastor Jeff on Mondays at 6pm via Zoom, starting March 8. Painting the Stars is a seven session video-based program that celebrates the communion of science and faith and contemplates what a meaningful faith might look like today. Watch a preview of Painting the Stars.
TENDING THE SOIL, TENDING THE SOUL: Pastor Joel leads this study on Tuesdays, starting March 9 on at 6:00pm at Dayspring Arcadia campus. Participants will experience spiritual and biblical stories centered around the gift of creation and growing practices. In addition, participants will have opportunities to practice “noticing” the plants that are growing around them and what we can learn from them. Registration is required by March 8. Please email Pastor Joel to register.
OPEN THE DOOR: A study on the book Open the Door by Joyce Rupp will be led by Pastor Shirley on Thursday evenings at 7:00pm via Zoom from March 3 - April 7. Please email the Church Office to register, even if you are already participating in Time to Wonder on Thursdays.
Dayspring's build dates have been set. We will be building a home in South Phoenix on 10th Ave near Buckeye. Our dates are March 19, April 9, May 7, and June 4. Please consider volunteering on this rewarding endeavor. It's a good way for youth and scouts over 16 years old to get service hours. It's also a good way to reconnect with your fellow H4H volunteers. If interested, please email Mark. Habitat also qualifies for the Arizona Charitable Giving Credit on your state taxes.
The United Methodist Men resume their annual golf tournament at the Foothills CC on Saturday April 23. It will be a 7:30 am shotgun start. The $90.00 fee includes golf cart, practice balls, prizes and lunch. Put your own foursome together or they can do it for you. Email Mark with questions or to register. We will have mulligans available for purchase and a fundraising hole for our children’s ministry’s campaign to build more fresh water wells in Africa.
Join Team Dayspring at the Phoenix Zoo for the 13th annual UMOM Walk to End Homelessness on May 14! Registration includes zoo admission. Learn more or Register for our team!
Stephen Ministers are highly trained members of our congregation who listen, care, encourage, and provide emotional and spiritual support. The care they give is confidential, free, and very helpful. To learn how to receive care from - a Stephen Minister, call the church office at (480) 838-1446 or email them HERE.
(YouTube and Vimeo videos are posted later on Sunday and are not live.)
Our most recent services: