February 2024 Announcements

You can access our new website by clicking: https://santaritaart.org/

Presidents' Message

Hello fellow creative Art League members!

Jeani says “I am still exuberant over the people who volunteered so SRAL can have the 2024 Spring Membership Show this March.” Thank you so much for your willingness to accept the responsibility and embrace the opportunity to be a part of the Art League experience. You will love it!

As leaders of this wonderful organization, Arlene and Jeani are enormously dependent on our members for support and help with day-to-day, week-to-week, and month-to-month tasks. Both the tasks-at-hand and other organizational

duties. We could not do it without you. Thank you!

As a board, we collectively work to handle the financial stability of our club, deciding matters pertaining to future club activities, instruction, and general needs. We address everyday issues and/or concerns within the SIG group activities.

Beyond these matters, Arlene and Jeani, along with board members, work with the GVR organization to ensure that we are meeting the requirements for sustainability of our club. There again, we could not do it all without the time and dedication of our fellow members. Thank you!

We would like to recognize and familiarize you with the many non-board duties our members fulfill. I hope you have come to know the people who dedicate their time and efforts to the League. Perhaps you will find your place among them.

Librarian - Membership Chair - Monitor Scheduler & Trainer - TEN SIG Coordinators - Lockers & Slots Chair - E-blast Editor - Studio Exhibit Coordinator - Art 101 Instructors - Studio Manager - Hospitality Chair - GVR/SRAL Exhibit Coordinator - Exhibit Chairs - Mini Workshop Chair - Website Managers

We thank you all!! We have developed great relationships and appreciate your commitment. We are still seeking the future SRAL president or copresidents!

For us, being copresidents is working wonderfully. (You may have heard us laughing with joy at times!) It is so much better to bounce ideas off one another, consult one another, and at times split the responsibilities. With this kind of structure, we can tend to our personal life and enjoy other GVR interests, too. Please consider joining us as VP this year so we can mentor you, support you, and lift you. And…..we want you to join in the fun!

Arlene and Jeani

Kath Macaulay Will Be Our February

Demo Artist

February 8th From 1:00 - 3:00 pm

Pocket Sketching

Kath Macaulay is a nationally-known artist based in Tucson, Arizona. She is the inventor of Pocket Sketching, a quick-draw technique that allows anyone to "journal" wherever they are in the world using only a 4" x 6" art pad, a pen, a small paint set, a brush, and a film canister of water -- all neatly stashed in a portable kit, pocket, or purse.

"Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum"

by Kath Macaulay

"Red Daisy"

by Kath Macaulay

More information can be found on the Monthly Demo page of SRAL’s website by clicking here. (https://santaritaart.org/monthly-demos/)

Quotes for you to enjoy:

"No great artist ever sees things as they really are. If he did, he would cease to be an artist." -- Oscar Wilde

"An artist should strive to please only themself. Accolades from others and awards are just icing on the cake.." -- Susan Ettl

We have so many creative members that we would love to publish your own thoughts about art. This is for everyone's enjoyment. We would love to print your inspirational quote. Please send your quote to us for an upcoming Eblast. Click Here

Highlighting our

Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

Periodically, we plan to visit each Interest Group to see what's happening and learn more about them. Each Interest Group has its devoted volunteers who vigorously work to provide meaningful sessions for its members.

Knowing more about each group may lead you to finding another interest to pursue and that may be a good thing.

Watercolor Group

The Watercolor SIG meets year-round in the SRAL studio every Friday from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. In the summer, some part-time Green Valley members also meet most Fridays via Zoom.

This group is organized by two award- winning artists, Valerie St. Marie and Liz Wolf.

There is great camaraderie between the members in this group. They offer advice when asked and easily help one another.

This fun bunch comes to work every Friday with projects that include preparing for art shows, creating gifts for family members or friends, making all sorts of greeting cards, experimenting with new techniques, or just having fun and enjoying their friendships with fellow artists.

Everyone who loves working with watercolors or wants to know more or would like to begin creating beautiful art pieces with one of the most enjoyable art mediums is invited to attend the sessions.

All are welcome. We would love to meet you.

For more information about us, CLICK HERE

Assemblage Group

The Assemblage Group meets on the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month from 1:00 to 3:00 PM in the Main Studio.

Loralee Makela is the Coordinator of this enthusiastic group of artists. Assemblage is art that utilizes everyday objects to create a three dimensional composition. The objects can be similar or different, but usually most commonly disparate.

For this writer, this was the first time visiting an Assemblage session and I must admit that it was totally amazing to listen to the creative & clever ideas, the innovative approach to securing pieces for an upcoming show, and resourcefulness that each member exhibited when it came to securing items for a group-assembled art piece. What an exciting team this group is.

Each artist is always on the lookout for interesting items that may be appropriate for an upcoming art assemblage. They each have a collection of fascinating old pieces, many passed down from family members, but many more found in attics, garages, yard sales, thrift stores, flea markets, and second-hand stores. It's engrossing and captivating to view the items each brings to their art sessions. It is obvious that a tremendous amount of work goes into locating relevant pieces to add to their assemblages.

If you are interested in joining this exhilarating and thrilling group of artists, they would be delighted to meet you and welcome you. All SRAL members are invited to take part.

For more information about the Assemblage Group...CLICK HERE

Current Art League Shows

Art Exhibit at

The Community Performance & Art Center

19th Annual Eva Briggs

Abstract Art Competition

Featuring Works by the Santa Rita Art League

In the Harry and Ann Paxton Gallery & Theater Lobby

February 1 - February 29, 2024

Members of the Art League are each displaying one original abstract painting that will be on exhibit for the very first time. And our personal opinion is that this will be an outstanding exhibit of the finest abstract paintings we have ever seen.

To give you a sneak peek, here are a few paintings that are in the exhibit.

"Lets Go" by Bonnie Nelson

"Point Taken" by Jeani Gustafson

The prizes are: 1st Place = $500, 2nd Place = $300, 3rd Place = $200,

3 Honorable Mentions = $50 each, and a People's Choice Award = $100.

The Co-Chairs who organized this fabulous show are Hugh Beykirch and Arlene Szypulski.

"Destiny" by Suzy Webber

"This, That, and The Other"

by Layne Cook

Each piece can be no larger than 36" x 36". We are sure that our small photos do not do justice to each of these sensational paintings. You just have to visit the galleries at the Community Performance and Art Center and plan to spend some time viewing each of these remarkable fine art images.

"Cross Roads" by Hugh Beykirch

"Finding Balance" by Lynn Morgan

This show will be at CPAC for the entire month of February. By all means, do not miss this show. It is fabulous.

In our next Eblast, we shall feature the winners of this

Eva Briggs Abstract Art Competition

Permanent Show

This show will run from January until March 2024 at the GVR Desert Hills Social Center. The director of this exhibit is Jan Harnish and she has organized one of the best fine art shows this season.

Members of the Art League are displaying their finest pieces that completely cover the far wall in the auditorium. So if you are interested in exceptional art, drop everything and gallop over to Desert Hills.

"Tango" by Bonnie S. Nelson

"Wabi" by John McGraw

"Moonlight Rhythm" by Karen Keim

"Floral Feast"

by Karen Workman

"Time to Get Up"

by Rich Metcalf

Art Exhibit at the East Center

The Oil Painting & Pastel Artists SIG is exhibiting several of their finest paintings at the GVR East Social Center through February 29th. This is a terrific show that everyone should view.

Below is one of several walls of fabulous oil and pastel paintings.

Art 101: Workshops

Are you a beginning artist and want to learn the basics about different mediums, design, and color? Are you an artist that has wanted to learn a different medium? Then Art 101 is perfect for you. The Art 101 classes offered this fall and winter will be presented by SRAL members volunteering to share their time and expertise. 

  • Most classes will be held in the SRAL studio, from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM. A few may have a different time slot. 
  • Materials for classes will be provided by SRAL and include paints, paper or canvas, and an appropriate paint brush. 
  • Participants will need to bring a water container, paper towels, an apron, or any appropriate working clothes.
  • The class size is determined by the instructor; generally, 12 - 18 people. We encourage members to sign up for only one media class per month to enable everyone to participate. This will ensure participants a fuller mastery of the new medium and allow us to accommodate more members.
  • Registration for each class will be on Art 101 webpage. A small material fee of $10.00 is required to complete and validate your registration. Each class list is compiled on a first come first serve basis. You will receive notification after you have registered. You will then be notified about how and when the material fee is to be paid.


Review of the Art 101 class

"Art Basics for Success"

Instructor: Rich Metcalf

Dates: Sundays, January 7, 14, 21, 28, 2024

Maximum Number of Participants: 19

Plus 2 Assistants and Instructor ............. Class was FULL

This Art 101 series of classes began with value studies using charcoal sticks, then quickly moved to using soft pastels to explore color combinations after a review of color theory. Several techniques, common to art illustrators, were introduced in class and were necessary to complete each homework assignment. Yes, the students had homework assignments which included reviewing videos of different art demos that coincided with the class sessions.

In addition to the art pieces created in class, each member was to complete a pastel piece at home for the class to review. For the 4 sessions during January, these members were very busy. This series was not for the faint of heart. The members working in these classes surprised the instructor with their passion to learn and to succeed at whatever was required. Early on, the instructor realized that these students were excelling at each task, which resulted in the instructor rewriting the lesson plans to make it more challenging to keep up with each student's passion to succeed. Although the classes were difficult, the students surpassed expectations and eagerly tackled whatever was required. The instructor mentioned that this was one of the best groups of art students he ever had the pleasure to support.

Art 101: Workshop in February 2024

"Beginning Pastel Painting"

Saturday, February 24th.

Instructor: Barbara Sweeney

Time: 10:00am to 12:00pm

Number of Participants: 15

Information and Registration for the "Beginning Pastel Painting" is on the Art 101 webpage: CLICK HERE


SRAL Mini Workshop

"Timeless Collage"

Thursday, February 15th.

Instructor: Angelique Gillespie

Time: 10:00am to 2:30pm

Number of Participants: 15

Information and Registration for "Timeless Collage" is on the Mini Workshop webpage: CLICK HERE


Mini Workshops in March 2024

"Loose and Juicy"

Monday, March 4th.

Instructor: Bonnie Nelson

Time: 9:00am to 12:00pm

Number of Participants: 15

Information and Registration for "Loose and Juicy" is on the Mini Workshop webpage: CLICK HERE

"Better Brushstrokes, Or How the Brush Makes a Painting a Painting!"

Thursday, March 7th.

Instructor: Fran Sutherland

Time: 9:00am to 12:00pm

Number of Participants: 15

Information and Registration for "Better Brushstokes" is on the Mini Workshop webpage: CLICK HERE

SRAL Members' News

Two of our members, Liz Wolf and Sonya Edwards, have paintings accepted into the Southern Arizona Watercolor Guild's Sonoran Festival Show.

"Fiesta Sonora" will run from February 6 to March 2. The Artist Reception and Awards will be held, Thursday, February 15 from 5 - 7pm.

Address: 5420 E. Broadway, 240, Tucson

"Happy Couple" by Sonya Edwards

"Sonoran Beauty " by Liz Wolf


Lockers and slots for storing art supplies, canvasses, etc. are available for rental in the SRAL studio.

Yearly fee for a locker is $20, and $15 for a slot.

There are a limited number of lockers and slots. If all are rented a waiting list will be kept, and filled as available.

Fees can be paid by filling out a rental application (available in the studio or on the website by clicking here) to include with your cash or check payment; both should be left with the studio monitor.

For more information, please contact Valerie St. Marie: Click Here 

SRAL Art Show to Prepare For:

The SRAL "Masters' Show"

March 1 - April 30, 2024

"The Kiss"

by Gustav Klint

"The Two Fridas"

by Frida Kahlo

"Madame Cezanne"

by Paul Cezanne

Recreating a Master painting is a time-honored tradition for developing artistic skills. It is a good way to try out a new technique, improve on your own style, and have some fun!  


For 2024 there will be a special section featuring Women Artists. We have posted a list of names on the bulletin board as a suggestion, or you can choose another woman artist. Of course, this is not a requirement, and you may choose any artist that you consider to be a Master, male or female. We have a good library for ideas.


     ++++Now for the Rules!!!++++


Due to United States copyright law, the artist must be deceased for AT LEAST 70 YEARS. So any artist who died in 1954 or before is allowed. ANY ARTIST DECEASED FROM 1955 AND ON WILL BE DISQUALIFIED FROM THE SHOW. Please check your artist info.


Two entries are allowed and there is no entry fee. Five ribbons will be awarded, judged by the artists who are entered into the show. Judging should be based on how close to the original artwork you have come. No size limit. You do not have to paint in the original medium, as most were oil. Watercolor, pastel, acrylic, etc, is fine. 


The 2024 show will be held at the East Center for the months of March and April. Delivery date is Friday, March 1, 10am - 11am. Pickup is Tuesday, April 30, 10am - 11am.

Email for more info: CherylS@SantaRitaArt.org 

Entry forms are available online at our website or in the studio on the wall next to the key pad. Entries must be postmarked before Feb 15th, 2024. 

Learning Opportunities at

Tubac School of Fine Art

The Tubac School of Fine Art is offering workshops from a variety of artists. Please click below for information.

Phone: 520-398-2589

Email: workshops@tubacschooloffineart.org

"Earth, Art, and the Creative Act"

Instructor: Lewis Arthur Williams

February 12 - 14, 2024

Additional Workshops at the Tubac School of Fine Arts

Roberta Rogers: "Plain Air Watercolor," February 17-18, 2024

Greg Wallace: "Catching the Light - Gestural Painting Strategies," February 23, 2024

Christy Lynn Greene: "Silk Painting," February 24-26, 2024

For More information Click Here

Learning Opportunities at CPAC


"Southwestern Inspired Mixed Media"

Instructor: Suzanne Villella

February 27 – 28, 2024

Create colorful mixed media pieces inspired by the beautiful southwestern landscape. Learn the supplies and materials, including paper, acrylic paint, matte medium, and varnish and their applications on a wood panel to create a unique and dynamic piece of artwork. On day one, you will work on several small format landscapes to get an understanding of the materials. On day two of the workshop, you will create a larger format piece while using your new mixed media knowledge and skills. Click here for more information.


"Exploring Paint Portraiture"

Instructor: Ana Rincon

March 11 – 12, 2024

This workshop will encompass a series of activities, which will culminate in the completion of an oil painting of an animal portrait. Students can bring their own photo or use one of the instructors. Click here for more information.

2024 Weekly Classes at CPAC

Studio Sessions

Instructor: Fran Sutherland

Every Wednesday, February 7 - April 24, 2024

Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm

Click here for more information.

Pena Blanca Lake, mixed media

by Fran Sutherland

Rosendale Bridge, silkscreen collage

by Fran Sutherland


There are 10 Special Interest Groups and all of them are open to the members of the Art League.


On the SRAL website there is a complete description for each SIG.

If you wish to learn more about any of the SIGs, Click Here

Below is additional INFO not on the SRAL webpage.


There are no special skills required to join in with this friendly group. Meeting attendees always find artist support, often with live demos, workshops, and critiques. Come and see what it’s all about.


Next meeting Monday, February 12, 2024 in the studio at 10:00am. The Monthy Challenge is to paint what you like.


Assemblage Art combines mundane, every-day objects in new and surprising ways, gives objects new meanings, and elevates non-art materials into the realm of Art. Come have fun with us in a creative, collaborative environment!

We are an informal group for those who are interested creating three

dimensional artworks. All SRAL members are welcome.

Again, we want to send an enthusiastic THANK YOU to everyone who is donating objects to our cause. We love finding surprises waiting for us when we return to the Studio. AND, we love having you drop by with your treasures in person. They are being put to good use!

The Assemblage Group meets on the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month from

1:00 to 3:00 PM in the Main SRAL Studio.


The next Figure Drawing session will be held on Saturday, March 2nd,

9 AM to noon. We will have a professional model pose for us. Each participating artist is asked to pay $5.00 to defer the cost of hiring the model. 


During February 2024, the walls of the GVR East Social Center will be adorned with Oil Paintings & Pastels. See "Art Exhibit at the East Center" above.


We will meet on Thursday mornings and try to form carpools. Our destinations are special places around Southern Arizona. Meet times will vary depending on the weather. If you are interested, contact Nanci: Click Here

Plein Air Schedule for February

  • Feb. 8, 2024. St Ann Parish in Amado. SRAL Meeting at 1pm. This will be a morning paint out. St Ann Parish in Amado. This is a small Catholic church in the main road East. Turn Left at the car repair shop. The church is on the right. Meet there at 9:15. Take I-19 South, get off at Amado exit and turn left to go under the fwy, then right at the stop sign. Follow the road until you see the repair shop and turn left. Parking available but no restrooms.

  • Feb 15, 2024. Saguaro National Park East. Meet at East Center South lot. We will leave at 12:00 noon. Take Houghton to Escalante Road, turn right. Check in at the Visitor's Center. There is a loop road to drive around. We do not need to all paint at the same place. Parking can be a problem at the various sites. Several sites have restrooms. We will meet back at the visitor center at 3:30 to have a show of our work.

  • Feb. 22, 2024. Valley Presbyterian Church 2800 S. Camino Del Sol, Green Valley. Meet there at noon. Lots of parking. Hope it is a nice day.

  • Feb. 29, 2024. CPAC parking lot. Meet there at noon. 1250 W Continental Rd. No restrooms. It's a lovely view of Green Valley from there.

Dress accordingly.


We will begin a new project at our next meeting on Wednesday, February 28, at 9:30 in Room A of the SRAL Studio. John McGraw is going to demonstrate drypoint intaglio, a method of creating a plate (matrix) for printing. At the following meeting on the fourth Wednesday in March, we will finish the project by printing our plates on the intaglio press. All are welcome to try this method of printing. What you will need to bring is a pointed etching tool to create a design on a plastic plate (matrix). All are welcome.

Click here for the list of SIG chairpersons and their e-mail addresses.