March 1, 2024

Bethesda & Immanuel Lutheran Newsletter

Sunday Worship

8:30 Bethesda

11:00 Immanuel


Pastor Connie Monson



Parish Office:






Bethesda/Immanuel Website

Bethesda FACEBOOK 


Immanuel FACEBOOK 


We pray for Ukraine, Israel and Gaza and all those afflicted by war.

 Hello Nancy,

Sunday services are available online.
Use the Bethesda Facebook link above.

From the Pastor


Dear friends in Christ,

Thanks for the hearty welcome you’ve offered me as I settle in here on the Bayfield Peninsula. I continue to meet new people every week—and am gradually learning your names, thank you! If you are away (do we call you snowbirds if there is no snow?) or just have not yet made it in to say hi, please feel free to stop by when you’re in town or to reach out in other ways. My phone number and email address are both in this newsletter, and I welcome hearing from you.

Christians have often imagined the season of Lent as a journey, echoing the 40-day journey Jesus took through the wilderness. A few weeks ago in worship, we sang ELW 446, which associates the journey with the promises made in baptism: “I’m going on a journey, and I’m starting today. My head is wet, and I’m on my way. Christ’s mark is on me; it’s on you too; it says he loves me, and he loves you too.”

But unlike Jesus’ lonesome journey, we walk this road together. As we contemplate his road to the cross and ultimately to Easter morning, I am encouraging us to think of this season as a time to practice faith together. For some people, that might mean putting faith into action, serving others. For other people, maybe it means to practice finding trust in the Creator.

What are the practices that feed your spirit? Just as our bodies need sustenance on a journey, so too do our spiritual lives need care. What we can trust is that we are supported on this journey by the love of God and the goodwill of this community of faith, as we gather around Christ’s table week after week.

Pastor Connie

Read the Bishop's Easter Message
View March Calendar

Reconciling in Christ Statement


There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28


We welcome YOU to Bethesda and Immanuel to participate fully in our congregational life. You who may have experienced exclusion, injustice or racial inequity; You who are young, old, rich, poor; You of all abilities; You from all nations and ethnic backgrounds; You of all sexual orientations, gender identities or gender expression.


We are committed to racial equity, economic equity, gender equity, sexual equity. We are committed to learn, celebrate, advocate and welcome everyone through a series of forums and educational opportunities. May we grow in acceptance and become a voice for inclusion, equity and justice.


No matter where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.


Meet Pastor Connie

My formative years were spent in every state along the Canadian border from Washington to Wisconsin, and then, inexplicably, I veered off to Atlanta, Georgia, for 25 years before coming back to the northlands (and my senses). Prior to going to seminary, I was a college English teacher, and before that a weekly newspaper editor. I have lived in the heart of the city in Seattle and off-grid in the eastern Washington woods. My first call as a pastor was to Rugby and Leeds in central North Dakota.

I have two grown sons: Sean, who is a computer engineer for Mozilla and lives in Hubbard, Oregon, and Erik, attending college in Albany, Oregon. I also have a dignified and elderly cat, Pumpkin, who enjoys sitting in the bay window here at home.

I trace the beginning of my call to the moment when I heard from the pulpit, as an adult, “You are a beloved child of God,” and actually, finally, believed it. In a broken and often shame-drenched world, such news is too good to keep to myself, that God in Jesus Christ loves every single one, in all our faults and fabulousness. I preach and--I hope--model a joyful response to all that God is and does for us by loving and serving the neighbor.


I look forward to serving Immanuel and Bethesda congregations, where it has been clear to me from the start that people understand church, not as a building, but as a community in motion.


Holy Week

Palm Sunday services are March 24.

Maundy Thursday service is at Bayfield Presbyterian Church at 7:00 on March 28

Good Friday service is at Christ Episcopal Church at 7:00 on March 29.

Easter Sunday services are March 31.

Daylight savings time begins March 10. Remember to set your clocks ahead Saturday night!

An Update from Alla

February was the month when Oleg received his high school diploma, we had conversations with our lawyer, Pavel and Oleg were actively involved in the implementation of Pavel’s business project, I was actively involved in children and household chores, and the children were simply growing up at this time. There is nothing more to talk about yet, since all the results that would be important and interesting to you are in progress. There are such sayings: “ If you want to make God laugh, share your plans,” “Happiness loves silence,” and “Silence is golden.” And this is just about our situation. I mean that now we will not share our achievements, successes and results, if there are any, in any case, you will learn about them later. And now we just live, using every opportunity to realize our goals. Have a warm and sunny March everyone!

Basement Apartment Needs List

Continuing Call for Photos for our Members and Friends wall.

Our Church Members and Friends photo wall is something each of us looks at over time. These photos help us connect with each other, remember names of those that we haven’t seen for a while, and is a way to welcome our new Pastor Connie. Now that our photo display is over 10 years old, we would like it to be updated.

Therefore, we ask you to send in a picture. This can be a photo doing what you love to do, or with your family at a recent gathering, or on an outing, or with your furry friends, or a selfie. If you have a photo, send it to Nancy at Bethesda either as Digital, or as an actual photo which can be mailed to Bethesda, PO Box 724, Bayfield, WI 54814. We will scan in your photo and return the original. If this doesn’t work for you and would like a volunteer to take your picture, please call Dianne Judd at 651-341-9724. We can get a volunteer to take your photo. 

Thank you for being part of our community and participating.

Jane Edwards, Linda Schneider, Sandy Paavola, Dianne Judd, Shirley Hanson, Dee Hendrickson

This year we will be changing what would normally be a community pancake breakfast the last Sun. of March for a community potluck brunch after worship Easter Sunday Worship. Worship begins at 8:30 and the potluck brunch will begin around 9:30. All are welcome. The next pancake breakfast will be April 28. 

Thank you, Linda Schneider, for the table decorations and the wreaths during the Christmas season!

Lake Superior Bridge Builders (LSBB) is hosting a Ukrainian meatball dinner here on Saturday, March 9, 4:30 - 6:30 in support of immigrant families, "One Family at a Time." Serving Ukrainian meatballs, mashed potatoes, salad, pickles, beverage, and dessert. Adults $15. Families $40. Larger donations welcome. Come and meet our new pastor, Connie Monson.

Immanuel Phone Directory additions:

Bob Brasch 612-708-9201

Sue Brasch 612-867-2013

Please note cell phone numbers didn't print in the directory sent with the annual meeting report. Corrected copies are available at church.

Community Lenten Soup and Bread Lunch with Devotions - Wednesdays at 12:30 p.m.

Bayfield Presbyterian Church will be hosting soup and bread lunches during Lent on Wednesdays at 12:30 p.m. starting on Ash Wednesday (February 14) and running through Holy Week at the end of March. These gatherings will be held in the Bayfield Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall. 

Devotions will follow the lunch, starting around 1:00 and finishing up no later than 1:30, using Elizabeth Caldwell’s book “Pause: Spending Lent with the Psalms.” Each week focuses on a different psalm. "Each chapter helps readers to connect an image drawn from that psalm, such as paths, faces, blessing, tables, waiting, thanksgiving, listening, being alone or abandoned, and hands, with their own lives. At the close of each chapter, readers are invited to try a different prayer practice to help them continue to reflect on the theme and psalm each day." Books will be available to participants at no charge.

Bayfield Presbyterian Church is looking for volunteers to provide soup and bread to these lunches and to help set up and clean up. If you can and wish to help, contact the BPC office at

Wisconsin Poor People's Campaign Mass Assembly and March

Saturday, March 2, 11:00AM | Wisconsin State Capitol, Madison

The Wisconsin Poor People’s Campaign invites your participation in a mass assembly and march at the Wisconsin Capitol on Saturday, March 2. This will be a nationally coordinated, simultaneous day of direct action at statehouses all across the country. We aim to bring together tens of thousands of poor and low-wealth people and their allies to demand a moral agenda from our lawmakers at the state level.

How You Can Engage:

  1. Attend the Mass Assembly: Meet at the State Street steps of the Wisconsin State Capitol at 11:00 AM for the march, followed by a 12:00PM assembly program and lunch at First United Methodist Church (203 Wisconsin Ave, Madison, WI 53703). Your presence will symbolize the commitment of faith communities to these vital causes. RSVP here.
  2. Lead a Prayer or Reflection: Consider leading a moment of prayer or reflection during the Assembly, emphasizing the spiritual dimension of our shared values. Contact our faith community co-chair.
  3. Mobilize Your Congregation: Encourage your congregation to participate and support the demands for justice and equality.
  4. Join the Movement: Connect with the Wisconsin Poor People’s Campaign; Follow us on FacebookGet involved with the WI PPC

Bethesda's jigsaw puzzle exchange shelves are overflowing. Please feel free to take a puzzle or more home!

Spring Election and Presidential primary April 2, 2024

Information about voting in WI

Are you registered to vote?

Discussion based on the book The Lost Message of Jesus by Steve Chalke and Alan Mann continues led by long-time friend of BPC and Bethesda, Pastor Dick Boutin. We meet each Wednesday from 1-2 pm in Bayfield Presbyterian's fellowship hall to share our thoughts as we explore the book.

Anything in the color blue is a clickable link

Council Meetings

March 20, 2023

Immanuel Council 6:00

Joint Council 6:30

Bethesda Council 7:00

February Draft Immanuel Council Minutes

February Draft Joint Council Minutes

February Draft Bethesda Council Minutes

Come to Bethesda on Tuesdays from 1:00 - 3:00 for a friendly game of cribbage. No experience necessary.

Women's Gather

Hello all “Gather” book/Bible study participants!  we will be meeting on Wednesday, March 13.  

Lake Superior Bridge Builders

Tuesdays, March 12 & 26 at 7:00

See our website for the Zoom link
Meeting ID: 812 1484 1692 Passcode: 948203
Dial by your location       +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Monday Book Club

Join us for a Book Study on Zoom

Mondays at 1:00 PM

See our website for the Zoom link

Meeting ID: 851 3905 2851

Passcode: 467574

Dial by your location

    +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

How to Know a Person: The Art of Seeing Others Deeply and Being Deeply Seen by David Brooks

Questions? Call Leanne 715.742.3553

South Shore Quilters

Mondays 9:00 am - Noon at Immanuel

Wednesdays 9:00 am - Noon at Immanuel

The mission-quilt group at Immanuel is always in need of donations of clean usable bed sheets--preferably flat sheets--which we use as backing for the quilts, spools of thread (whether full or not) and fabric.

The Knit Wits

Knitting & Crocheting at the Corny coffee shop Fridays 1:00 - 4:00

The Brunch Bunch
Tuesdays at Bethesda 10:00 - 11:30
Conversation and coffee with women from the community.

Immanuel has a painting group that meets on Thursdays, 10:00 - 1:00.

Retired Old Men Eat Out
Every Friday at 8:00 AM

Meet at Immanuel Church

New information is Red
If you would like to be added to the list or have an update, please contact us at:

Pavel, Alla, Oliver, Viktoria, and Melissa Anna Elizabeth

Marty Burkel

Marty just had hernia surgery. Thanks for the ongoing prayer support.


6302 Mineral Point Rd Unit 211

Madison, WI 53705

Kerissa Morrin

Casey French

Joe Volpe

Sherman and Jane Edward's son-in-law

Judy Faragher

PO Box 1226

Bayfield WI 54814



Chick Anderson


34200 S County Hwy J

Bayfield WI 54814


Jim Brockmann

Second knee replacement surgery

Bennett Anderson

Grandson of Donnie Anderson


Bill Peterson 

Bill is struggling with Parkinson's. If you have the time he sure would appreciate a call or card and of course your prayers.


Walker Methodist Care Suites

7400 York Avenue South

Edina, MN 55435

Ed DePerry

37420 State Hwy 13

Bayfield WI 54814

Doctoring at Mayo

Sharon Johnson


86520 Valley Rd

Bayfield WI 54814


Kelli Ann Clapero


Konnie LeMay


Myrna & Rich Northrop


87202 Co Hwy C

Cornucopia, WI 54827

Kermit and Judy Del Main

Kermit and Judy have moved to St Paul for at least the winter months where family will be able to assist them. Please keep them in your prayers.

900 Old Lexington Avenue Apt 101

St Paul, MN 55116

Colleen Nozal


PO Box 341

Cornucopia, WI 54827

Lorayne Reedy


PO Box 358

Cornucopia WI 54827

Lois Osterberg

702 Bratley Dr

Washburn WI 54891

Courtney Byerhoff

Bill Bodner


87560 Bark Point Rd

Herbster WI 54844

Chuck & Marcia Perry


87140 County Rd C

Cornucopia, WI 54827

Julie Monroe

636 E Kimball Avenue

Woodstock IL 60098

Rhiannon Tourdot

Holly Tourdot

Charlotte Calhoun

PO Box 339

Cornucopia WI 54827

262-705-5664 715-318-1104

Jennifer Schlack

March Birthdays

1 - Julie Branham

1 - Keith Peterson

3 - Pam Wilson

5 - Clay Thompson

6 - Sandy Faye

6 - Henry Purves

9 - Rex Dollinger

9 - Nancy Heaton

13 - Claudia Ferraro

14 - Karen Eicher

16 - Sheryl Burkel

17 - Beverly Buck

17 - Bill Ferraro

19 - Bev Volpone-Cyr

20 - Diane Anderson

20 - Colt Behne

20 - Susanna Ehlers

20 - Mark Faye

21 - Lola Stonehill

24 - Anna Hadland

25 - Sarah Lund

26 - Henry Arent

28 - Larry Jorstad

29 - Gary Bauer

29 - Fred Faye

29 - Angie Heifort

29 - Steve Homa