Our Mission Statement

PVRW is organized for the purpose of uniting women to promote Education, Communication, Legislative Action, Candidate Recruitment, Fundraising and Leadership Development. 


President's Message

Palo Verde Republican Women members and friends,

It’s hard to believe that mail in ballots have been sent out already for the Presidential Preference Election. Please do not hold on to them and wait. Get yourself in the habit of either mailing them back immediately or walking them in and dropping them off in person within one week of receiving them. If you are a procrastinator, maybe now is the time to realize you shouldn’t be on the early ballot mail list and take yourself off for the primary and general elections.

There are many ways to lose an election. The easiest one to correct is not leaving your ballot on the counter in a pile of mail that will be tossed or never looked at until it is too late. 

We will be ballot chasing this year, starting with the Presidential Preference Election. If you don’t vote right away, you will be receiving texts and phone calls asking you to return your ballot. We have to make sure all Republicans registered to vote, actually do! We could have easily won the last election in AZ if our REPUBLICANS across the state had voted. Yes, there was election fraud and shenanigans…but if everyone registered to vote REPUBLICAN had returned their ballot and not left it sitting on the counter, AZ would be a much better and safer place. 

If you are interested in helping to ballot chase, please contact Jamie Alford or Michele Stephens our PVRW legislative team for more information. They are working with PVRW member, Terra Wales, to make this all happen smoothly. You will be given a list of Republicans who haven’t returned their ballots to contact and remind them until they do. The more of us that sign up, the fewer names you will have. Hopefully each day, your list will get smaller and smaller.

Enjoy the beautiful AZ weather! See you on March 20th for our next exciting lunch. Invite a friend!  

Cindy Hill, M.Ed.

PVRW Board Updates

Michal Joyner: 1st VP, Programs

Our February luncheon was a blockbuster!

Thank you all for supporting our adjusted start time.

Kari Lake did an amazing job of explaining her platform, and she answered questions for 25 minutes. She urged us to unite and get behind Republicans to win the election. I agree.

Abe Hamadeh spoke to us about election integrity, and he brought us up to date on the lawsuits that both he and Kari have filed.


Numerous other candidates were in attendance, and formally introduced to attendees. We will make time for the 1-2-minute speeches up to a total of 10 minutes (time divided equally) at our March meeting. Many were passing around petitions for signing This is amazing, but make sure you know how many vacancies are available, so you do not sign more petitions than are allowed. For example, Scottsdale City Council has 3 vacancies, so you could sign 3 petitions if you believed in the candidate. But the Scottsdale Mayor race has one vacancy so only sign one petition for Mayor.


Our March luncheon will feature candidates for Sheriff, Jerry Sheridan and Mike Crawford. Their bios will appear in the lunch announcement. In addition, Pat Lorenzen, the new AZFRW president, will be visiting us and giving us some insight on her first 3 months in office. Michelle Ugenti Rita who is running for Maricopa County Board of Supervisors in District 2 will also share her thoughts on the BOS. As a former Senator, she has numerous thoughts on how to improve the BOS. There is only one seat available for District 2, so only sign one petition.

Note: Many candidates are requesting to be a featured speaker at our meetings. While we would love to accommodate all requests, this is not possible with only 5 meetings remaining until the primary. Consequently, we will showcase the offices that appeal to the largest percentage of PVRW members - Federal, State and Scottsdale races. Our president, Cindy Hill, offers any candidate a 1-2-minute time slot to speak if they register to purchase a lunch. A 2-minute speech/visibility at every remining luncheon (5) can often be more valuable than a one-time stage presence. All candidates are welcome to attend outside to meet and greet our members, so please encourage this opportunity as well.

Many want to know how they can get involved.

Did you know in 2022 that 350K Registered Republicans DID NOT VOTE. We would have won every election! We will win in 2024 if we do everything we can to engage & educate voters, plus get everyone to return their ballots & VOTE.

Some of us are working on a texting program that only requires 10 minutes a day. This is what I’m personally doing - it's easy and fun, and everyone has 10 minutes a day! It is a great opportunity for new members to dip their toes in the political water. If you want to be a catalyst in winning in 2024 it's time to get engaged! 

We will soon begin the process of preparing for ballot chasing. Ballot chasing is a structured and coordinated way of making sure everyone gets their ballots in! Please contact Terra Wales at terralwales@gmail.com for more details. 

We had many new members join at our February meeting. I will be personally calling each one of you (starting next week) to welcome you to the Club. My goal is to answer any lingering questions you might have, and to help you get involved.


See you in March!

Michal Joyner

1st Vice President, Programs



Briana Khalaf: 2nd VP, Membership

Thank you to all the wonderful ladies who joined or renewed at our February luncheon. A special welcome to 11 NEW members who joined on Wednesday, we are so happy to have you!

Congratulations to Sue Caro - winner of our 2024 Membership Drive for a $50 gift certificate to the PVRW Elephant in the Room Boutique.

There are still a number of you who have not yet renewed your membership. You can easily renew online HERE.

If you have any questions on how to do so, please feel free to contact me via phone (480) 284-9505 or email brianaleighj@gmail.com and I would be happy to help.

Let's continue our legacy as one of the largest groups in the state! 

Briana Khalaf

2nd Vice President, Membership



Jan Dubauskas: 3rd VP, Caring for America

A giant 'Thank You' to each of you for 'showering' Choices with your wonderful baby shower gifts! We love supporting women who choose life!

Have you noticed that our Scottsdale roads are looking a little... trashy lately? Well, if you have - you are right! Since COVID, fewer volunteers are helping Scottsdale keep our roads in tip top shape. Instead of just driving on by, Palo Verde Republican Women is a powerful force, and we are going to take action!

March 23, 2024: 8-9 am

Walgreens Parking Lot

20631 N Scottsdale Rd

Scottsdale, AZ 85255

We have coordinated with the city of Scottsdale to present you with an important community service opportunity. On March 23rd, please meet us in the Walgreens parking lot at 8am. We will spend approximately 1 hour picking up trash along Scottsdale Road between Thompson Peak and Deer Valley. We will spend approximately 1 hour doing our part to keep Scottsdale the beautiful city we all know and love.

Safety vests, trash bags, gloves and grabbers will be provided.

Please email me to confirm that you will join us in doing our part to keep Scottsdale the beautiful city we all know and love - jan.dubauskas@hotmail.com Thank You!

Jan Dubauskas

3rd Vice President, Caring for America


M. Stephens & J. Alford: Political Legislative and Campaign Team

Thank you to everyone who has signed up to use the Request to Speak (RTS) program at the Arizona State Legislature. We are making an impact, and our legislators are hearing us! Many of our bills have made it through committee. This week is "crossover week" in the state legislature. Any bills that have been passed by the House will be sent to the Senate for approval and bills passed by the Senate must go to the House for approval. All other bills are considered dead and cannot go forward in the legislative process.  

There were 1629 bills introduced this session and only 326 are still active (193 House Bills and 133 Senate Bills). Only 1 bill has been sent to the Governor and signed so far.

You can make a difference in saving our country by becoming a Precinct Committeeman (PC). As a PC you will assist Republicans by getting the word out to your area. If interested, please contact Jamie Alford - jp.alford1@gmail.com, 480-282-1763 - who will help you with your petition which must be signed and turned in by April 1, 2024.  

Don't forget to visit our candidate petition table to help our candidates get on the ballot. They must file by April 1, 2024. Thanks to Bruce Linker for organizing the table.

Political Legislative and Campaign Team

Michele Stephens


Jamie Alford


Jan Stephenson & Valerie Mylowe: Education Committee

The Education Committee strongly supports State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Tom Horne, and his programs and focus, including:

  1. Against the use of Critical Race Theory in classrooms.
  2. Partnership with Prager University Foundation.
  3. Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA).
  4. Partnership with HealthCorps (a nonprofit co-founded by Mehmet Oz).

Superintendent Horne will be speaking at our PVRW April 17th meeting. Please plan to attend.

Our next Education Committee meeting will be held:

Friday, March 1st at 11:00 AM

Vito’s Pizza and Italian Ristorante

18221 N Pima Road, Scottsdale

We always welcome new members to our committee!

Education Committee Co-Chairs

Jan Stephenson 



Valerie Mylowe



Deb Oberhamer: Political Discussion Group, Book Club

PVRW Political Discussion Group

Vito’s Pizza and Italian Ristorante

18221 N Pima Road, Scottsdale

February 28th, 11:30 am

This is your chance to meet the conservative candidates for Scottsdale City Council and Mayor. Even though Scottsdale is overwhelmingly Republican, our City Council and Mayor are not. If we help elect these candidates, we can turn things around. You will hear from Jan Dubauskas, Adam Kwasman, Bob Lettieri, and Mason Gates who are running for Scottsdale City Council and Lisa Borowsky who is running for Mayor. We appreciate having great candidates who will represent our values and improve the administration of our city. Please join us to meet the candidates, hear what they want to do if elected and ask your questions in an intimate setting. This is a great opportunity to obtain the information needed to be prepared to vote.

March 27th, 11:30 am

Please mark your calendar for this PVRW Political Discussion Group so you can meet and hear from Scottsdale Unified School District Candidates.

PVRW Book Club

ABUSE AND POWER by Carter Page is this month’s book. We are excited that Carter’s mom, Rachel Page, will join us to share her thoughts and a mom’s perspective. Don’t miss this special book club meeting.

Thursday, March 7th, 12 NOON

Vito’s Pizza and Italian Ristorante

18221 N Pima Road, Scottsdale

Please RSVP for all events at deb.oberhamer@gmail.com. We hope you can join us!

Deb Oberhamer

Political Discussion Group and Book Club Chair


Joan Lang: Ways and Means

There is one major thing that sets Palo Verde Republican Women apart from all the other Republican Clubs in Arizona. That “thing” is the generosity of our members! Our members have always supported PVRW fund-raising efforts allowing us to always exceed our fund-raising goals.


This year we plan on supporting several worthy projects through our Palo Verde Community 501(c)(3). Your donation is tax deductible through our State and Federal Palo Verde Community, ID # 88-2977540.

For now, I would like to highlight two projects.

The first one is near and dear to me - Wreaths Across America (WAA). This organization started after 911 with a mission of placing a Christmas wreath on every veteran’s grave in every National cemetery across the Unites States and even those gravesites in Europe. They join with organizations like ours - and for our support, we receive $5.00 for each wreath we sell. If we could sell 1000 wreaths (our goal in the past few years), we would receive a $5000 check from WAA! Since the Covid shutdown, we have not met our goals. I’m praying that 2024 will be a banner year for PVRW - exceeding our target of 1000 wreaths. Did you know that there are 78,000 veterans and spouses interred at our Phoenix National Memorial Cemetery? Sadly, only about 1/3 of these gravesites are covered with a wreath each Christmas. We obviously cannot pay for 78,000 wreaths, but we can beat our goal of 1000! Please consider purchasing multiple wreaths, or perhaps a few a month until the cutoff date of November 25, 2024.

Our second project is the American Pride Library of Scottsdale. This is a grassroots project launched by parents to send patriotic books to Scottsdale Unified School districts for kindergarten through 12th grade libraries. Let's fill our classrooms and libraries with books that showcase honest stories about America's past, revealing the lessons learned from dark spots in our nation's history, and celebrating the accomplishments. These age-appropriate books will also give students a deeper understanding of the U.S. constitution and the wisdom of our Founding Fathers in establishing a government structure that

promotes equal opportunities for all. 

Donations made by February 29th

will be matched (up to $750) by a generous donor!

Thank you for your support - we cannot assist our community without you!

Joan Lang

PVRW Ways and Means Chair


Almighty God, the times we are in feel so uncertain.  We are battling fear and worry of the unknown, but we believe you are holding us and won't let us go.

We humble ourselves before you, aware of our need for you, believing in your great power. Help us to live strong and walk wisely. In your mighty name we pray.

At this time, PVRW lifts up Paula Linker and Carol Ann Quinn.  Lord God, bring comfort and healing to each of these individuals for you know their needs.

We are here for them and support them in their present circumstances.


Mary Reitz PVRW Chaplain

Check our online calendar for future events: PVRW Calendar

Upcoming PVRW Luncheon

Watch for Registration Details - March 1st!

March 20th - 11AM to 1:30PM

Candidate Speakers:

Maricopa County Sheriff - Jerry Sheridan and Mike Crawford

Board of Supervisors, District 2 - Michelle Ugenti-Rita

AZFRW President Pat Lorenzen


The Pavilion at McCormick Ranch Golf Club

7505 McCormick Parkway, Scottsdale, AZ

March 1st - 11AM: Arizona March for Life

June 13-15

AzFRW BOD Meeting and Membership Conference

Save the Date!

Reservation information will be communicated at a later date.

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Editor: Cherryl McDougall

Photographer: Sue Frandson
