Volume 9 | Issue 6 | February 2024 | |
Celebrating Black Artists from the Midwest | African American artists from Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana have made significant contributions to the world of art, leaving a lasting impact on the industry. As we celebrate Black History Month in our schools, we want to support the theme of African Americans and the Arts. To this end, we have gathered some notable artists we encourage you to educate and celebrate with your students. | | |
Charles McGee, a Detroit-based painter and sculptor known for his abstract and geometric works. McGee's art often explores themes of identity, history, and social justice, reflecting his experiences as an African American artist. His pieces can be found in various museums and public spaces, showcasing his talent and unique perspective. | | |
Nikola Welcome-Bovell is a talented artist hailing from Ohio, known for their captivating and thought-provoking pieces. Their artwork often explores themes of identity, culture, and societal issues, drawing inspiration from their surroundings and personal experiences. With a unique artistic style that blends various techniques and mediums, Nikola Welcome-Bovell's work has garnered attention and admiration from art enthusiasts and critics alike. Their creative vision and passion for art shine through in each piece, making them a notable figure in the Ohio art scene. | | In Indiana, David Driskell stands out as a prominent artist and art historian whose work focuses on the African American experience and culture. Driskell's paintings and collages often incorporate elements of African art and symbolism, creating powerful visual narratives that celebrate heritage and resilience. As a scholar, he has also made significant contributions to the study of African American art, influencing generations of artists and researchers. | |
These artists from the Midwest have not only enriched the art world with their creativity but have also challenged norms and sparked important conversations about race, history, and representation.
If you are looking for some more information about other African America artists from your area or events to encourage your students to visit in celebrating African Americans and the Arts, please consider the links below to help get your search started.
Detour Detroit
BLAC Detroit
Secret Detroit
My Columbus Magic
Toledo Black Artist Coalition
Ohio Digital Network
Indy Arts Guide
The Indianapolis Public Library: African American Artists
The Indianapolis Public Library: Meet the Artists XXXIV
| Celebrating Black History Month in Education | Staff and students at Mildred C Wells Academy (MCWA) are dressing up, decorating doors and even celebrating Black History Month in their group essays as they research historical figures like Bessie Colman, Ruby Bridges and George Washington Carver. | | |
César Chávez Academy High School (CCAHS) designed bulletin boards to showcase the rich cultural heritage, resilience and diversity within the African American community. The boards have highlighted influential figures, pivotal moments, and inspirational quotes, creating an immersive learning environment that encourages reflection, dialogue, and empowerment. Their goal is to inspire curiosity, promote inclusivity and honor the enduring legacy of African Americans in shaping our collective history. | | |
At Academy for Business & Technology Middle School (ABTMH) the students kicked off Black History Month by visiting the Historic Second Baptist Church and The Underground Railroad. Middle school teacher, Damion Jackson stated, "This gem and history walk experience is phenomenal. If you have not yet scheduled a field trip here, do so." Our students and staff had a great time. | | |
A variety of celebrations has been underway at Saginaw Preparatory Academy (SPA). Students dressed as their future selves for Fast Forward Day during spirit week, where we saw a baseball player, a doctor, and a police officer, among other bright futures. Adding to the Black History Month festivities, SPA students painted their hand prints for an art project honoring Martin Luther King Jr. reflecting on the poem With My Own Two Hands. | | |
César Chávez Academy Lower Elementary (CCALE) has fused Black History Month into their learning by providing their dedicated staff with engaging activities and lessons to help the young learners to understand the significance of the trailblazing African Americans. Each day is started by highlighting historic leaders in the black community through their virtual morning announcements. CCALE reached beyond the classroom and involved families in their celebrations as they post biographies of the featured historic leaders on the Class Dojo page to allow parents to learn alongside their children and engage in conversations at home. | | |
Academy for Business & Technology Elementary (ABTE) participates in a number of activities throughout the month to celebrate Black History. Each week, students have the opportunity to participate in guessing who the figure in African American history is based on a photo and biography on the bulletin board, and winners are announced every Friday afternoon. Notable quotes are heard daily after morning announcements. There are art contests and a writing contest and the month is wrapped up with a Black History program where each class will present a recitation of poetry, songs, short skits or living history museum. | | |
At George Crockett Academy (GCA) students are creating African masks and Kente clothes in art class. At the end of the month, parents are invited to a Black History Month program where students will showcase all the hard work they put in. | | |
César Chávez Academy Middle School (CCAMS) is celebrating Black History Month in many ways. Each morning, they share a quote from a famous African American scientist, inventor, artist, leader, or activist. They are also showing daily slides in homeroom classes highlighting contributions from various African American people as well as participating in daily activities that allow everyone to learn more about Black History. | | |
Hope of Detroit Academy Elementary & Middle High Schools have brightened the halls with door decorations highlighting influential African American figures. | | |
César Chávez Academy Upper Elementary has placed Black History profiles throughout the school through their digital displays and posts to their social media and Class Dojo daily. They are also providing activities weekly for teachers to work on with their students and all students will receive Black History bookmarks, pencils and activity books to continue their learning. | | |
Northridge Academy (NA) has brought life to the halls in celebration with decorated bulletin boards exposing students to facts and information while encouraging them to celebrate their own black heritage. | | |
Celebrate Black History, Love, and More With SIS February Classroom Resources
From Black History Month to Valentine’s Day, February brings a lot of great reasons to celebrate, and the U.S. Census Bureau’s Statistics in Schools (SIS) program has plenty of resources to help bring excitement about real-world data to your classroom.
Test your students’ knowledge about the African American population in recognition of Black History month; share Fun Facts about Valentine’s Day; and have students explore leaders past and present with a warm-up activity on Presidents’ Day. These tools will help you incorporate U.S. Census Bureau data into your lessons while students are learning about these important observances.
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Test Your Knowledge on Facts About Black History Month
Do your students know which state had the fastest-growing African American population in 2021? Get their brains in gear with the Black History Month Kahoot! game. Hint: There are clues in our related Fun Facts handout.
The handout includes information about the origin of Black History Month, birthplace populations of famous African Americans, and more. The accompanying teaching guide provides grade-level appropriate ways to further the discussion, from a writing exercise about students’ favorite music artist to creative thinking opportunities based on a bulletin written by W.E.B. Du Bois, a sociologist, historian, civil rights activist, and the first African American to earn a doctorate.
Take a quick dive into the educational attainment of the U.S. Black population with the 5-Minute Challenge Warm-Up Activity. This activity allows students to explore the percentages of different age groups and education levels of the African American population compared to national averages.
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February 14 – Valentine's Day
Love is all around us! The Valentine’s Day Fun Facts shares interesting information such as: the history of this special day; the median age of women and men at their first marriage; cities and towns with the loveliest names – and more. Review the teaching guide to find ways to expand students’ thinking on topics. Examples include engaging students in a debate about marriage ages or creating a visual representation of a data point in the fact sheet.
For some added fun, share this Love by the Numbers 5-Minute Challenge Warm-Up Activity with your students. Use the Fun Facts to find some of the answers to the clues and complete the crossword puzzle.
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February 20 – Presidents Day
Commemorate the occasion of Presidents’ Day with the 5-Minute Challenge Warm-Up Activity. For this activity, students review a map of the United States that lists U.S. presidents by the first inauguration date in their state (or colony before 1776) of birth. They then identify trends and discuss what they’ve learned with the rest of the class.
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on Social Media
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We are entering our eighth Teacher Hall of Fame Induction for the 2023-2024 school year, which allows The Leona Group to recognize all of the exceptional things teachers are doing in our schools. Without teachers who continue to strive for excellence, we would not be able to carry out our company's mission to provide a quality education for students and families.
School leaders, assistant leaders and instructional coaches are asked to submit nominations for monthly teacher hall of fame candidates for the 2023-2024 school year. We will have a Primary Teacher Category for grades K-5 and a Secondary Teacher Category for grades 6-12. These nominations are based on school leaders' observations in their locations. It is up to them to honor a teacher that they feel embodies the spirit of their school's mission. Once the nomination is sent electronically to The Leona Group Department of Academic Achievement, the team reviews the nominees and bases their decision on who best embodies the spirit of The Leona Group and academic success.
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Sara Khansa
Academy for Business & Technology M/H
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Ms. Sarah Khansa is a widely loved teacher at The Academy for Business Technology Middle/High School (ABT M/H). Whether in or outside of the classroom, you can find Ms. Khansa interacting with students with a smile on her face. Her classroom immerses students in an engaging atmosphere that has reignited a love for learning Spanish at ABT M/H.
The positive impact that Ms. Khansa has at ABT M/H is immeasurable. She is always willing to assist where needed and often serves as a trusted, listening ear to our students. Ms. Khansa consistently shows kindness and genuine love to everyone she meets. Her passion is not only about her students excelling in Spanish, but in all subjects both inside and outside of the classroom. “We are so fortunate to have Ms. Khansa as a part of the ABT Gator Nation family! Gracias Ms. Khansa for all that you are and all that you do,” said Carmen Willingham, school leader at ABT M/H.
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Jacqueline Fuller
Saginaw Preparatory Academy
First Grade
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Mrs. Jacquline Fuller is an exceptional first-grade teacher at Saginaw Preparatory Academy (SPA). Her enthusiasm for teaching makes her classroom a dynamic and engaging environment. Mrs. Fuller is always finding new research-based strategies to assist her students in learning everything from phonics to math and many more. She continuously elevates the standards of teaching and inspires others to do the same.
Mrs. Fuller encourages and supports her fellow educators with her unwavering dedication and passion for teaching. She sets an example by fostering a collaborative environment and motivating others to excel in their teaching roles. “She stands out for her willingness to share a variety of innovative ideas and teaching strategies. Her open-minded approach allows her colleagues to adapt and implement these methods, leading to improved classroom experiences for all students,” said Ashley Thayer, instructional coach at SPA.
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Ethan Rule
César Chávez Academy Middle School
Seventh Grade Social Studies
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Mr. Ethan Rule is an outstanding educator at Cesar Chavez Academy Middle School (CCAM). Serving as both an exceptional athletic director and a passionate teacher, Mr. Rule’s dedication to all things CCAM demonstrates his commitment to the well-rounded success of his students. Mr. Rule’s innovative approach in organizing the first CCAM social studies night showcases his commitment to enhancing the educational experience beyond traditional methods.
Mr. Rule's dedication to education is evident in his reflective and student-centric approach. His commitment to improving students' lives goes beyond traditional teaching duties, as he consistently seeks ways to connect with them on a more personal level. “Mr. Rule's self-awareness and continuous efforts to improve make him a valuable asset to the academic community, deserving of recognition and nomination,” said Victoria Adams, instructional coach at CCAM.
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Omayra Romero
Hope of Detroit Academy Elementary
Second Grade
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Mrs. Omayra Romero is a natural leader and an exceptional educator at Hope of Detroit Academy Elementary (HoDAE). Mrs. Romero cultivates a positive, strong classroom community that motivates and encourages her students to be successful. Her classroom routines keep students engaged and ensure that students come to school eager to learn.
Mrs. Romero takes time to build relationships with her students, and their parents, and is constantly advocating for students. She takes extra time to collaborate with her fellow teachers to ensure that students are always receiving quality instruction. "Students often share that they learn a lot from being in her class. One student said he didn't think he could learn, but Mrs. Romero showed him that he could,” said Melody Moore, assistant school leader at HoDAE.
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Department Updates & Reminders | |
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and The National Security Agency (NSA) warn that cyber actors are pre-positioning themselves for future disruptive and destructive cyber attacks. That syncs with the influx of phishing emails we have received at the Leona Group recently. If you receive a suspicious email please utilize the orange Phish Alert Button in your Gmail to report it to our cyber security team.
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Midwest Department of Academic Achievement Website: | |
Please explore our website and find pertinent items at your fingertips to help ensure academic success! Save the link in your bookmarks to access it on the fly! | |
Do you have news to share? We'd love to hear from you! | |
The Leona Group, 2125 University Park Drive, Okemos, MI 48864 | | | | |