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Service Recordings

Giving Link

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Peace Center

Our Fellowship meets every Sunday (September - May) at 10:00 am at the

Headwaters Peace Center 

1826 Mikrantip Rd SW

Bemidji, MN 56601 

For more information contact: 

Join us by zoom using the link above or following this sign-in information:

Meeting ID: 960 3461 6935 Call in number: 1 (312) 626 6799

Click here for Google directions

February 4, 2024

Two Spirits: Minorities Within Minorities

speaker - Arnold Dahl-Wooley

coordinator - Barb Houg

Arnold Dahl-Wooley, a Two Spirit member of the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe, will share the rich history and culture of LGBTQ+ in Native American culture. Through this presentation, he will aim to educate and inspire others to embrace diversity and inclusivity in our modern society. Join him in celebrating the unique contributions of Two Spirit people and promoting acceptance for all.

***Please note: Our order of service will be significantly altered for this service to allow for Arnold’s full hour-long presentation. Please note the ending time may be slightly after 11:00 a.m. Also, Barb will read joys and concerns that are submitted to her via email or on paper the day of the service. Her email address is

February 11, 2024

Justice and Equity: This I Believe

coordinator - Amy Hartwell

During this service we will hear from a couple of our youth

about their beliefs on Justice and Equity. 

We have Hayden Stauffacher, a sixth grader at Schoolcraft Learning Community. He lives in Bemidji with his mom, brother, 2 cats and 2 guinea pigs. He has been a member of HUUF since he was born and enjoys attending because it's a place of all beliefs. He loves the idea that everyone is welcome no matter what they believe or who they are and that HUUF supports him as he works for peace.

We also have Eli Hartwell, a 10th grader at BHS. Eli has been a member of HUUF since he was 3. He is interested in welding and Law Enforcement. He hopes to use his passion for Law Enforcement for Justice. 

February 18, 2024

A story about the fight for Justice and Equity

of Indigenous People  

     speaker - Glenda Duhamel

Glenda has been granted permission to share the family story; history and fight of her friend, sister and mentor. The story brings to life the history of our Indigenous people. Their systems insured justice, equity and inclusion in their society, clans and families.

Colonization brought about genocide, broken treaties and culture erasure practices.

This story focuses on a story that took place in the 1970’s forward and includes examples of how the fight for justice and equity continues today.

February 25. 2024

Let Us Make This Earth a Heaven

speaker - Tony Larson

coordinator - Tricia Andrews


Let us make this earth a heaven, right here, right now.

Who knows what existences death will bring?

Let us create a heaven here on earth 

where love and truth and justice reign. 

Rev. Tess Baumberger

HUUF welcomes Reverend Tony Larson, minister emeritus with Olympia Brown UU Church in Racine, Wisconsin as he reflects on justice, equity, and community action. Rev. Larson has been active in a host of vital organizations for more than five decades supporting his community's LGBT Center, Southeast Wisconsin AIDs Center, NAMI-Racine, and Sexual Assault Services among others.

February 4th- Arnold Dahl-Wooley

February 25th- Tony Larson

February - Welcome to The Gifts of Justice and Equity!

Sunday Feb 4 - What is Equality, Equity and Justice?

On February 4 children will be welcomed to RGL at 10:00am for the hour of service. There will not be a Story for All Ages as the format will be different this Sunday. Children will be in RGL for the entire service. During this time we will finish January’s theme and begin February’s theme. We will explore what the words justice and equity mean and how they differ. We also include the word equality, since that is familiar to children in this context.

Feb 11 - The Gift of Building Better Relationships

We explore how justice and equity relate to our personal relationships, such as with our family and friends. Sunday’s service involves children as guest speakers. Children may wish to not attend RGL and listen to the speakers message.

Feb 18 - The Gift of Building a Better World

We explore how we build a better world so that justice and equity are a part of society. Whereas last session, we focused on bringing justice and equity into our personal relationships, now we are focusing on bringing justice and equity to our societal structures. And since this month is Black History Month, we get at this by focusing on how African-Americans have led the way in bringing justice and equity to our country and how uncovering the unjust parts of our US history is also a way of addressing the harm of our US past.

Feb 25 - The Gift of Joy

We explore how justice and equity can move us to Beloved Community. We celebrate the joy and exhilaration we feel when a Beloved Community exists.

Susanne Rabel

Phone 218-209-7155


Meet the Member: Sarah Baker

I was raised in southern Minnesota, living outside of Rochester in a small housing development that framed my world for 2 decades. My home was filled with kids as my mother was the neighborhood babysitter and my brother and I were her helpers, sometimes when we came home from school. We would entertain the kids with our version of the Ed Sullivan Show or the Smothers Brothers. I was comfortable with putting on shows and getting up in front of people. Our little community was filled with only a couple of pieces of information about you, like whether or not you were German or Norweigan and whether you were a Catholic or Lutheran. A safe community with little diversity. I had a beautiful set of loving and compassionate parents, a cool older brother, and a small community of like-minded people. 

Then I moved to Bemidji in 1975 and found the forests, lakes and rivers, and gravel country roads that opened my eyes to a new world. The plan was to stay until I graduated but since I fell in love with nature and the people, I am still here.. Raising 2 adult kids who live here with my 4 FUN and busy grandkids. 

I had friends who attended HUUF and after trying two Lutheran churches where I didn’t feel at home and didn’t have a spiritual connection. I finally walked into HUUF in 2017. I immediately found the community and connection I was looking for. There is an acceptance of interesting folks and shared values that I feel are necessary for growth and love.

3 things about me.

I love music: singing, and dancing whenever I can.

I have worked in the field of mental health for almost 50 years, and adjunct faculty for 25 years. I continue to work part-time and I learn more every day from the brave folks and families who seek help managing life stressors and dealing with emotional distress.

Oh, and I like to talk (surprise?) And I like to listen. I’m the “chatty lady” sitting next to you on the bus and I have found most people will share when they feel safe and not judged. 

Stewardship-Being a steward of the fellowship means volunteering your time to help make our programs happen, offering your talents wherever you can be of use, and making a financial commitment each year to support the work of the fellowship (we often call this pledging). 

HUUF begins it's annual Canvas/Stewardship campaign on March 10th. Look for more information to come and begin to think about what part or parts you can play.

Contact a member of the Canvas/Stewardship team with any questions.

Nancy Mason, Susanne Rabel or Brent McWithey

Here's a podcast you might like to listen to.

Linsey McMurrin, executive director of Peacemaker Resources, is one of the hosts on this podcast which just released its third season.

This series highlights Native American resilience through and beyond trauma… exploring concepts, science, history, culture, stories and practices that we are working with as we seek to shape a future for our children and our grandchildren that is defined not by what we have suffered, but what we have overcome.

Click here to get to podcast link or find the podcast on your own podcast app.

We helped!!! Thank you!

During the month of January we passed an extra basket around the fellowship each Sunday to raise money for the Backpack Buddies Program run by United Way, Bemidji. Thank you to all who were able to donate. We raised a total of $397!

Moon Circle Gathering

February 24th

Join Angie Ness and Amy Hartwell for a “Moon Circle Gathering”.

Let’s celebrate the full moon on Saturday, February 24th with learning, sharing and healing. Together we’ll gather in a circle and explore the magic of the Moon Energy and how we can use it for our own self-healing, self-care and self-love. 

Angie will share some self-care herbal recipes and make Moon Milk to sample. We’ll finish off with a full moon ritual to end the evening. 

Bring a snack to share and a pen and notepad. Herbal teas will also be provided. 

Date: Saturday, February 24

Time: 4pm-6pm

Place: Headwaters Peace Center

If you have any questions, please contact:

Angie Ness at (503) 200-0494 cell.

The facilities committee will be meeting at the Peace Center at 4 pm on Monday, February 19, 2024 (President's Day). We would love to expand the participants in this committee, so please consider joining us.

Also, if anyone is interested in chairing this committee please let me know. I can be contacted at I plan to stay involved with this committee, but need to have someone take the lead. 

Don't Forget!!

If you plan on using the Peace Center for any reason please make sure to reserve your space by following the calendar link at the top of every newsletter.

Join us in helping Bob Warren celebrate his 85th circle around the sun!

Wednesday, February 14th

Headwaters Peace Center

4 pm - ??

We'll enjoy a meal together so plan to bring a dish to share. Everyone is welcome! No gifts (although Bob never turns down small donations of chocolate.)

Questions? Contact Paula Peters or Nancy Mason

Social Justice

The Social Justice Committee will meet following the service on February 11th. A small group of Social Justice participants met a few times with Katie Kline from MUUSJA (Social Justice organization from UUA). Katie is helping us find ways to jumpstart the Social Justice committee. She's given us some ideas as to what first steps we might want to take. If you are interested in being a part of that conversation join us on February 11th. Contact Sarah Baker with any questions.

social justice

UUA Article II Study Commission

Final Proposed Revisions of the UUA Bylaws

After extensive engagement with UUs across our faith tradition, the Article II Study Commission have completed their Final Proposed Revision to Article II of the UUA Bylaws. A link to the final document is included at the end of this article. This link also includes information about submitting any new amendments. There is a deadline of 5pm ET on February 1, 2024 for submitting any new amendments.

At the UUA General Assembly 2024, UUA's will come together and vote on whether to adopt this revision as the new Article II of the UUA Bylaws.

Final Proposed Revision to Article II

HUUF Committee Links

HUUF Board

Social Justice



Peace Center

Board Members

Candy Roberts-Salter - President

Laura Dropps - Treasurer

Nancy Mason - Secretary

Deedee Buetner- Trustee

Allison Cease- Trustee

Mike Bjerk - Trustee

Amy Hartwell- Trustee

Jennifer Dunham - Trustee

Committee Chairs

Sunday Sacred Service- Maggie Carlson and Tricia Andrews

Newsletter- Nancy Mason


Membership- Paula Peters

    Caring Team- Nancy Benson and Deedee Buettner

Canvass- Brent McWithey

Facilities - Sean Dunham

Facilities Rental - Candy Roberts-Salter

Religious Growth and Learning- Susanne Rabel

Social Justice- Sarah Baker and Mike Bjerk

Finance- Brent McWithey

Technology - Fred Foresman

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