PMINYC Monthly Newsletter Returns!

We're back! - Be on the lookout in your email box the second Wednesday of every month!

We took some time to get organized, restructure, and welcome our new Chapter Leaders - Frank Donatelli, VP Administration & Operations; Yasmin Solomon, VP Strategic Planning; Kristen Zarcadoolas, VP Professional Development: and our new President, Kim Beynon!

From now on, we will continue sending monthly community updates to inform you about the upcoming events, opportunities, and connect with our community! Thank you for your patience and welcome to 2023's PMINYC!


Consulting Skills for Project Managers

Webinar Course

Wednesday, Feb 15, 2023

6:30 PM - 7:30 PM (Virtual)

In February, rather than a monthly Chapter meeting, we will be offering you an on-demand course. This course will provide you with the tools and techniques to improve your project management consulting skills. It reinforces good business practices for reaching and maintaining agreements with key stakeholders with a focus on gathering and managing requirements, the five stages of negotiation, and the five phases of project consulting.

Bonus: Earn 1 PDU! (0.5 Power Skills; 0.25 Ways of Working; 0.25 Business Acumen)


Project Management on TikTok -

Wait... What just happened ?

Chapter Meeting

Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023

5:45 PM - 8:00 PM (In-Person)

Join us for our monthly Chapter Meeting featuring guest speaker, Colin Rice! Colin is a NYC-based digital strategist and consultant. He will speak on the creator economy and the new future of work, drawing on his own experiences growing an audience online to 60k+ and collaborating with global brands such as TikTok, Google, Notion, and Glassdoor to generate millions of views.

Bonus: Earn 1 PDU in Power Skills!





"Team Building and Motivation” Webinar

If you missed this event, it's not too late to enjoy on-demand access for those who registered for this online webinar from IIL featuring training consultant, Keith Wilson. You have until the end of February to access the event. *Note: the true start time of the webinar is 13:54.

Register Here

More from IIL Advantage Program

Take advantage of all IIL's virtual learning courses and member benefits with the link below! The Advantage Program is a partnership between IIL and PMINYC.

Learn More


Switching it up: A Snapshot of the Agile Framework Made Playful by Frank Donatelli

What are some ways you can avoid monotony in one Agile practice, the Daily Standup? Why would it benefit you to do so? Frank Donatelli guides us through a typical Daily Standup with Agile. Published by Arrayo, a data security services provider.

Read More

Congratulations, Mika Arai!

Architect turned UI/UX Designer and our Director of Design for PMINYC, Mika has been hard at work to complete Designlab's UX Academy! She will also be redesigning our new PMINYC website so stay tuned!

See her on Linkedin





Kim Beynon

To our PMINYC community,

My first month in office has been a flurry of activity befitting New York City. So in New York fashion, let's just jump in and get started.

The 2023 focus for the Chapter falls into four categories:

  1. Enhancing Communications
  2. Building Community
  3. Overhauling Governance
  4. Achieving Operational Excellence

Let's dive into one of those areas today, enhancing communications, and what it means for you. 

Bringing Back the Newsletter

In a survey conducted last autumn, you told us:

  • 87% of respondents prefer to hear about events & offerings through the newsletter
  • 8% of respondents told us that the single most important thing that would add value to their membership is better communications

We listened. As the first step in improving communications, we have refreshed the newsletter and are committed to publication on a consistent monthly basis.  

Join our Social Media Team!

We are also in the process of putting together a crack social media team! If you are interested in volunteering in this capacity, please reach out to me directly,

2023 February Pulse Survey

In the same survey, we asked what influences your decision to attend an event or meeting:

  • 75% of respondents stated location 
  • 85% the day of the week of the event 

Now, we are conducting a pulse survey to learn a bit more about your preferences as we plan events for the coming year. Please respond so we can give you what you want. 

Active Listening In-Person Training

We also asked what are the top soft skills on which you would like training - 15% asked for active listening and preferred an in-person class or workshop. As part of the mentoring series of workshops, we will be holding an exclusive workshop on active listening for a small group of 20 at Chief's Flagship Clubhouse in the Flatiron district - you must be hosted by a Member to be on the premises - so this is your opportunity to see the venue! Sign up today!

Quarterly Town Hall

Finally, we will be holding quarterly Town Halls. Please sign up here for our first quarter Town Hall and let us know what you think.

I am listening.

Until next month…

Kind regards,


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