Welcome to Life Network's

February 2023 Newsletter

We are grateful to be in this ministry with you!

Stay connected to My Life Clinic through

these monthly updates.

In January at My Life Clinic...

We saw 53

total clients

Performed 23 Pregnancy Tests

Performed 20


Held our first 4 classes/groups of the Spring semester, including...

  • Breastfeeding 101
  • Baby Sign Language
  • Infant CPR and First Aid
  • Pregnancy Support Group

173 Boutique Items Sold

Our boutique is fully stocked by your donations! Drop off any baby items at the clinic in our normal business hours

Clinic Story

In late fall, one of our long-time volunteers, Jan, came to our team with the idea of a Pregnancy Support Group. This would create a place to foster relationships between our clients, provide a place to vent and be heard.

Since then, Jan has met with a handful of girls and their partners twice a month, encouraging them in a variety of ways!

Here more about this experience from Jan...

"My name is Jan Bowman and I volunteer at My Life Clinic. 

This year I started a pregnancy support group with our clients. We meet two times a month for an hour.  Each time we introduce ourselves and the women share how far along they are in their pregnancies, before jumping into some questions to get conversation going. The conversations I’ve been a part of have been so life-giving to hear.

To my surprise, the women and men I have talked with have been very open! At the end of the questions I ask if anyone wants to talk about anything else. One week a girl said she hadn’t told  her parents about her pregnancy yet, and she was so nervous. I threw it back out to the group of other girls and asked for suggestions. It was so moving to watch the women bond and encourage each other.  One woman even suggested taking the sonogram picture to show her parents the baby, and to stand strong and show them her conviction in not aborting. I could feel the girls connect.  

Often I get couples that come in and I especially love those times. We were talking one week about favorite books to read and the man said his is, “If you give a mouse a cookie” and that they plan to teach their child to speak Spanish and English, as his family is Hispanic. The next time I met with them I gave them a Spanish version of that book and a mouse stuffed animal and he smiled from ear to ear.  Then he hugged me. 

It is a privilege to meet, talk, and pray with our clients.  Hopefully they are comforted and encouraged by someone who will listen to them and support them in any way we can.  The clinic truly reaches out into our community to let the women who choose to save their babies feel loved and cared for. I am just thankful for the opportunity to serve.



Coming up on the

Life Network Calendar...

Saturday, April 15th

Join us for our first annual,

Life Network Pickle Ball Tournament!

Starting at 9am on April 15th, we will play through both social and competitive brackets.

Grab a partner and mark your calendar for this fun new event supporting My Life Clinic.

More Information

Please email Cassidy at cassidy@mylifeclinic.org for interest in sponsoring the tournament

Donation Request

Fund a Refurnish

We are looking for a group of people to fund a refurnish of our classroom at

My Life Clinic! This project is estimated to cost $750.

Please reach out to Cassidy at cassidy@mylifeclinic.org for interest and more information

Volunteer Opportunities

Weekly Volunteers

We are always in need of volunteers to sort Baby Boutique donations, help stuff packets and other projects around the clinic.

Email here to learn more...

Pray With Us

Our prayer team meets every Tuesday, at 11am, to pray over our clinic and clients.

Email here to receive the weekly prayer requests

Become a Parent Mentor

Meet once a week, one-on-one with a client to help them navigate parenthood.

Email here for interest

Help Extend Our Reach!

Connect with us on social media

Facebook  Instagram  Web

Thank you for being a part of this mission & ministry!

Tune in on the 1st of each month for updates from,