February 2022
Nominate a Sustainability Champion
The SGP Sustainability Champion program recognizes its Community Members for outstanding efforts in making the environment a better place to work and live. An SGP Sustainability Champion is committed to positive change, shows passion through leadership, and exemplifies environmental stewardship and activism. Champions look beyond immediate, short-term goals and are committed to making an impact in a larger context. 

Nominate an employee of an SGP Certified Facility, SGP Patron, SGP Brand Leader or SGP Resource Partner by April 1, 2022. The winner(s) will be announced on Earth Day 2022 (April 22).

Please submit nominations via Champions Nomination Form.
Missed the recent webinars?
No problem! They're archived!

Shutterfly, the leading e-commerce brand and manufacturing platform for personalized products and custom designs, announced it was named one of America’s Best Employers of 2022 by Forbes magazine. All four of Shutterfly's manufacturing facilities are also SGP certified.

“It is a tremendous honor to be named a top employer in America by Forbes,” said Sharon Segev, Chief People and Legal Officer for Shutterfly. “What makes this achievement so meaningful is that the ranking is based largely on whether our employees would recommend Shutterfly to friends and family. It’s a recognition that reflects the collective efforts of each and every one of our team members to create a collaborative, diverse, inclusive, and values-driven culture. Against the backdrop of a tumultuous and difficult 2021, knowing that our employees are proud to be part of the Shutterfly family of brands is deeply gratifying and I’m looking forward to seeing what we accomplish together next.”

SGP certification now includes suppliers and manufacturers in the printing industry
SGP's updated version 4.0 criteria became effective Jan. 1, 2022. It maintains a focus on the three pillars – societal, economic, and environmental – through the development, implementation and documentation of a robust sustainability management system (SMS) and series of best practices. Read more
SGP Facility - Recertified
Digital Color Concepts - Mountainside, NJ
since 2015
SGP Facility - Recertified
Smyth - Bedford, VA
since 2019
Call for Presentations
Have a topic to share with the SGP Community? The new Sustainability Academy will host regular educational webinars on topics that can elevate your sustainability programs and inspire or help others on their sustainability journey. We are looking for topics and speakers. If you have an idea or presentation, please submit it.

Industry insights from FLEXcon
Vinyl (PVC) has long been popular in the durable labeling arena. As its environmental effects become more apparent and less tolerated around the globe, however, many manufacturers are looking for alternative label materials to take its place wherever possible. Polypropylene (PP) films are quickly taking center stage to fill that gap in both primary labeling and advertising. For durable labeling, however, vinyl has remained a mainstay because the market is yet to see a polypropylene that meets performance requirements…until now.

Donate to
SGP Foundation
SGP Foundation Inc. is a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to providing education on sustainable practices for the printing industry and sister organization to SGP. Include SGP Foundation in your corporate giving programs. Make tax-deductible donations.

Join the #SustainableFuture Campaign
Be part of the SGP campaign and share your thoughts about sustainability. SGP will post the quotes on Twitter and LinkedIn as part of our social media content for 2022. Share your thoughts & a photo. Campaign Form
Kierstan Thomann has top ranking on SGP #sustainablefuture campaign
The #sustainablefuture campaign has 45 tweets rotating on a monthly basis. Kierstan Thomann´s Tweet has more than 10K impressions since July 2021. Other top tweets are Jordan Darragh, PrintReleaf, Doug Oakes, Yunkers and Kristin Spanier, Shawmut.