When our kids were little (I’m in denial that our youngest is nine now!) they were so excited about giving a present to someone that they would often end up “helping” the recipient open it. That’s the way I feel as I send you this latest edition of our newsletter! I wish I was sitting right there next to you, helping you unwrap each of these stories by telling you the amazing “backstory” behind each one. Through videos, pictures and words, you will see this month's story of God’s continual, amazing work through this ministry . . . stories of students reached, leaders trained and multiplied, and tangible needs met. But most of all, it points to the bigger story . . . the story of our Redeemer . . . the One who invites each of us to join Him on this journey of rescue, restoration, and renewal.
Billy Banda with young children
Billy and Moses baptizing students
Mentoring in Malawi . . .

Billy Banda is the Reach Out Country Leader in Malawi. Billy’s testimony speaks to several men that God used in his life to lead and mentor him to the place where he eventually began leading the Reach Out training in his country. Now, mentoring has become ingrained in Billy’s life. One of the men he has been mentoring is Moses. In our training material, we teach “The Progression of the Leadership Team” (I do it. I do it and they are with me. They do it and I am with them. They do it and I am in the background to encourage.) Thank you, Billy, for leading by example!
Widows receiving aid in Kenya
Click VIDEO to hear thanks!
Charles Juma + A Christmas Eve Like No Other . . .

On December 24, Charles Juma led an effort to minister to people in one of the poorest villages in Kenya. He was able to gather together 19 widows who are HIV positive, who also have children under their care. These women were unaware as to why they were being brought together, but our team on the ground had discovered that they were without any food to provide their families for Christmas. We threw a party for them, shared the Gospel, and gave them baskets of food and gifts. As they were handed the food, they lifted their baskets up and thanked God for giving them and their children a reason to smile on Christmas Day. Ten of the widows were saved during Charles’ time with them. Several children also asked Jesus into their hearts as Lord and Savior. Here is a short video of the response of one of the widows that day.
Ukraine ROYS Leader Retreat
Repentence Prayer at Event
Click VIDEO of this Evangelical Event
Amazing Testimonies from Ukraine . . .

Christina, our Country Leader in Ukraine, shared a variety of Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry experiences with us… through the eyes of those impacted. 

After Ukraine's "National Reach Out Leader Retreat":
Nastya: “God provided for me, covered my transportation expenses, and my heart has been set on fire for the ministry again.”
Cler: “Now that I grasp the whole idea of being equipped in this strategy, I would like to be trained on how to build an effective discipleship-oriented youth ministry.”
Andrey: “I came so exhausted from doing ministry, to be in the atmosphere of prayer and encouragement and great knowledge was so refreshing.”
Lena: “The JFYM strategy was an eye-opening moment for me.”
Upon completing JFYM while online with several others during quarantine:

Olya: “I was amazed at how big the community of youth leaders is great to become a part of it.”
Following an evangelistic event for students in December where many were saved:
Sasha: “We felt so strongly the presence of the Lord from the very minute we started the event, and a big part of that was the prayer strategy and two months of praying and preparing for the event. The Holy Spirit is stirring in the community and teens are hungry for God.”
Thank you for fueling this ministry with your prayers and financial provision. As you can see through the stories this month, you have not only been an integral part of displaying “pure and genuine religion” (James 1:27NLT), but of also fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) all over the world!
We are now combining our monthly newsletter with the monthly prayer letter, providing even more people the opportunity to join us as we pray over the needs and thank God for the blessings throughout this ministry each month.
Jesus is Lord,