February 2018
   What's Happening this month:

February 4th -- Super Bowl--we have your snacks! 
Savory Bar Mix is our most popular snack for parties.
February 14th -- Valentine's Day and Double Point Day! .
We have plenty of chocolates in stock for your Sweetheart, but shop early before the best selection is gone. We have both Russell Stover and Abdallah chocolates in a variety of sizes and assortments to please your loved ones!
Flu Season

It seems like we cannot stop talking about the flu this year! Influenza is still widespread across the United States.  This year, young children and older adults are being particularly hard hit with the flu. We have flu vaccine available if you are still in need of a flu shot. Unfortunately, flu season can last into April, so at this point it is still better to protect yourself with a shot instead of not having the shot at all, especially if you live or work around young children and older adults.
Remember, Hopkins Center Drug is now able to test you for strep throat and influenza. If the rapid tests come back positive, we will be able to offer you an antibiotic or antiviral prescription per a collaborative agreement protocol we have with a physician. Coming to Center Drug for the test will save you time, and you won't have to sit in a waiting room full of other sick individuals. Please visit our website at www.centerdrug.com for more information on our Point of Care testing.
February is Heart Health Month !

Each year, about 610,000 Americans die of heart disease, and over 700,000 Americans have a heart attack. Those are some scary statistics, but the good news is that with a few lifestyle changes you can have a big impact on your heart disease risk. Making heart-healthy choices, knowing your family history and the risk factors for heart disease can help you prevent becoming one of those statistics.

Here are a few ways that you can take control of your heart health:

*Find time to be active each day for at least 30 minutes.

*Make healthy eating a habit. Eat less saturated fat and trans fat. Reduce your sodium intake by choosing 'low-sodium' or 'no salt added' options, and eat more fiber (vegetables, fruits and whole grains). 

*Quit smoking

*Know your numbers, both blood pressure and cholesterol. If your doctor has put you on medication to control one or both of those numbers, stick to the 'script, and continue to take your prescribed medications. Taking medications for blood pressure and cholesterol can sometimes be tough to do since you don't always 'feel bad' when those numbers are high. But taking your medications is an important factor in controlling these conditions that could put your heart at risk.

*Know your family history. If your family has a history of heart disease, it is especially important to take the extra precautions listed above. 

Here are some tips for a heart-healthy grocery shopping list:
*Choose fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables and leafy greens for salads. If you choose canned fruit--look for fruit packed in 100% juice, not syrup.

*Look for fat-free or low-fat dairy products.

*Eat more whole grains, such as: oatmeal, brown or wild rice, barley and bulgur, and eat whole-wheat or whole-grain pasta.

*Eat more beans, nuts and eggs to reduce your meat intake.
*Choose lean meats: fish, chicken or turkey without skin, pork shoulder or tenderloin, beef sirloin or tenderloin and extra lean ground beef (93%). 

*Cut back on saturated fat. Look for products with no trans fat. Eat salad dressings that are oil based instead of creamy, and use cooking oils that do not contain partially hydrogenated oil. 

Here are some vitamin supplement tips to discuss with your physician:

*If you take a statin drug for cholesterol--consider taking CoQ-10. Statin's prevent your body from naturally making CoQ-10 that enhances cellular energy production, boosts antioxidant activity, and supports cardiovascular health.

*Fish oil, or omega-3 fatty acids, are known to benefit cardiovascular health, support healthy brain function and help your body maintain a healthy inflammatory response.

*Bergamot BPF contains an array of cholesterol-balancing and cardio-protective flavonoids that can naturally reduce your cholesterol.

*Vitamin D supports cardiovascular health as well as helping to maintain blood sugar balance.

*Daily Baby Aspirin (81mg) reduces the risk of subsequent heart attacks in people with a prior history of a heart attack, coronary heart disease or in people with risk factors for developing heart disease.

Stop by and discuss your supplement needs with one of our Pharmacists today. We offer 3 vitamin lines in our store. We carry Nature's Blend, our Leader store brand, and Ortho Molecular which is our premium vitamin line. Mention our newsletter the next time you are making a vitamin purchase and receive 15% off your entire vitamin purchase through Valentine's Day! .
Join us on social media

Are we friends on Facebook yet? Do you get our updates on twitter? If not, please follow. like and share soon.

I recently talked with a customer in the store who said she had raced in after seeing new clothes on our facebook page. She said the last time she had waited a couple days and the top she wanted was gone. That's just one of the benefits of following us on facebook. We're also using our social media to share the latest information about what's happening in the store. Info like daily flu vaccine availability and new testing for Flu and Strep. So let's be friends already! If you're already on facebook why not head over to the Hopkins Center Drug page and follow and like our page.

If you're also able to spare the time we would appreciate you rating us on facebook as well. More and more we're hearing from people new to the Hopkins community about how they found us through social media so this is a great way to support local business without any cost.

Thank you and we'll see you soon on facebook!
    Gift Gab 
Winter apparel clearance is going on now!

Stop in and grab some great deals on our womens winter apparel. Sizes and styles are limited so stop in soon for the best selection.

Mark your calendar, Valentine's Day is February 14th, and it is not just for the sweetie in your life. How about sending a card (possibly a little gift) to your children, grandchildren, friends, and coworkers. We have cards and fun gifts for all your Valentine's Day needs.

Click the button below to get the current gift department coupon from our website.