February 2018

By the time you read this month's 4Spot, there will be 36 days or fewer until the Philly Nationals. There's plenty to know, so read down in this issue to learn more about what's going on. And remember that you can always check out the NABC website for more information. The committee co-chairs, Joann and Bob Glasson, as well as the entire team of volunteers look forward to seeing you there!

District 4 Officers  
small margin
Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Contact your District 4 board members.

Meyer Kotkin  

Dave Kresge   
Bill Bauer 

Pat Civale

Joann Glasson 
President's Message

Two shout-outs to two D4 players for two incredible achievements. Bob Glasson (U141) became the 467th Grand Life Master (GLM) in the 81-year history of the ACBL, and the 13th GLM in D4 history. Bob went over the required 10K points by winning two two-session Open Pair events at the January Monterrey CA Regional (maybe he was showing off). The other requirement to become a GLM is an NABC+ win, and Bob was the playing captain of the all D4 team that won the Senior Teams at the Toronto 2017 NABC. Besides being an accomplished and successful bridge player, Bob volunteers his time, expertise and skills on both the District and National levels. Bob is a member of the ACBL's Ethical Oversight Committee and was on the two panels that tried and convicted two prominent pairs in the cheating scandals of 2016. Bob also serves on the Tournament Committee of the Philadelphia Regional at Valley Forge. Rumor has it that Bob, a well-known and respected oenophile, celebrated becoming a GLM by inviting his friends to drink some of his finest wines under $2/bottle.
The other shout out is to Sam Amer (U190), who will be a member of USA2 representing the United States Bridge Federation at the 2018 World Junior Championships in China. Sam is 24 years old and has a bright future ahead of him, both in bridge and in the real world. While Sam is now in New York City, those of us who had the pleasure of watching him grow up, play and excel in our bridge community will always consider him a D4 star first. Who knows? If you come to play at the U190 Wilmington Sectional on Feb 9 - 11, you may even see Sam and his father Paul, if anyone can get proud papa Paul out of the clouds.
The Philadelphia 2018 NABC are right around the corner. Make your plans to play and enjoy the D4 hosted Nationals from Mar 8 - 18, 2018. In addition, the three flights of the 2018 D4 Grand National Team (GNT) District Finals will be held in April. The winning team in each flight gets at least $2,000 and entry fees to the National GNT Finals in Atlanta (starting July 25, 2018). For more information, click here .
My first act as President of D4 was to establish three committees to report on matters of importance, at least in my opinion, to D4 and to bridge. I know nothing about running a club, from either the business or teaching bridge point of view. However, I feel strongly that Bridge will be better off if D4 and the clubs work together to do better on attracting and retaining players as well as improving D4 players' overall bridge experience. Accordingly, I asked Dave LeGrow (U141), owner of the Valley Forge Bridge Club, to form a Club Liaison Committee that would  report to the D4 Board on ways that D4 could cooperate with clubs to:
  • increase club revenues
  • attract more players to clubs and tournaments
  • improve the bridge experience for players throughout D4
Dave and his committee (Cheryl Abrams (U141), Doug Chaney (U121), Barbara Patterson (U141), Barbara Rhoades (U190), and John Schwartz (U141)) submitted their report  here . I ask all club owners and teachers, as well as anyone else interested, to read the report and if you want, comment to Dave ( d_legrow@att.net ) or me on this report as soon as possible.
The first recommendation from the Committee that I want to act upon is the appointment to the D4 Board of a Club Liaison who will represent D4 clubs at D4 Board meetings and help implement the recommendations of this report as well as future recommendations and plans for D4 and club cooperation. I asked Dave to submit a list of possible candidates so if you have any suggestions or want to volunteer, contact Dave.
As always, I welcome all comments and suggestions. My e-mail is
guymath@comcast.net and my cell is 856.986.5109.
From the District Director 
joann glasson
Philadelphia NABC

It's almost here!!!!!!!!

In just a few weeks, we will be looking for you at the Philadelphia NABC at the Marriott. Don't miss it!

Our terrific group of volunteers have been working hard to provide a wonderful experience for all District 4 bridge players.

On Friday night, March 9th, the ACBL will be hosting an opening reception after the evening session. The Jersey Tenors will be the entertainment, singing the music from "Jersey Boys" and other great hits.
There will be food and drinks and a great party atmosphere.

On Sunday, March 11th, Allison Brandt and Mike Giesler invite you to take a stroll on the "Atlantic City Boardwalk," right inside the hotel. The ballroom will be transformed into the Boardwalk - the one we remember when we were kids.  The Boardwalk will have cotton candy, sno cones, hot dogs, and funnel cake with salt water taffy as a take-away "parting gift."  There will be arcade games, strolling magicians will walk around and do up-close magic, and a balloon vendor will give away balloons. There will even be photo booths with on-site printable pictures. It's an event not to be missed.

On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday evening there will be a special 30-minute show after the evening session. Come watch the "Counterparts," a nationally honored "a cappella" group from the University of Pennsylvania - they are amazing! Their show will combine bridge parodies with some other tunes you will just love. Wednesday night will be a special performance with Jay Whipple, ACBL President, as a guest star! Make sure you catch one of the shows.

The Philadelphia NABC has events for bridge players at every level, so don't be intimidated by the "national" title. There are intermediate/ newcomer games every day at 10:00 AM, 3:00 PM and 7:30 PC. Debi and John Klinger will be waiting for your arrival with special gifts.
A schedule of special bridge lessons and events are listed on the  attached poster. Included are free two-hour lectures on Saturday, March 10th by Jerry Helms and Sunday, March 11th by Audrey Grant.

If you have a friend who would like to learn to "Play Bridge in a Day" there is a five-hour workshop for $15 on Saturday, March 10th and a four-hour workshop on Notrump on Sunday, March 11th.

Name an Event. It's not too late to name a regional event for a special bridge partner, teacher, mentor, or loved one. Your honored person's picture and a writeup will be in the Daily Bulletin and we will send you a gift certificate to give as a remembrance. Act quickly - time is short.

See you all in Philadelphia!
District 4 Schedule    
February 12-18 
March 8-18  
April 7-8
April 7-8
April 30-May 6  
May 7-12
June 25-July 1
Syracuse Regional
August 13-19
District 4 STaC
August 20-26
NAP Flight C
October 13
NAP Flight A
October 13-14
NAP Flight B
October 27
Lancaster Regional
October 29-November 4
December 10-16 
Philadelphia Nationals: March 8-18  
There's plenty to talk about, but let's get a handle first on some logistics.

How do you get to the tournament? All of the events are played at either the Marriott hotel or the Convention Center, which are connected by an indoor path. You can reach either location easily by public transportation--Regional Rail or PATCO. PA residents over 65 can show a driver's license and ride SEPTA within the city for free or Regional Rail for $1! We also have parking deals if you prefer to drive. The Marriott has parking, but The Parkway lot at 12th and Filbert directly across the street from the Marriott will cost you much less at $16/day. The lot at 12th and Walnut will cost $12/day. For either lot, you just park and take a ticket. Then visit our Info desk and get a coupon that lets you exit the lot as the discounted rate. For all the details, check out our website.

Last month, we talked about hospitality and entertainment. There's more news. We are delighted to announce a performance by The Jersey Tenors on Friday, March 9 after the evening session. You will love the music, nostalgia, and moves of this Jersey Boys-style band. You already know to come stroll the Boardwalk right in the Marriott on Sunday, March 11 after the evening session. There will be strolling magicians, photo booths, arcade games, and balloons, as well as all the cotton candy, funnel cake, hot dogs that you can eat.
Then comes The Counterparts, University of Pennsylvania's premiere a cappella singing group, with shows on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday March 14, 15, and 16. You really won't want to miss this entertaining and talented group. The shows will include custom arrangements and lyrics just for us bridge players. The show is free and there is no reserved seating, but you will need to pick up a ticket from the Information desk sometime before the show. You can see as many shows as you like and we expect you'll enjoy multiple showings.
Now to what everyone really wants to know: FOOD! There is free hospitality after the evening sessions, with goodies each night starting on the first Thursday. The hotel will set up concession stands for lunch, but don't forget about Reading Terminal right across the street. And any information you need about dining in Philly can be found on our fantastic Restaurant Guide. Thanks to Ed Kung and Janet Johnson.

Questions? Click here to find out who to contact and how. The local committee is happy to help, so please call or email if you need any help at all.
For more information, be sure to check the Philly NABC website
Bob Glasson: Grand Life Master   
It's not easy to become a Grand Life Master in the ACBL. You have to earn 10,000 masterpoints, but more, you need to win a National title. And when you're so busy acting as the co-chair for the Nationals, volunteering as the GNT and NAP coordinator, serving as the Unit 141 conduct and ethics chair, and holding down several positions for the Valley Forge Regional, your time is already pretty limited. Because Bob Glasson gives so much to bridge, we are delighted to report that he achieved the heady rank of Grand Life Master last month playing with his partner and partner, Joann, in Monterrey. Here is his story about getting the points he needed to become a GLM:

The back story is that I won my first national championship at the 2017 Summer NABC in Toronto, the Truscott Senior Swiss Teams. We also finished 9th  in the Master Mixed Teams and left Toronto about 162 MPs short of the 10,000 points needed to become a Grand Life Master.
Joann and I usually only play in the NABCs and our District regionals and certain great regionals, like Monterrey.  So I won 100+ points at the Lancaster Regional in November and the NABC in San Diego and I was now 54 MPs short of the 10,000 required.
The first three days in Monterrey were great - the weather, the restaurants, the seascapes in Pacific Grove, the beach in Carmel - but the bridge was not so great. I had a total of 8 MPs after three days and the last set on Wednesday night was a nightmare - 37% - ugh. Bridge is indeed a humbling game.
Now everybody has bad games and the good thing about bridge is that the sun comes up the next morning and you get to start fresh in the next event. We played in the 1:00/7:30 Open Pairs on Thursday and had a 57% game in the afternoon - 18th  overall. 
The evening session was one of those sessions where everything goes well and we had a 64% game to win the event by a mere 6 MPs on a 38 top.  That was worth 26 masterpoints and I now needed about 20 more masterpoints to become a Grand Life Master. 
On Friday, we played in the first session of the Barometer Pairs and had a 51% game and managed to qualify to play in the final in 31st  place out of the 36 pairs that qualified for the final. Not looking good for 20 masterpoints.
We show up for the 2nd  session of the Barometer Pairs and - what a great set-up. 18 tables in a room that holds about 100 tables - it feels like the 3rd  day of the Blue Ribbon Pairs.
The directors, Matt Koltnow and Ken Horwedel, had set up the room
with a large screen in the front of the room on which they posted the running scores after each of the first 11 rounds (22 boards) and then held off on posting the last two rounds to avoid pairs "shooting" on the last four boards.   
The leaders, Ishmael DelMonte and Eric Leong, start with 29.4 carryover and we have a 1.15 carryover. 
This is the chronology of the Barometer scoring:
1.      After 4 rounds, we have moved up to 7th  place and having a 61% game.
2.      After 8 rounds, we have moved up to 3rd  place and having a 60% game but we are a full board behind the leaders, Jason Chiu and Steve Smolen.   
3.      After 10 rounds, we are still in 3rd  place.  We are having a 63.5% game but we are nearly 14 MPs behind the leaders, DelMonte and Leong.
4.      After 11 rounds, we have moved up to 2nd  place. We are having a
65% game but we are still 7.75 MPs behind the leaders, DelMonte and Leong.
5.      After 12 rounds, we are still in 2nd  place and we have cut the margin to 1.25 MPs, but we don't know this as the results are not posted to prevent a pair from "shooting."       
Our last round is against Mark Itabashi, arguably the best matchpoint player in the ACBL, but we  finished strong with 65% of the MPs on the last 2 boards and a 64% game for the session. 
The directors properly kept everyone in suspense and did not post the final results until the last board was scored, nearly 10 minutes after we had finished. We had no idea what the other three pairs (DelMonte-Leong, Friedland-Inn, and Chiu-Smolen) scored in rounds 12 & 13.
It was incredibly exciting when they posted the finals scores and we could see that we had won the event on the last round.  I will never forget the excitement of winning the Barometer Pairs at the Monterey Regional and becoming a Grand Life Master. 

Fragrance Policy    
District 4 maintains and enforces a fragrance policy that includes the smell of smoke, fragrance, and body odor. We reprint it here to remind our players that compliance with this policy is critical for the health and enjoyment of all our players. Although the policy specifically references regional tournaments, players should cooperate with this policy at all tournaments and clubs events.


All Regional tournaments in District 4 are fragrance free. Players must refrain from wearing any of the following: cologne, after shave lotion, perfume, perfumed hand lotion, fragranced hair products, and/or similar products when participating in our tournaments. These fragrances can cause serious health issues for migraine sufferers and players with breathing-related problems. Strong scents, including fragrances, the smell of smoke, and poor personal hygiene violate the Zero Tolerance Policy.

News from Around the Units 
four corners
Unit 112: Central New York
DeWitt Henricks 
Unit 112 Sectional
April 7-8
Unit 112 I/N Sectional
April 20-21
Unit 112 Sectional
June 2-3
Unit 112 Sectional
July 14-15
Unit 112 Sectional
September 8-9
Unit 112 Sectional
September 29-30
Unit 112 Sectional
October 20-21
Unit 112 Sectional
November 10-11 
There is no Unit 112 report this month. Check back next month for news and updates.
Unit 120: Northeastern Pennsylvania 
Fay Pacchioli

March 2-4
Unit 120 Sectional
June 8-10
Unit 120 Sectional
October 5-7
The nice thing about February is it is short - and before you know it March will be arriving and then its only 20 days til the first day of Spring and things will start to get back to normal with bridge scheduled and not having to be cancelled due to ice or snow. Looking forward to the March Spring NABC in Philadelphia which runs from March 8th  to March 18th .  If you have never been to a National you should take a day or two and visit this one in Philadelphia. It is the closest National you will ever get to attend.  There are games every day and many times a day. Newcomer games with specific limits list 299er, 199er, 99er, 49er, 0-20 and 0-5 every day at 10 am, 1 pm, 3 pm and 7:30 pm. from March 8 to March 18. 
Bridge plus+ free 2 hour Lesson with 14 deals to follow (no card fee) on Saturday March 10 and Sunday March 11 at 10:00 am. There are games for everyone no matter what level of bridge you are playing.  Patty Tucker is running the program Learn Bridge In A Day on Saturday, March 10 with a five-hour workshop for new and returning players.
For more information go to acbl.org/nabcnew.
Unit 120's volunteer day is Tuesday, March 13th, so there will be a lot of familiar faces around that day.
JUNIOR MASTER -  Antonette Finelli
NABC MASTER - Mary Anne Hazzouri
Did you read the January Bulletin??  Instant Matchpoint Game Winners
The Top Players in District 4 were Betsy Hattersley and Clara Kelly.
Some sad news in the district. Lee Vucic's mother, Eleanor Tyson and Denise Torrey's mother, Dorothy Coopey, passed away in late January.   Dorothy Coopey was an established bridge player in the area 25 years ago. For further information, contact me.
Unit 121: Berks Montgomery 
Brian C Snyder 
  Our first Unit Game of 2018 was held on Thursday January 11 at Sacred Heart Villa. First overall winners were Alfred and Travis Crump.
Unit 121 clubs are participating in REACH (Regional Event at Club House). Here is our schedule:
Saturday 2/3 at 10:30 at The Villa
Tuesday 2/6 at 12:30 at the Villa
Wednesday 2/7 at 12:30 at the Reading JCC
Thursday 2/8 at 12:30 at the Villa.   

Sue Wessner is again offering bridge lessons during the months of February and March at Boscov's East and the Wyomissing Public Library.  If you or anyone you know would like to learn the game, contact Sue at bridgebysue@gmail.com or (610) 972-5327.

Congratulations to the following players for achieving their next Masterpoint Rank:
New Junior Master - Toeruna Widge
New Sectional Master - Suzy T Crump
New Silver Life Master - Brian C Snyder
Unit 133: Lehigh Valley 
Deepak Khanna 

April 27-29
Unit 133 Sectional
October 19-21 
Calendar Announcements

Sunday, February 4, 2:00 PM, Lehigh Valley Active Life Center, "Souper Bowl" on Super Bowl Day - Open and NLM pairs. This game benefits the Second Harvest Food Bank - Home. A partner is guaranteed for the Open Game. Please remember this is a charity event. Please bring canned food for donation, cash donations are also welcome! All players will be home in time for the big game: Go Eagles!
Wednesday, February 7 , 3:00 PM, Brookside Country Club; Sara Gainey will be starting another Beginning Bridge class at on consecutive Wednesday afternoons (excepting Wednesday, March 14). Fees will be $120 per person for 8 lessons including, perhaps for those who only play Rubber Bridge, a basic introduction to duplicate Bridge. Contact Sara Gainey at 610-417-5982 for details.
Tuesday, February 13, 10 AM, Brookside Country Club; John Schwartz will run a Sectional Tournament for an opportunity for earning silver points
Thursday, February 22 , 5:30 PM Brookside Country Club; Sara Gainey will run a mentor game aimed at advancing beginners who have taken at least one formal bridge class. The NLM players (students) will be paired with more experienced players (teachers)

Thursday, l ate March , 4:45 PM Brookside Country Club; Sara Gainey will be offering the third Series of Lessons (8-Series III). For details contact Sara Gainey.
Sunday, April 8 , 12:00 PM, Brith Shalom, Macada Road, Bethlehem; Unit Game, Open and NLM events.
April 26 (tentative) A mentoring team game at Lehigh Valley Active Life, 12:30 PM. Facilitator Mike Kohler-610-554-7602, mdkohler@ptd.net will pair a more experienced player with a beginner in a team competition at least six times during the year.   Mike's efforts have resulted in twenty-six mentee-mentor pairs this year as compared to twenty-one the previous year, and, of course, more are welcome. The date has been carefully chosen to dovetail right into our Sectional Tournament (April 27-29).  A NLM Swiss team event is scheduled for Sunday, April 29. The 2018-19 mentee-mentors program will be starting sometimes in August of this year.  We will keep you posted about the details as and when they become available. Please consider participating in it.
Gary Hillenbrand, Arnold Kritz, and Frank Morgan participated in the San Diego North American Bridge Championships; all three gentlemen placed in the top ten overalls of different Regional Events.
The following players recently attained higher bridge masterpoint ranking: Club Master : Robert E. Dougherty;  Advanced NABC Master : Betsy Cutler;  Diamond Life Master : David Wachsman  (David joins a select group of approximately ten members of this Unit who have achieved this rank.)
John Schwartz has provided hand records and pre-duplicated boards at the Brookside Country Club game played on Tuesday mornings thereby delivering a tool so vital to the learning process.  Hopefully, this additional tool will be soon available at all our games, in particular, games aimed at the newer players.
Both John and Jane Havighurst have also brought attention to the health hazards of wearing perfumes or other fragrances to bridge games. Their efforts have resulted in District 4 (and several other districts) adopting a fragrance-free policy, providing much needed relief to people who suffer from headaches or have allergies.
In early January, the Unit Board debated over the web for days about how best to serve the interests of newer players. At all our Sectional Tournaments and Unit Games, we plan to have a separate NLM section and hope our newer players will enthusiastically participate in them. If we do not muster enough tables for the NLM event, American Contract Bridge League (ACBL) rules will obligate merging of the NLM event with the Open event. Please do not let that happen.
Congratulations to all our achievers!
Unit 141: Philadelphia 
Joan Warren
Bala Sectional
April 13-15
Unit 141 congratulates its New Life Masters and all those who reached new designation levels. 

New Life Masters   
Joan Goldstein

Diamond Life Master  
Marianne Goff

Ruby Life Master  
Deborah Crisfield

Bronze Life Master  Beverly Davis
Arthur Coddington
Bruce Young
Winnie Young

We hope to see you at the NABC in March. There are several sessions in honor of local Unit 141 members.  Come play in them.

Congratulations to all the winners at the January Sectional at Bala.  And thanks to all who braved the frigid temperatures.  No better activity than bridge on such days.

Fri am open:  Andy Kaufman and Ken Chatzinoff
Fri pm open:  Arnie Fisher and Jane Ball

Fri am NLM:  Kay Hays and Judith Cary
Fri pm NLM:  Lauren Dougherty and Donna Mellinger

Sat am open: Richard Morgan and Andy Muenz
Sat pm open: Donna Morgan and Howard Kahlenberg

Sat am NLM: Lauren Dougherty and Donna Mellinger
Sat pm NLM: Nancy Machusick and Carl Ziegler

Sunday A/X: Art Korth, Richard Popper, Meyer Kotkin, Alex Allen

Sunday I: David Leavitt, Larry Plotkin, Carl Perchonock, Joel Myers

Sunday II: Mark Bolotin, Wayne Rosenberger, Andrew Rosenberg, Stephen Vineberg

Great Seminars in Unit 141
Are you a newer player and want to get ready for the Philly Nationals on March 8-18? There are two great seminars in our Unit to help you get ready.

1. Filling out and the objective of Convention Cards. This seminar talks about the purposes of the Convention Card and the myriad of conventions you might see on one. The seminar is on two different dates, Feb 7 and Feb 11 at the AMI Bridge club. All details are on their website at:

2.  Getting Ready for Tournament Bridge. This seminar is more general and covers understanding the schedule at the national tournament, understanding the role of the director, and playing team events as well as IMP vs. MPs strategy. A key feature is a panel discussion by experienced players where you can ask all the questions you want. In the afternoon, there will be a short mock Swiss Teams event to go over all of the procedures. No partner needed for any of the seminar, which will be held at the Valley Forge Bridge Club on Sunday, February 25. All details are on the Unit 141 website at:  www.philadelphiabridge.info   

Added bonus! Both of these seminars are having drawings for two free nights the first and second weekend of the Nationals at the Marriott in Center City where the tournament is being held. You must have fewer than 20 masterpoints to win, but it would be a great way to go to the tournament. See you there!
Unit 168: Central Pennsylvania 
Jeanne Gehret 
February 4
March 23-25
Unit 168 NLM Sectional
May 12  
August 12
News From Harrisburg :
Special games this month include:
Feb 3, 10:30 AM      Brunch & Bridge
Feb 14, 6:00 PM       Monthly Open Wine & Cheese
Feb 17, 10:30 AM     Continental Breakfast & Bridge
Feb 21, 5:45 PM        Monthly Swiss Teams with Dinner (game @ 6:30 PM)
Please visit our website to check for regularly scheduled games:   www.bridgewebs.com/harrisburg
News From Chambersburg :
Plan ahead and join us at the Chambersburg Sectional, scheduled for Thursday through Saturday, June 14, 15, 16. Double-click on the Word document below to review game information, costs, and helpful directions to the tournament site.
to these Unit 168 members on their new master point rank achievements:
Club Master:
Thomas Anderson, Linda Davidson, Lorraine Kulbicki, Joseph Marter, Ellyn Miller
Sectional Master:
Nanci Baker, Deborah Everly, Barbara Gaige, Maryrose Noto-Hardy
Regional Master:
Lynn Ahwesh, Lisa Younis
NABC Master:
Marcia Strittmatter
Advanced NABC Master:
Malin Castronuovo
Life Master:
John Nimitz, Harry Stutts
Bronze Life Master:
Ken Hoover, Kent Replogle, Jack Rudy
Silver Life Master:
Ricky Boyer, Jeanne Gehret
Ruby Life Master:
Thomas Coxey
Gold Life Master:
Steve Valencic
Sapphire Life Master:
Ronald Orr
Diamond Life Master:
Elaine Ross
Unit 190: Delaware 
Ala Hamilton-Day 
February 4

February 9-11
Unit 190 Sectional
June 1-3
July 26-28
Unit 190 Sectional
September 14-16
Unit 190 Dave Treadwell Sectional
December 27-31 
SOUPER BOWL SUNDAE on Super Bowl Sunday February 4 th, at the Bridge Studio. The pre-game show will feature offensive tackle-sized points, with soup and sundaes at half-time. You'll easily be home in time to watch the E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES!!! take on that evil Sith lord coach in the hoodie and that GOAT Tom Brady. (Greatest-Of-All-Time.)

THE BLUE HEN SECTIONAL (February 9-11) Free finger-lickin' food! This special Sectional, sponsored and hosted by Unit 190, has great hospitality, with breakfast foods to nosh and free delicious lunches to enjoy. Come on down for the camaraderie, as well as the great bridge!

SECTIONAL MASTER :   Sally A. Humphrey and Marlene L. Mickles
NABC MASTER Silicia Debellis and Diana R. Erney
ADVANCED NABC MASTER William F. Lorelli and Mary K. Reilly
BRONZE MASTER :   Patricia A. Preziosi, Barbara H. K. Saulsbury, and Linda A. Szilagyi
SILVER MASTER Melody L. Henderson
GOLD MASTER :   Jerry Scott

I never make mistakes . . . I thought I did once, but I was wrong. 

Provisional Unit 190
              ACE OF CLUBS                         MINI-MCKENNEY
0 - 5                                    Michael Vogel                               Michael Vogel
5 - 10                                    Debbie Schenkel                            Mark Nehra
20 - 50                        Sugi Hayes                                                Sugi Hayes
50 - 100                        Diane Gordy                                      Marilyn Haskins
100 - 200                        Richard Weissmann                      Richard Weissmann
200 - 300                        Mary Reilly                                           Mary Reilly
300 - 500                        Tina Brinsfield                                     Pat Tylander
500 - 1000                        Francis Bizzoco                              Francis Bizzoco
1000 - 1500                        Caroline Hughes                            Dorothy Hand
1500 - 2500                        Mark Henderson                        Mark Henderson
2500 - 3500                        Robert Maier                                Robert Maier
3500 - 5000                        Bernard Rehberg                       Bernard Rehberg
5000 - 7500                        Randall Berseth                       Randall Berseth
7500 - 10000               Marie and Peter Filandro              Richard Popper
10000 +                        Rick Rowland                                 Rick Rowland                                  
Remember to make your dates for the upcoming Delaware Regional, which runs from April 30th through May 6th. 
December 27 - December 31
Top DSBA Award Winners

1.  19.39 Jeff Ruben
2.  12.75 Harold Jordan
3.  12.43 Melissa Jessup
4.  11.28 Alan Horowitz
5.  10.82 Rick Rowland
6.   7.79 Gail Everett
7.   7.72 Peter Filandro
8.   7.72 Marie Filandro
9.   7.11 Cindy Rowland
10. 6.65 Julie Hockersmith

  A retrospective on the great Dave Treadwell, some news from the Southern reaches, as well as some articles and jokes, can be found in the newly minted February Dummy . For a surround play problem, as well as news and results from around the Unit, check out the work of webmaster extraordinaire Mark Henderson, by clicking the link below:
Unit 217: Susquehanna  
Jim McKeown
Unit 217 Sectional
June 1-3
Unit 217 Sectional
September 21-23
There is no report for Unit 217 this month. Check back next month for news and updates. 
Our Monthly Feature

The 4Spot features fantastic contributors, on a regular rotation:

novices only logo
For Novices Only by Marti Ronemus:
January , April , July, October

abc logo
The ABC of Bridge by Dave Wachsman:
  February, May, August, November

advancing logo
  A Spot 4 the Advancing Player by Jay Apfelbaum:
  March, June, September, December

Click here to read this month's article: The ABC of Bridge.
Click on any blue month above to read recent articles. 
Master Solvers Club

Moderator: Nick Straguzzi

Here's a pickle. How did you do in the MSC this month? Read on to find out why Nick felt like a dog chasing cars.

First, click here to read the analysis of this month's problem.
Then visit the MSC website to read next month's problem and submit your answers online: http://d4msc.straguzzi.org 
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4Spot | February 2018 | Editor: Allison Brandt | allisonrbrandt@gmail.com