designing a world of hope
News from John Agee with
Engineering Ministries International
February 2011
Greetings, !

Thank you for your continued prayers and partnership in this ministry of hope in Jesus as we use the talent He gives in design and engineering. I trust that God has been working amazingly in your life this year. Please let me know how I can be praying for and rejoicing with you as we partner in what God is doing around the world.
In This Issue
Leading a Team to Peru This Week
Celebration in Egypt
Summer Project in Ghana
Leading a Team to Peru This Week
Ayacucho Kids
I learned yesterday that I will be leading a project trip to Ayacucho, Peru from March 4th through 13th! The project leader who was planning to lead the trip is no longer able to, but the team is ready to go and the ministry is ready to host us. Praise the Lord for supplying my flights so that I can travel to Peru!

Please join me in praying for my preparation this week, especially as this will be my first solo EMI trip leading experience. The team will primarily be working on engineering design for an orphanage, Casa Hogar Los Gorriones, started by a European Dutch French couple in Ayacucho, the second poorest town in Peru. Please lift up the director and founder of the orphanage, Gil, as he lost his wife several years ago and he is not a believer in Jesus. God has faithfully surrounded him by the body of Christ, and a local missionary couple will be helping host the team. Pray that our words, attitudes, and actions would contagiously display the power and love of God that Gil might know and trust Jesus as Lord.

Gil says of Ayacucho, "there are so many children abandonaded, who lives in the streets or under the ground in holes...using drugs and alcohol. Alcohol is a real problem in Ayacucho, together with violence in the family...there is so much to do for these children who comes from nowhere, who don't know what means love...we take the children that nobody wants, like very weak children, children who are ill, children in danger, children with social problems, children with problems..." Praise the Lord for giving him the burden to love and care for these children, but ask our Father to empower Gil with His Spirit as he trusts in Jesus so that he does not continue to toil in his own strength apart from Christ. May Gil know the love of our Father so that he can bless the children he serves with God's love!

I am excited to visit Peru, to brush up on my Spanish, and to minister as shepherd to this team and as a witness to all who the Lord brings around me during this trip! Pray for boldness, for grace, for peace, for obedience, and for the Lord's favor. Thanks be to Him for another opportunity to share His love and His Word as I travel to South America for the first time!

For more details about this project trip, visit
Celebration in Egypt
Egypt Celebration
Celebrating with blow torches made by lighting aerosol stream from Raid cans
Thanks for your continued prayers for our partners and workers in Egypt! God has provided incredible opportunities to share Jesus and to grow relationships with neighbors. The atmosphere there now is one of celebration, but pray that God displays His glory in Egypt as the military rule, as men prepare a new constitution, and as political parties form for the November elections.

The following is a quote from a young American woman working in Egypt. Remember to pray for our own government leaders because the US is very influential around the world.

It was amazing to be with Egyptian believers and worshiping with them...they were so fired up about what the Lord is doing in Egypt and they see it as a unique opportunity to display Christ to their nation as it mourns and heals from the protests. I was so encouraged that they are not cowering in fear, wondering what the future of Egypt will hold for Christians. They are trusting the Lord and seeing it as a blessing and an answer to years of prayer. Their passion and prayers for their nation has been so convicting as I think about my attitude towards the States. Rarely do I spend time praying for the hearts of Americans, for our leaders, but we desperately need God's guidance and grace just as much as this entire region.
Summer Project in Ghana
Ghana Flag
Praise the Lord that I was able to compile the final review copy of the report and drawings for Nazareth Home for God's Children in northern Ghana! After our final internal review, we will publish this report and send it to Sister Stan Mumuni who is anxiously waiting to provide more details for supporters.

As I was printing the final drawing sheets, I learned that we are approving another Ghana project for the summer season. The ministry's land is in extreme southeastern Ghana at the Togo border, and the property will provide a home for outcast children. I will keep you updated as I hear more about this upcoming project!
Grace and Peace in Jesus,

John Agee
Engineering Ministries International
God's Voice Thunders in Marvelous Ways
As snow gently fell on Colorado Springs yesterday, I was reminded of Elihu's description of God's thundering voice that calls forth snow and rain. He is at work among all peoples of the earth, halting labor by storms so that creation is watered and His love is displayed.
God's voice thunders in marvelous ways;
   he does great things beyond our understanding.
He says to the snow, 'Fall on the earth,'
   and to the rain shower, 'Be a mighty downpour.'
So that everyone he has made may know his work,
   he stops all people from their labor.

Job 37:5-7


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Prayer Requests
  • Praise God for financial increase to cover a portion of my monthly need!
  • Continue to ask God for new partners to cover the remaining $250/month.
  • For grace as I lead the project team in Peru (March 4-13).
  • That God would raise up a team for EMI's West Africa office
  • For Jane & my relationship to grow and God's provision for her & her family in Nigeria, especially as she desires to start university.
  • Praise God for the testimonies from teams that EMI is sending around the world this season!
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