The EPN Consulting Newsletter - 090 - February 2018
Dear Colleague,

In these days television programmes and magazines are full of advertisements showing the wonders of technology applied to cars: they park themselves automatically, you can send a text msg or click on an app and the car switches its engine on and comes to collect you in the courtyard.
Good stuff but pretty useless in my opinion.

One amazing feature is the automated recognition of road signs that are then displayed on the dashboard or projected on the windscreen (on more expensive cars).  This is great because it improves safety.

Another surprising (for non techies) add-on is the pedestrians recognition and consequent automated braking if the car detects someone in middle of the road. Again, excellent help to safe lives.

All of these solutions were discussed, designed, funded between the end of the 90s and the beginning of the 00s. I remember to have seen an experiment with a toy train that was equipped with a mini camera and a processing unit to make the machine learn a series of different road signs and recognise them. It was the year 2002.
After 15 years it is shown as a great feature available also on city cars.

Some questions then come to my mind. Of course some time is needed to think, design, test and implement technological solutions. Some of them also need being standardised and this process takes time.
A new car from concept to commercialisation takes about 36 months.
European projects need years from the concept idea, the proposal writing, the proposal evaluation and (successful) funds allocation to kick off the project. Then the project takes 3 to 4 years to fullfil its goals, which means about 5-6 years since the original idea.

So the philosophical question is: what we consider present isn't actually the results of a set of actions happened in the past? This means that what is now brand-new and "innovative" actually it was innovative when it was conceived and now it could be considered old if compared with the current state of the art.

This is more perceivable with computers, software TV sets and smartphones whose life cycle is shorter but the basic concept is the same: do we live in the present or in an updated past?

I am a bit confused. What about you?   

Feel free to send your comments to: Editorial(at)

EPN Consulting Ltd.
Founder, CEO
Twitter: @stefmai

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Horizon 2020 & other calls close to deadline

27 Feb 2018 -  Deadline to submit proposals to the LC-CLA-01-2018 call (RIA - Supporting the Development of Climate Policies to deliver on the Paris Agreement, through Integrated Assessment models (IAMs) - Stage 1)
27 Feb 2018 -  Deadline to submit proposals to the LC-CLA-03-2018 call (RIA - Climate Change Impacts in Europe - Stage 1)
27 Feb 2018 -  Deadline to submit proposals to the LC-CLA-04-2018 call (RIA - Resilience and Sustainable Reconstruction of Historic Areas to cope with Climate Change and Hazard Events - Stage 1)
27 Feb 2018 Deadline to submit proposals to the LC-CLA-08-2018 call (RIA - Addressing Knowledge Gaps in Climate Science, in support of IPCC reports - Stage 1)
27 Feb 2018 Deadline to submit proposals to the CE-SC5-01-2018 call (RIA - Methods to remove Hazardous Substances and Contaminants from Secondary Raw Materials - Stage 1)
27 Feb 2018 Deadline to submit proposals to the CE-SC5-02-2018 call (RIA - Independent Testing Programme on Premature Obsolescence - Stage 1)
27 Feb 2018 Deadline to submit proposals to the CE-SC5-03-2018 call (IA - Demonstrating Systemic Urban Development for Circular and Regenerative Cities - Stage 1)
27 Feb 2018 Deadline to submit proposals to the CE-SC5-05-2018 call (CSA - Coordinated Approaches to funding and Promotion of Research and Innovation for the Circular Economy)
27 Feb 2018 -  Deadline to submit proposals to the CE-SC5-06-2018 call (RIA - New Technologies for the Enhanced recovery of By-Products - Stage 1)
27 Feb 2018 Deadline to submit proposals to the CE-SC5-07-2018-2019-2010 call (IA - Raw Materials Innovation for the Circular Economy: Sustainable Processing, Re-use, Recycling and REcovery Schemes - Stage 1)
27 Feb 2018 -  Deadline to submit proposals to the CE-SC5-08-2018-2019-2020 call (CSA - Raw Materials Policy Support Actions for the Circular Economy)
27 Feb 2018 Deadline to submit proposals to the CE-SC5-09-2018-2019 call (RIA - New Solutions for the Sustainable Production of Raw Materials - Stage 1)
27 Feb 2018 Deadline to submit proposals to the CE-SC5-11-2018 call (IA - Digital Solutions for Water: Linking the Physical and Digital World for Water Solutions - Stage 1)
27 Feb 2018 -  Deadline to submit proposals to the CE-SC5-12-2018 call (RIA - EU-INDIA Water Co-operation)
27 Feb 2018 Deadline to submit proposals to the CE-SC5-13-2018-2019 call (RIA - Strenghtening International Cooperation on Sustainable Urbanisation: Nature-based Solutionn for Restoration and Rehabilitation of Urban Ecosystems - Stage 1)
27 Feb 2018 Deadline to submit proposals to the CE-SC5-15-2018 call (IA - Strenghtening the Benefits for Europe of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) - Stage 1)
27 Feb 2018 Deadline to submit proposals to the CE-SC5-17-2018 call (RIA - Towards Operational Forecasting of Earthquakes and Early Warning Capacity for More Resilient Societies - Stage 1)
27 Feb 2018 Deadline to submit proposals to the CE-SC5-18-2018 call (CSA - Valuing Nature: Mainstreaing Natural Capital in Policies and in Business Decision-making)
27 Feb 2018 -  Deadline to submit proposals to the CE-SC5-19-2018 call (CSA - International Network to promote Cultural Heritage Innovation and Diplomacy)
28 Feb 2018 -  Deadline to submit proposals to INNOSUP-09-2018 call (CSA - Design and Development of a Tool to support and improve the Decision Making Process of Investors for Financing High-Growth-Potential Innovative SMEs)

EPN Consulting is happy to help SMEs and any kind of organisations assess their project ideas, convert their ideas in robust and valuable proposals and manage the entire project cycle once the proposals are eligible for funding.

Get in touch for a FREE consultation.

Go to the Events Section
New Transport projects selected for Horizon 2020 funding

23 Jan 2018 - The 39 projects selected for EU funding are the result of two Horizon 2020 calls - for Mobility for Growth (36 projects) and Automated Road Transport (3 projects) respectively.

They will receive a total of €243.8m after signing grant agreements with INEA, for which they have time until 27 May 2018 for Automated Road Transport, and 19 June 2018 for Mobility for Growth.

The projects are expected to be launched in late Spring 2018. Altogether, INEA received 100 applications in the call for Mobility for Growth and 7 applications for Automated Road Transport.

EU Commission declares 2018 the "Year of Multi-Modality"

31 Jan 2018 - The EU Transport Commissioner Violeta Bulc has announced that 2018 will be the "Year of Multimodality" - a year in which the European Commission will place an emphasis on supporting the multi-modality of Transport systems in the EU.

This initiative reflects the Commission's commitment to reducing CO2 emissions, congestion, and air pollution to reach the goals set by the Paris Agreement and improve the quality of life of European citizens.

During the "Year of Multimodality", multimodality will be supported by looking into better infrastructure, connections, incentives, and digital solutions for the entire EU transport network. Throughout the year, the Commission will put together a series of events and legislative and policy initiatives aimed at promoting the functioning of the transport sector as a fully integrated 'system'.

Winter 2018 Interim Economic Forecast: a solid and lasting Expansion

07 Feb 2018 -  Growth rates for the Euro area and the EU beat expectations last year as the transition from economic recovery to expansion continues.

The Euro area and EU economies are both estimated to have grown by 2.4% in 2017, the fastest pace in a decade. This robust performance is set to continue in 2018 and 2019 with growth of 2.3% and 2.0% respectively in both the Euro area and EU. 

Inflation outlook remains subdued - Core inflation, which excludes volatile energy and unprocessed food prices, is expected to stay subdued as labour market slack recedes only slowly and wage pressures remain contained. Headline inflation will continue to reflect the significant influence of energy prices and is forecast to rise modestly.
Inflation in the Euro area reached 1.5% in 2017. It is forecast to remain at 1.5% in 2018 and to increase to 1.6% in 2019.

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EU Urban Roadmaps: a web-based tool to help Cities develop Sustainable Mobility Strategies  

09 Feb 2018 -  The Urban Transport Roadmaps Tool is a web-based tool to help city authorities develop urban transport roadmaps that address the most pressing environmental, social and economic issues faced by their transportation systems between now and 2030.

The tool provides cities with the ability to identify, develop, screen and assess different transport policies and measures. In particular, it helps cities to quickly and easily assess the likely costs and impacts of measures that could help them improve the sustainability of their transport systems.

Cities can explore combinations of different policy scenarios and assess the impacts of these scenarios on the environment, safety, mobility, the economy and the city's transport system. This type of scenario analysis helps cities to rapidly identify which policy measures are likely to be useful in supporting their own urban transport sustainability goals.

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Eurasia, the Super-Continent that will define our Century

14 Feb 2018 - The end of the Cold War was supposed to inaugurate Europe's age of reconciliations, when the continent, finally at peace with itself, would be able to exist as a unified whole. But reconciliation worked perhaps too well: the disappearance of the Iron Curtain also meant that Europe struggled to differentiate itself from the lands to the east. By expanding it might expand without limits; by retreating it might become an importer of instability.

In recent years, Chinese authorities have increasingly taken on this task and with the Belt and Road Initiative, a development project of unmatched ambition, they intend to be firmly in control. Spanning some 70 countries and requiring investment approaching $4 trillion, the initiative is deliberately intended to reshape the global political and economic order. China's trade with countries along the Belt and Road rose 17.8% Year-on-Year in January 2018.

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EPN Consulting Limited

EPN Consulting News  

"The raise of Air Pollution as an Environment  Focus" 

This is the title of the new article written by Stefano Mainero,   EPN Consulting CEO, and   Giles Bailey, Stratageeb Director.

"Cities in the UK are cleaner than they have been since the industrial revolution. While we see stories from around the world of cities such as New Delhi and Beijing facing air pollution crises with very low visibility, acrid air, widespread use of facemasks and the
resulting health implications, this is generally a memory in the UK dating back to  the coal smoke issues of the 1950s and 1960s that led to the Clean Air Act.

However, perceptions are changing..."

The article can be downloaded  here .

News from EPN Consulting Members: SBOING 
Sboing logo

SBOING ( is  a valuable EPN Consulting member since 2010.

It is based in Thessaloniki, Greece, and it  is a high-tech ICT SME that develops innovative mobile applications and systems for the collection, processing and exploitation of location and mobility data. It implements an internationally patented, collaborative, crowdsourcing technology for the collection, processing and distribution of traffic, road and sensory data to provide improved navigation and routing capabilities for GPS navigation, globally.

More information on SBOING's achievements and projects  here.

Would you like to join the EPN Consuting Network? Visit the relevant webpage.

Upcoming Professional Events in Europe

27-28 Feb 2018 - London (UK) -  ENE+TEC  -  ENERGY STORAGE SUMMIT
28 Feb - 02 Mar 2018 - Vienna (AT) -  ENE+ENV+ICT+ITS+TRA -  URBAN FUTURE Global Conference
06-08 Mar 2018 - London (UK) -  ARD -  ECOBUILD 2018
06-08 Mar 2018 - Berlin (DE) -  ICT+ITS+TRA -  9th ETSI ITS Workshop
06-08 Mar 2018 - Karlsruhe (DE) -  ITS+TRA -  IT-TRANS 2018
15 Mar 2018 - Telford (UK) -  ENE+TEC+TRA -  BATTERY TECH EXPO
20-23 Mar 2018 - Amsterdam (NL) -  ITS+TEC+TRA -  INTERTRAFFIC 2018

The Website of the Month:  How Much Warmer was Your City in 2017?
Last year was the second hottest year on record.

In a database  of more than 3,800 cities compiled by AccuWeather, about 88% recorded annual mean temperatures higher than normal.

Click on the link below and enter your city in the box provided to see how much warmer or cooler it was.

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Based in London. Engaged with Europe.