FINDING POSSIBILITIES with Alex McIntyre for £240
3 days 28/29/30 June
"I am delighted to be returning to Moor Hall Studio for the third year in a row. 'Finding Possibilities' is designed to support participants to uncover and embrace their own creative process and play with intention. This course will encourage you to ‘be less precious’, let go of ‘thinking’ and embrace the possibility and potential of ‘mistakes’ – all whilst gaining insight into your unique visual language, intuition and taste."
You will:
Work outside and in the studio with fast, intuitive and expressive drawings and paintings inspired by the Shropshire Landscape.
Use accidents and physical texture as an essential part of the drawing process and consider layers, and visual texture.
Employ processes of construction and destruction to move your source material into studies for paintings through collage.
Gain insight into your own unique visual language through reflection and conscious exploration of colour relationships, texture and composition.
Take creative risks, and have fun.
I took part in Alex's course last year and was so impressed in her teaching philopsopy and how she encouraged students to 'find possibilities' in all that they were doing. It was a brilliant course and anyone who wishes to be stretched that little bit further, I would thoroughly recommend this course. These were some of my works from that course.
She works with layers of different media creating wonderful marks and textures on the paper surface. She will be getting you to work both outside and inside, creating fast, intuitive , expressive drawings and paintings all inspired by the beautiful Shropshire landscape, in which I live.
BOOK HERE to join this course.