TEXTILE and ART courses offering unique learning opportunities for all

In beautiful South Shropshire an area of outstanding natural beauty

Hi everyone

Hope that all is going well with everyone.

I am not going to speak about the election......what will be will be, although I have planted my cross on the ballot paper. The result should be out before this newsletter maybe! Will shall see how quick I can work.


I have a new two day course on offer, delivered by myself and I think we will use Ben Nicholson as the inspiration. It will be on Monday 29th and Tuesday 30th July at Moor Hall Studio from 10.00 to 4.00 each of those days.

Ben Nicholson is a favourite artist of mine and this course focusses on his work through research and practical application. Students will soon build up a small portfolio of ideas based on their studies. You will explore simple card print blocks and work onto both paper and fabric. The course allows plenty of scope for personal development and the exercises can later be applied to any source material. Ideas can also be explored through fabric and stitch.

Book HERE if interested in this course

Jenny O'Leary

This will be the last chance to book on Jenny's course.

The beautiful shapes and colours of the plants that form our hedgerows will be the inspiration to create batiks on tissue, paper and fabric using Jenny’s contemporary interpretation of a traditional technique. Working with hot wax and inks and traditional and non traditional tools you will be making to make individual pieces of work. The contrasting shapes and forms found in our hedgerows - soft, angular, spiky, twisting….layering, overlapping, protecting - look through, under, over will provide inspiration for students.

A number of samples will be produced over the two days suitable for adding to with stitch at a later date.

Book HERE if interested in this course.


A rare opportunity at Moor Hall.

Lecture by Alice Fox entitled 'PLOTTING'

I have booked Alice Fox from Saltaire, West Yorkshire to come and give a lecture to interested people on 15th August 2024


Alice grows fibres for her artistic practice and explores the creative potential of what grows on her allotment plot – planted and wild. The materials are produced, gathered and processed seasonally. She is an extremely knowledgeable and interesting speaker and offers courses around the same theme. Anyone interested in gardening, in design and textiles and in community practise would gain a great deal from this talk. Her website is currently being updated but you can find more by looking at the following links.


Would you or anyone you know be interested in coming to this on the 15th August 2024 at 7.30pm. The venue will be Moor Hall Studio, Bettws-y-crwyn. The cost of tickets will be £7.50p. Spaces will be limited so tickets must be booked in advance.


I would appreciated hearing back from you at my EMAIL address

 at your earliest convenience so that I can then start advertising the event further afield if needs be.

Thats all for now, but I will be back with images from Alex McIntyres course last weekend and Jenny O'Leary's course coming up on15/16 July


These courses are still available on my website. Click HERE

Inspired by Line

Inspired by Ben Nicholson

Inspired by Grids

Exceptional value of £25 each

I hope to see some of you book on one or other of my personal courses, so that I can welcome you into my studio either face to face or virtually sometime in the future.



Inspired by Line

Ben Nicholson

Inspired by Grids

On-line Courses

Short Courses


01547 510664

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