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Thursday, June 13, 2024

~~~ Click here for this Sunday's bulletin ~~~

Bulletin available on Friday

A message from our Pastor and Teacher

Sunday, June 16 ~ Father's Day and Juneteenth~ "Papa and the Outcast’s Minion"

As we move through the month of June at RUCC, we celebrate a lot! Music Sunday! Pride Sunday! Father’s Day and next week Juneteenth. Juneteenth - the 19th of June celebrates the freedom finally offered to enslaved people of African descent. This is a wonderful time to honor the inborn God-given equality of all people regardless of race or ethnicity, gender identity or sexuality and beyond. 


Today we will hear the tale of an Ethiopian eunuch and how he discovered the freedom and equality found in the Way of Jesus.  

Sunday's Scripture

Acts 8: 26-40

Concerns / Prayers:

  • Prayers for DeeDee Seek's sister Jayne who is facing surgery, and for her brother-in-law Fred who will be Jayne's caregiver.
  • Karen Walsh fell and broke several bones
  • Carol Buchanan has COVID
  • Jo Dierdorf's brother, John, passed from life to Life
  • Sue Wallace's stepsister, Pam Veals, and her dear friend, Joan Faken, passed from life to Life.
  • Dave Raley passed from life to Life Sunday, June 2.
  • Dr. Carl Parish is hospitalized. 
  • Janet Wilson’s great niece Amelia has an immune condition causing problems  
  • Charlie Seek is back home and healing. 
  • Coralyn’s niece, Shannon 
  • Prayers for Judith Gregory who has blood clots, for her granddaughter Allyson, her husband and newborn, Paisley. Judith’s son-in-law is gravely ill and hospitalized.  
  • Andrew Barrow awaits 3-month scan after surgery. 
  • Lori Glass has unresolved throat problems. 
  • Inez Diggs’ son Shelton is recovering from surgery, her niece Kelly Graham is undergoing cancer treatment 
  • Healing for Jayne Miller’s husband Tom. 
  • We continue to hold in our prayers the people of Ukraine, the Middle East, and wherever war and violence prevail.  

Ongoing Concerns:

Karen & Daniella

Jerry Andrews

Stephen Arth

Bill Buchanan

Denise Cain

Cousin of Rick Cruz

Janet Edwards' friends

Sue Hammond

Mary Lou Haney

Beki Hill

Harriet Holt, Beki Hill's mother

Jules Rattray’s sister, Jenny

Amber McGuigan

Cynthia McGuigan

Tom Medlicott

DonDon and Scott Mong

Floyd Orr

Dan Schoepf, Michael Schoepf

Spencer, friend of Stacey Greene

Robert Silver

The Steffen family

Sforza family

Delegates report to the congregation on the SCNCUCC's Annual Gathering

Patty Little and John Walsh were RUCC's delegates to the June 7-8 Annual Gathering at Chapman College. Although a very active member here at RUCC, this was Patty's first real contact with the Conference as a whole. She described her surprise and delight in learning that RUCC is not so unique after all, and that there are many other congregations striving to make a real difference in the world.

John Walsh, a regular participant at these gatherings, described the unanimous passage of a resolution calling for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

Click here to read the background information and the actual text of the resolution.

Paradox Church has asked to temporarily share space with RUCC

Pastor Craig Hadley of Paradox Church has approached Redlands UCC asking if we would be open to share our space with Paradox, from November 2024 until they complete their building project in mid- to late-2026. Congregational feedback is welcome! For more information, please see the May 28 special edition of The View!

SPECIAL NOTICE: Do you have questions about the possible rental of RUCC space to Paradox Church? There will be an informal opportunity for discussion after church this Sunday. Pam Dunn and Jennie Haney will be available to answer questions and address concerns. We'll meet in Founder's room at noon.

Caring for Kin for June - Youth Hope

Youth Hope recently put out a call for groceries on social media. Let's help restock their pantry shelves with items such as cereal, granola bars, canned goods, macaroni and cheese, crackers, and peanut butter and jelly!

Bible Study Continues Monday, June 17 and June 24 at 7:00 p.m.

RUCC Bible Study: New Study Guide!

We have chosen a new study text for the Monday evening Bible Study: Reading the Bible Again for the First Time: Taking the Bible Seriously but not Literally by Marcus Borg. We have ordered a number of copies of this book, which can be purchased for $10. Please contact if you would like to purchase one of our copies.

Please join us for Bible Study on Monday evenings from 7-8:30. We meet in person in the Founders Room but you can also join us online if you prefer!

Also, we have decided to extend this Bible study past June and into July—maybe longer!—so please feel free to join us anytime!

RUCC in action: Update on recent events

The E-waste Recycling in our parking lot on June 1st filled up one truck completely--a particularly good result. We will be receiving a payment of $172.34 for our efforts. Thank you!


On May 15th, our second mobile Blood Drive was held in Covenant Hall. We had 21 volunteers show up, 20 from our church, and 19 units of blood were collected.  This excellent turn-out greatly pleased LifeStream (the blood bank non-profit which oversees blood donations) and personally made me very proud, once again, to be part of such a giving congregation.  

Thank you for your support in so many ways.

Kerry Dunn 

Can you help? Are you handy?

Can you paint? Do sprinkler repairs? Get on a ladder to change lightbulbs? Clean pews or spot clean carpets? Do grounds clean-up? We are looking for a few good men or women who would be willing to be on a "Handyperson Call List" to do odd jobs at the church. Please contact Veronica in the office or Pam Dunn if you can help out. Materials will be provided, and you can set your own schedule!

Coming to RUCC Thursday, June 13 at 6:30 p.m. in Covenant Hall

redlands Juneteenth flyer June 16 10am to 5pm

Showing Saturday, June 22 at 6 p.m. in Covenant Hall

1946: The Mistranslation That Shifted Culture is a feature documentary that follows the story of tireless researchers who trace the origins of the anti-gay movement among Christians to a grave mistranslation of the Bible in 1946.

It chronicles the discovery of never-before-seen archives at Yale University which unveil astonishing new revelations, and casts significant doubt on any biblical basis for LGBTQIA+ prejudice. Featuring commentary from prominent scholars as well as opposing pastors, including the personal stories of the film’s creators, 1946 is at once challenging, enlightening, and inspiring. 

This screening is sponsored by RUCC's LGBTQIA Faith Group. The program starts at 6 p.m. Snacks and refreshments will be provided.


Next Book Group Meeting is July 7

The RUCC Book Group will next meet on Sunday, July 7, after church at noon in the Founders' Room. The book we will be discussing is Gods of Jade and Shadow by Silvia Moreno Garcia and the presenter is Charletta Campfield .

"A spellbinding fairy tale rooted in Mexican mythology...Gods of Jade and Shadow is a magical fairy tale about identity, freedom, and love, and it's like nothing you've read before." (Bustle)

Racial Justice reflection of the week

Cereal giant General Mills is facing a federal lawsuit filed by several of its Black employees who claim that one of the company’s plants has “embraced a racially hostile work environment” controlled by “white supremacists.”


Plaintiffs allege that managers at the Covington, Ga., plant favor white employees for promotions and that more disciplinary actions were issued toward Black employees.

Plaintiffs allege the plant is run by a group of “male white supremacists operating in management and HR,” and claim the teams formed a group called the “Good Ole Boys.”


“The ‘Good Ole Boys’ believe that history and symbols that have been co-opted or misappropriated by the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist hate groups are useful to keep Black people ‘in their place’ and discourage Black people from speaking or taking action against the disparate treatment of Black employees at the Covington facility,” the lawsuit reads.



From the Environmental Justice Team

From the poem “What Was Once the Largest Shopping Center in Northern Ohio Was Built Where There Had Been a Pond I Used to Visit Every Summer Afternoon” by Mary Oliver :


Loving the earth, seeing what has been done to it,

I grow sharp, I grow cold. …

Impossible to believe we need so much

as the world wants us to buy.

I have more clothes, lamps, dishes, paper clips

than I could possibly use before I die. …


  • June 13 - Social Justice Film -- Common Ground (see article above)
  • June 16 - Father's' Day
  • June 17 - Monday Bible Study (see article above)
  • June 18 - Board meeting
  • June 22 - Film "1946: The Mistranslation that Shifted Culture" (see article above)
  • June 23 - 27 - Western Regional Youth Event
  • June 24 - Monday Bible Study
  • June 30 - Thank You & Farewell to Elaine
  • July 7 - Book Group (see article above)

The church calendar is found at

Click on "calendar" in the red banner near the top of the page

This Week at Redlands United Church of Christ

Sunday, June 16 - Father's Day and Juneteenth

  • Seekers will not meet in June/July
  • 9:30 a.m. - Kid's Zone
  • 10:30 a.m. Worship Service
  • 11:30: a.m. Fellowship/Coffee hour

Monday, June 17

  • 7:00 p.m. Bible Study

Tuesday, June 18

  • 7:00 p.m. -Board Meeting

Wednesday, June 19

  • 1:00 p.m. - Mah Jong

Thursday, June 20

Friday, June 21

Saturday June 22

  • 6 p.m. - Showing of 1946: The Mistranslation that Shifted Culture (see article above)

Sunday, June 23 -

  • 9:30 - Kids Zone
  • 10:30 - Worship Service
  • 11:30 - Fellowship/Coffee hour

RUCC Staff

Interim Pastor: Rev. Elaine Schoepf

Music Director: David Wells

Associate Music Director: Sophia Ohanian

Children's Education Director: Susi Jacobsen

Director of Youth Ministries: Vacant

Office and Property Manager: Veronica Bermudez

Child Care: Caitlin Walsh



Phone: 909-793-3520


Staff and Other Emails,