Fast Facts
an e-update on life at
First Presbyterian Church
March 9, 2023
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Worship - March 12, 2023
9:00 am & 11:00 am
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3rd Sunday in Lent
“Getting to Hope”
Exodus 17:1-7, Romans 5:1-11
This week's lectionary texts:
Exodus 17:107
Psalm 95
Romans 5:1-11
John 4:5-42
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Join us for worship this Sunday, March 12 at 10:55 am on Facebook Live. You do not have to have an account to join us. The video will go live on the church's public Facebook group. Click here to access the live video. If you do not have a Facebook account, a message will pop up asking if you wish to join. Simply click, "not now" at the bottom of that message and it will go away. You may then enjoy the video as it plays live. | |
Online Worship
Online worshipers may find the weekly bulletin on the church's website under the Online Worship page. Click here for the Online Worship page, then click the link titled "Weekly Bulletin." The online bulletin will available the Friday after Fast Facts is sent out each week.
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A printable version of this week's calendar is available here! | |
There will be NO Wednesdays Together next week as it is Spring Break. We will see you on the 22nd! | |
Thanks for helping make our two lunches a success. We are planning more so stay tuned!
Our next get-together will be Thursday, March 23rd at 5:30 PM at the Sizzler on Hwy 6 E.
They will need a head count, so please call the office to sign up by Sunday, March 19th.
We welcome suggestions for April!
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Presbyterian Youth Fellowship | |
PYC Retreat!
Youth in grades 6-12 are invited to join us at Camp Hopewell March 24-26, 2023 for this year’s PYC retreat: Gather Around. This will be a great weekend of fun, fellowship and faith formation with games, speakers and worship. Click here to sign up.
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PYF Summer Trips
Make sure to sign your kids up for summer trips so they don't miss out on the fun. The high school group (rising 9th graders through graduated seniors) will be traveling to Montreat, NC from June 11th through 17th and the middle school group (rising 6th graders through rising 8th graders) will be traveling to the Great Escape in Green Lake, WI July 9th through the 15th. Sign up at the links below.
Montreat Registration
Great Escape Registration
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Office Update
Communications Director, Kate Hill, is currently out on maternity leave.
Christian Garvey (hi!) is filling in for Kate. Please reach out with any questions or suggestions at:
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Join us! The Mission Team meets the first Monday of each month at 5:00. We seek creative and effective means to serve “the least of these.” If you would like more information, call the church office or contact David Shaw, | |
Cents-Ability is a PCUSA initiative to combat hunger in local communities. In 2022
St. Andrew Presbytery awarded $8,000 to hunger assistance programs in north Mississippi. All FPC members are invited to participate.
Last Sunday containers for collecting donations were distributed. More are available in the church office. Place the collection container on your dining table and drop in a few cents at each meal. Paper bills and checks work just as well!
Periodically, on “Collection Sundays” members will be asked to bring their donations to worship. The collective savings power of one congregation can be impressive. A congregation with 100 families donating a nickel per meal can raise over $5,000 annually.
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FPC volunteers continue to deliver nutritious snacks twice a week to Leap Frog.
Leap Frog provides Tier 2 literacy support to 60 first through third grade students in Oxford and Lafayette schools.
Students meet after school four days a week to improve their reading skills. If you would like to provide snacks for these children, click here.
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In December of 2021 a devastating tornado leveled 60% of Dawson Springs, Kentucky and claimed 13 lives. Volunteers from FPC will soon be making its third trip to assist in the ongoing reconstruction efforts.
The group will depart Thursday, April 27 and return Sunday the 30th. No particular construction skills are required, simply a willing heart to serve those who have lost so much. We will do light carpentry installation, painting, clean up, etc.
Accommodations will be provided by First Presbyterian Church in nearby Madisonville. Youth accompanied by a parent are encouraged to come along as well. For more information and to sign up for the trip contact Niles Lovelady, 662-801-9200.
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At last month's Doors of Hope Step 2 Dinner, information was provided about new affordable health care at the MississippiCare Clinic on South Lamar. Guidance for completing this year's tax returns was given as well.
Meanwhile, Melissa, Keith and Hayden Perler kept the kiddos entertained decorating Valentine cupcakes.
FPC members continue to host the Doors of Hope Step 2 Dinner the second Tuesday of each month. Volunteer hosts pick up the prepared meal from Larson's and serve it in the fellowship hall. If you are interested in volunteering, click here.
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Holding Hands is a local secondhand shop with a higher calling. The nonprofit resells donated clothing and household items while employing intellectually impaired individuals.
The shop is open to the public Monday through Saturday and accepts donations of clothing, household items, and furniture. It offers a pick-up service for donations three days a week.
All members from PYF through VIP are invited to volunteer a few hours of their time at the store to sort and organize inventory. For more information please click here.
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Lovepacks is an in-school pantry provides food for 250 children in the Oxford and Lafayette county schools that experience hunger in their homes.
Find a of suggested donations here.
For more information contact Carmille Hovious at 662-380-1471 or read more here.
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The Oxford Community Market is more than just a farmer’s market. A half dozen programs are in place to make fresh produce and nutritious food available to those who otherwise are not able to afford it.
Approximately 5,000 pounds of produce purchased from local farmers was delivered to the Pantry last year. Produce is also delivered weekly to local public housing and assisted living facilities. Excess food from the Greek houses on campus is collected and redistributed each week; over 5,000 meals were delivered in 2022. Financial assistance in the form of SNAP benefits and vouchers to shop at the Market are available to those who qualify. Farmers Market 101 classes are taught at the library providing instruction for preparing meals and planting gardens. The Market also sponsors neighborhood vegetable gardens. Meal kits with recipes are distributed periodically; the Harvest Angel Thanksgiving Project makes ingredients for holiday meals available.
In its many programs, a variety of volunteer options are available. If you would like to join in the fun, download the Group Me app and enter "OXCM Flower of Life Volunteer." Calls for volunteers are posted regularly. For more information call the director, Betsy Chapman at 662-816-7413.
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Need a helping hand? In Good Order is a group of FPC volunteers available to assist members who may need a little extra help with a yard project or light home repairs.
If you would like assistance or know of someone who does, please contact the church office at 662-234-1757.
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Camp Hopewell is hosting their annual Open House on April 2 from 2 - 5 PM for all new or potential camper families! Stop in for a tour & for the chance to meet some of our summer staff.
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Registration for the Hopewell Women's Retreat is now live! This 1 night retreat is all about respite & fellowship. You'll enjoy delicious meals, engaging conversations, and some Sabbath time. Hopewell alum, Rev. Julie Bailey, will be our keynoter. Register online here!
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Remember in Prayer
FPC Members: Family of Martha Walcott, Family of Nancy Rogers; Family of Alisa Reed Elliott; Sarah, Cliff, and Sterlin Smith; Mary Kay McDowell; Keith & Cheryl Hayward; Scottye Boone: Jean Blackston; Leon McCullouch; Family of John Edge; Family of Joe Murphey; Jane Henderson; Family of Dr. Bobby Kennedy; Doug & Margaret Fancher; Family of Jeffrey Butler; Thomas Wade Simpson; Family of Nolan Waller, Family of Helen Scruggs, Family of Janet Barnes; Family of Ann Caroline McIntosh; Family of J.T. Davis; Marianna Ochs; Family of Lynton Dilley; Max Williams; Lydia Moak; Michele Howie; Family of Betty Mullen White
Family and Friends: Family of Richard Flautt; Family of Barbara Callery; Mike Flautt; Family of George Caffey; Family of Pat Ewing; Family of Dr. and Mrs. Gerry Foret; Family of Shirley Bragg Donnelly; Kathy Bremer; Susan Treas-Ewing; Nancy McPhail; Charlyn Wilson; Family of Thomas Mayo; Family of George Walker; Family of Gloria Smith Griffith; Valentina Iepuri and Ukraine family; Charissa Johnson; Sarah Luchin and Family; Sigrid Morrison Long; Connie Whelan; Lenoir Stanley; Doors of Hope Families; Bob Flautt; Lafayette County Detention Center inmates; Parchman Prison inmates; Haven House residents; Our Haiti partners; Oxford & Lafayette County First Responders; Community leaders
U. S. Military: SSgt Jason Freeland, USAF 17th Special Tactics Sqaudron
Please pray, too, for those with unspecified needs.
If you wish to have a name removed or added to this list, please contact the church office.
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The FPC prayer chain is ready if you or someone you know is in need. This is a confidential list that is independent from the names listed above. Please contact Carlisle Wood at or
662-832-8606. All requests are held in strict confidence.
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Sanctuary Floral Arrangement dates are available April 23, May 21, June 4, 18, July 2, 9, 16, 23, 30.To provide flowers in honor or in memory of a loved one, contact Margaret Fancher at or call
234-1359. Contributions to the Flower Fund are greatly appreciated.
If you want a particular date to provide flowers on Sunday morning, please reserve the date early.
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Do you feel called to bring communion to the
farthest pew?
If you’ve been ordained as a Deacon or Elder, you are qualified. Just sign up here, and stop by the church office to get a home communion kit
before you go.
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Upcoming Birthdays and Anniversaries | |
This Week's Birthdays:
9 Adalene Pettis
10 Cal Montgomery
11 Phillip Embry, Winn Hutchraft
12 Lenore Hobbs, Ashley Wilkinson
14 Claire Stevens, Brooks Williams
15 Neil Eads, Carolyn Gibson, Ella McIntosh
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If we've overlooked your birthday or anniversary and you wish to have it included in Fast Facts, please contact the church office.
These announcements are sent weekly from the church. If you don't want to receive them, or if your email address has changed, please send a message to the church office at
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