Singing Soldiers..

The Daily Battle: My wife, Mary, came up the stairs yesterday and sighed heavily. "I have to stop," she said, "reading the news."

I know there are some folks who advise us all to unplug from the feed--based on the notion that it's artificially negative. After all, your bright-eyed grandson is looking up at you; the sunset clouds are particularly gorgeous this evening; someone is baking fresh flat bread in the kitchen. There's even a big tray of cold blueberries right next to you. It would be an act of gross ingratitude to pretend God doesn't serve up these glittering jewels to light, and lighten, the way.

But really, it's because life in this fallen world is war. All thinking, loving people are soldiers in this war. It's not just the feed, in other words. Our generation, like every generation, has to fight the evil peculiar to our time. Ponder, for example, a misfit assassin protected by either the incompetence or complicity of a Secret Service that has become an international joke. Contemplate the evil of being told, "sorry, you are too male and too tall to protect the president; this week we're hiring nothing but short, fat females." Surely, people of all different political persuasions can see the evil on display here. Would YOU want to take a 14 hour flight piloted by someone chosen merely to please DEI??

We're in a daily war for truth. We're in a pitched battle against liars -- and it can be exhausting. I'm sure you can come up with even more dramatic examples. This battle against "well meaning deception" has always been with us. That's why, to fight discouragement, 18th century armies always took the field with a band, or even an orchestra. Picture the bloodied ugliness of battle, followed by a grand ball in a marquis tent. "We fight, yes, but we dance too."

When I get discouraged, I hear Jesus telling me, "oh ye of little faith." A faithless man frets and complains. A faithful man gets out his fiddle, and he puts the 149th psalm to music. A faithless man surrenders to bullies. A faithful man stands his ground, fights back, and then takes his sweetheart out on the dance floor.

That might be why I'm ALWAYS pitching celebration. Happy, celebrating people make the devil miserable!

This may be a weird pitch, but it's really one of my most honest as well. Celebrate with us this weekend. Details Tickets

See you soon!

James Riley

Riley's Farm

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