You Told Me To Warn You..

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Dear Friends of Riley's Farm:

..So That's What I'm Doing: This year, a lot of groups are buying up large blocks of Sleepy Hollow, Christmas Carol, and Christmas in the Colonies tickets, so if you need a Friday or a Saturday night, now is the time to get your tickets.

Field Trips: Teachers and group leaders, I haven't checked this officially, but I'm fairly certain Thursday May 16 was a record day for field trip reservations. Twenty-eight group leaders reserved more than $76,000 worth of field trips for more than 1300 people. This week, we will be reminding another 5,000 group leaders via post card, so don't wait!

Summer Hours: We're trying something new this year. Beginning the week of June 16, our open to the public hours will be Thursday to Saturday 2PM to 8PM. For some reason, the walk-in traffic in Oak Glen has been skewing towards the late afternoon and evening, so get good and hungry and enjoy a cool end-of-week summer dinner ritual at the farm. Regular hours will resume around Labor Day, and pre-reserved field trips and banquets, of course, will be scheduled outside of those hours as required.

Father's Day and Rockabilly: If you enjoy genealogy, you might have discovered that a certain HUGE family history site now refers to "Father" as "Parent 1" and "Mother" as "Parent 2." (The very lack of poetry, the Orwellian freeze-dried language, is enough to make me wretch.)

Annoy a social-justice dimwit! Celebrate your DAD, your FATHER, your PATRIARCH with normal people on Saturday June 15: manly games of skill, hayrides, good music. Speaking of great music, Rockabilly tickets are now on sale. This was always one of our favorite events, but it fell victim to the Commie virus. We're bringing it back with a band of Riley mountain-grown musicians and their rascal friends. I've made a special request: Johnny Horton's Mean, Mean, Mean Son of a Gun. (Listen. It's pretty catchy.)

Contemplating "Glory": I need a Don Draper moment from some of you. I want a new tag for the farm that emphasizes something I think we all need. GLORY. If you are a believer, you probably hear people say "All Glory be to Christ" and that is true, but if you read your Bible, you know -- and this is truly stunning -- He shares His glory with US. If you regard our troubles today, if you ponder the poor, soul-dead, neo-pietist corporate functionaries who use "parent 2" for "mother" -- then you might consider my proposition: our social evils, our political corruption, our cultural decline has its roots in despair. We forget how GLORIOUS life really is. We forget how GLORIOUS it is to see an apple blossom turning into a little green apple. We forget how GLORIOUS it is to see a young man nervously ask a pretty girl to dance. We forget the daily GLORIES of people doing kind things--a bus driver getting out of his seat and carrying a paraplegic woman to her seat and strapping down her wheelchair. We forget how GLORIOUS it is to sing a hymn or a ballad at the top of our lungs. For us, it could be both a marketing tag and a company mission statement. Think about it. What works? Glory shouldn't be just "old." And it certainly isn't ours to give, but there's great joy in seeking it, right?

Live the Old Glory

Old Glory, New Again

Old Glory Lives

Seek The Glory

New Glories Every Day

I welcome script notes..

See you soon!  

James Riley

Riley's Farm |

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A truly glorious event -- that sells out quickly. August 24, 2024 6-9 PM

If you don't blink, you'll see this on the I10 Freeway coming into Beaumont.