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Dear Friends of Riley's Farm:
Lots of Farm News, folks. Tape this one to the fridge..
Sleepy Hollow: Eight (8) nights are now sold out. Two are getting close (September 21 & October 4), and five are WIDE OPEN for your big group or extended family (Sept 20, 27, Oct 3,10,17). Get your tickets! Consider making a night of it at the super cool, brand new Yucaipa, La Quinta. I just checked a Thursday night rate -- $159 without the Riley's Farm discount and $127 with!
Book Signing: You might have heard Pastor Jack Hibbs pitching our book-signing party on Saturday, August 24. Jenny Cote is an old friend of the farm. We met when she served as an extra on "Courage, New Hampshire.' She writes great children's books about American history, and she's one of the most positive people I know. Don't miss this chance to meet the author! Registration Required.
Rockabilly & Big Band Dance: "Rockabilly" is coming up on August 24 and the Big Band Dance on August 31. If you ever get discouraged by the state of the world, you need Riley's Farm music and dance therapy. Sometimes, standing on the side of the old packing shed, this old man sees a young family dancing and someone asks me, "what's wrong?" I tell them. "Nothing. Happy tears." These really are dreamy events and I will accept no excuses! Get up here! :)
Harvesting: Another summer apple is coming on, "William's Pride." We also have LOTS of blackberries and mulberries. Take a look at the little harvester in the picture below! Full crop report here Sumer hours are Thursday to Saturday, 11 AM to 5 PM. After Labor day, we will be open at least five days a week.
Please No Commies: Another year, another Yucaipa News Mirror print ad (see below). For the life of me, I can never understand why someone would take offense at the anthem all Americans should shout with glee: "There's no time for death-dealing communists!" As a student of history, there is one lesson only a moron would miss: Communism kills. Mao: at least 30 million, Stalin, the same, Hitler (a socialist) 6-12 million, at least. Pol Pot: 2 million. Who knows how many Castro and Chavez in Venezuela killed. But, believe it or not, there are soft-headed American progressives who STILL have a soft spot for collective ownership and command economies. (I know. I get their emails.) Anyway, I urge you all to make it clear to your families: Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol-Pot, Castro and Hugo Chavez are now roasting in hell. (I think my theology is spot on here..)
Moral clarity is almost as sweet as an apple fresh off the tree..