Summer and Your New Job..

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Dear Friends of Riley's Farm:

It's been a while: Thirty days since our last email? The farm is getting very busy with hundreds of students here a day, and cool private events going on like the one pictured below. (Sometimes, you walk into your old rustic tavern and it looks and smells like Hawaii.) If you have a summer event you are planning, let us help you!

Summer Fun Peeps: Riley's Farm would be impossible without those kinds of high-energy parents and youth leaders who like teaching culture. We have lots of summer options for you. Our 10th Annual Colonial Faire will be held July 4,5, and 6, and Ragtime Medley returns to the farm in late July and early August. This year, quite a few church and recreation groups are bringing their young charges up to the farm for a living history adventure. Don't wait to book yours!

You Regulars: For those of you who have attended our Fall dinner shows, a heads up: we are now getting orders for very large parties, and the Friday and Saturday night shows are selling quickly. If you have a particular night you need, don't wait.

The First Amendment Fight: We actually have some good news on the way, but we can't announce it yet. (Frustrating!) Those of you who have been following our case know that it has been split in two -- one suit against Claremont and another against nine other districts. In the Claremont case, our attorney will be arguing before the Ninth Circuit court on April 3, so keep us in your prayers. On rare occasions, someone who takes EXTREME exception to my ridiculing DEI and reverse racism and a weaponized justice department will advise me to be a nice polite, small businessman who never speaks his mind. That's how we lost our country, folks. We need MORE expression, not less. We need MORE First Amendment, not less. Freedom of expression isn't just for high school drop-out celebrities. It's for all of us.

Thank You: Dinner theater is a LOT easier to sell in the fall, but we have nearly sold out this coming Saturday Night's Revolutionary Evenings! We hold this event the last Saturday of the month through June, so if you can't make it this time, make plans for later in the spring.

In closing, I need ONE OF YOU to take over our historic wardrobe management. Even though I tried to get the governor to ban smart young people from leaving the state, unfortunately, a lot of smart young people are leaving California. That means an opportunity for you and for me. (Someone has to guard the fort!) See below..

See you soon!  

James Riley

Riley's Farm |

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I hear some people in Georgia can get the taxpayers to hire their sweetheart, and then use the cash to go on lavish cruises. The rest of us might not be able to do that, but you can certainly plan a party at Riley's Farm. It's no trial at all!

When your relatives come to town this summer, take them to a melodrama, with tight harmonies, games for the kids, and cotton candy. The Ragtime Medley!

More than two decades ago, a homeschooled teenage girl got a job at Riley’s Farm and quickly became VERY GOOD at creating 18th and 19th century clothing. Over the last 25 years, she has created a wardrobe sufficient to cast HUNDREDS of extras in period dramas like our own “Courage, New Hampshire.”  If you saw John Hamm’s HR Block commercial of a few years ago, those redcoats were Mary’s creation. She has become so good at her craft, that I regularly brag, “Williamsburg doesn’t have anything on our wardrobe, thanks to Mary.”

Mary is more than a costumer. She’s much closer to family. When Covid hit, and we were thinking about giving up, she and her husband, Dan, (who she met here), encouraged us to open back up with a passion.  

Mary and her family are going to be moving out of California soon, and we’re going to miss them, but right now Mary (because she loves this place) is panicked about training a replacement.

Is that you? Do you have experience with historic clothing? Do you want to learn about making historical clothing? Do you want to work in a chaotic (but fun) small family business environment? Do you love America? Do you want to make people look good?  


Please direct all inquiries to: