February 2020
Tomorrow: Farm Foundation
biosecurity Forum
It's not too late to join us in person or via audiocast at Farm Foundation’s Forum: Assessing the Threats, Gaps and Opportunities for Safeguarding American Agriculture , 9-11 a.m. EST, Feb. 25, at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. Farm Foundation will convene leaders from producer groups, industry, government, and research and extension institutions for presentations and a discussion on agricultural biosecurity.

Mark your calendar: Farm Foundation Forum on consumer acceptance of
gene-edited food
We’re going to be delving into research by the Food Marketing Institute (FMI), American Farm Bureau, Farm Foundation and Michigan State University regarding consumer acceptance of gene-edited food at our March 10 Forum, 9-11 a.m. EDT, at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. Two options: Attend in person or listen via audiocast.

Outcome-based pricing Forum presentations now posted
If you weren't able to attend the Farm Foundation Forum Exploring Outcome-Based Pricing in Agriculture , you can now view video clips and listen to the audio while following along with presentations . This Forum focused on the new outcome-based pricing programs that are emerging as a potential model for producers to better manage risk. Speakers examined how these programs are structured, what the risks are, and how these programs may affect both growers and the broader agricultural sector.

Learn about the next generation of farmers and ranchers
Read Farm Foundation’s latest Issue Report, The New Generation of Farmers and Ranchers Infusing U.S. Agriculture . The report takes a deeper look into who will be taking the reins of agriculture, what their drivers are and how they will overcome challenges. These business-oriented “agri-preneurs” are innovative, agile and resilient. Read the full report and plan to attend our fall conference on beginning farmers. More information will be posted later this year.

Read the report
Farm Foundation names 2020 Agricultural Scholars
Farm Foundation announced the 10 graduate students named as Agricultural Scholars as a part of the new Farm Foundation Agricultural Scholars Program. Farm Foundation partnered with USDA's Economic Research Service (ERS) to develop the program, aimed at taking graduate-level agricultural students through a year of programming. The collaboration seeks to inspire and train the next generation of agriculturalists interested in policy, commodity market analysis, agricultural finance and other applied fields of economics.

Farm Foundation in the News
Farm Foundation in the news:
President and CEO Shari Rogge-Fidler spoke at the USDA's Agricultural Outlook Forum, where she discussed innovation as a solution for farmers. Right, she is pictured with Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue and below, with Michelle Bowman, a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Board.

National Hog Farmer mentioned Shari Rogge-Fidler in its piece a bout the USDA Agricultural Outlook Forum, where she was a panelist. The H erald Tribune out of Indiana also mentione d Rogge-Fidler in its article a bout the event, as did Baking Business in its item about the conference. Mississippi State University posted news about one of our Forum speakers, Keith Coble, receiving a prestigious award—the article included Coble’s involvement with Farm Foundation.

Connect with us today
on social media
Farm Foundation is on Instagram, LinkedIn Twitter , YouTube and Facebook , where we are connecting with people and organizations interested in and impacted by food and agricultural issues. We’ll be sharing Farm Foundation events and news, as well as updates from the ag and food sectors. Come chat with us.

Use Amazon Smile to donate to Farm Foundation
You can raise money for Farm Foundation simply by using Amazon Smile when you do your shopping on Amazon. Just click the link below to sign up. Then, all you have to do is start shopping. Easy!  

Dates to remember
  • Feb. 25: Farm Foundation Forum--Assessing the Threats, Gaps and Opportunities in Safeguarding American Agriculture
  • March 10: Farm Foundation Forum--Consumer acceptance of gene-edited foods

Farm Foundation is an agricultural policy institute cultivating dynamic non-partisan collaboration to meet society’s needs for food, fiber, feed and energy. Since 1933, we have connected leaders in farming, business, academia, organizations and government through proactive, rigorous debate and objective issue analysis.
Farm Foundation
(630)571-9393 | https://farmfoundation.org