Our stores and tours are open
regular hours on Labor Day!

September 2018
Photo of the Month
Delphie, one of our Red & White Holstein cows, basks in the sunset glow on a summer evening. We have all Holstein dairy cows -- most are Black & White, but some are Red & White. So on our farm, have some brunettes and some redheads! Delphie's red coat really shines in the sun!

Cash Cow

We had no winners in our August CA$H COW contest :( When you've finished your gallon of milk, be on the lookout for those winning jugs!

We will label 9 jugs with the big cash prize of $100 in September. Best chances to find them are right away at the beginning of the month! But make sure to keep looking throughout the month as we mark ten $5 jugs every week!
Look inside the jug toward the label to see a "5" or "100". 

couponThe Real Deal:
15% off Edgewood Pork Sticks!
(Honey Pork & Pineapple or Pork & Swiss)

Use the coupon to make this month's  recipe
for Snack Picks - perfect for tailgating!  

Save the date for our farm breakfast!
Fall is the perfect time to enjoy our Down on the Farm Breakfast at Hansen's Dairy. Enjoy all-you-can-eat pancakes with a locally sourced menu, then ride our trolley down to the farm and see our animals. 
Saturday, Oct. 20, 2018. We will have two designated serving times:
  • 8:00 to 9:30 a.m.
  • 10:00 to 11:30 a.m.
MENU:  Pancakes, ham, yogurt parfaits, apples, cider, coffee and milk.
WHERE:  Hansen's Dairy Tour Center, 8461 Lincoln Rd., Hudson, Iowa
TICKETS:  Go on sale Oct. 1 at Hansen's Dairy stores in Waterloo, Cedar Falls and Hudson. Only 400 tickets will be sold.
COST:   $12 for adults, $6 for kids 6-12, and free for 5 and younger.
QUESTIONS:  Call (319) 988-9834
Hansen's Dairy at Fall Harvest Festival
Hansen's Dairy will be selling ice cream at the Cedar Valley Arboretum's annual Fall Harvest Festival!

WHEN:  Saturday, Sept. 22 and Sunday, Sept. 23 
TIMES: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. both days
WHERE:  1927 East Orange Road, Waterloo, Iowa
DETAILS: Includes a nnual Scarecrow Contest, de monstrations of blacksmithing, rope making and wood carving; live entertainment; craft and food vendors; kids' activities; car show and more!
MORE INFO: Click this link

USDA milk purchase fills two needs with one deed
For the first time in history, the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced that it will purchase $50 million worth of fluid milk for distribution to domestic food assistance programs.

While this announcement does not directly impact Hansen's Dairy, our company stands behind the effort to benefit two major issues currently facing our country.

"This purchase addresses one of our country's significant challenges -- hunger -- and, at the same time, will have a positive impact on the dairy industry at a time of significant market uncertainty," said Michael Dykes,  International Dairy Foods Association president and CEO.

The USDA said it will purchase whole, 2 percent, 1 percent and skim milk. The agency will purchase the milk from approved vendors, and distribute the product - an estimated 12-15 million gallons, depending on the prices agreed to by USDA and its suppliers - to food assistance organizations such as Feeding America. 

"We are pleased that USDA is now including fluid milk in the assortment of foods it is buying and donating, as milk is in high demand at food banks because of its unparalleled nutritional benefits," said Jim Mulhern, president and CEO of the National Milk Producers Federation.  "This effort will help more Americans meet their U.S. Dietary Guidelines recommended daily consumption of milk."

For more information, read the full article here.

Customer of the Month
Sheree Van Hauen
The September Customer of the Month is  Sheree Van Hauen of Parkersburg. 

Sheree's husband, who grew up on a dairy farm, was tired of  store-bought milk. When friends introduced them to Hansen's Dairy whole milk, there wa s no turning back. 

"He literally won't drink any other!" said Sheree.  

The milk discovery also led to the other products in the Waterloo store, where they frequently shop.  Sheree likes the caramels and cow chips made by Jay Hansen, and also the skim milk and the protein cookie bars.

"I love coming in there and seeing the wagon and all the fresh products," Sheree said.

Thanks, Sheree! Customers of the Month receive a $5 gift certificate to use at our stores and two free hands-on tour passes to the farm (a $24 value). You could be chosen by filling out an entry form at our stores or through your comments on our Facebook and Twitter pages.

The wagon at our Waterloo store always showcases a variety of fresh products for sale. 
Cow of the Month
The September Cow of the Month is an "absolute" powerhouse! 

Absolut celebrates her 5th birthday on Sept. 16. She has had three calves: one heifer and two bulls. Absolut is a very nice-looking cow and is a high producer at  125 pounds of milk a day. That's over 14 gallons! 

Her daughter, Alize, and granddaughter, Airaa, have the same qualities she has. Alize is milking 100 pounds a day while Airaa has not had her first calf and is not milking yet. This family is sure to be on the farm for a long time.

Absolut loves to lick people and be petted on the head. She is a real sweetheart!
Cooking with Hansen's
From Julie Grunklee, 

Are you looking for a tailgating recipe that is easy, team supportive and sure to please everyone? Try these Snack Picks! You can make the mini-kabobs ahead of time or just cut everything up into bite-sized chunks and let people make their own.  All you need are round toothpicks, Hansen's Dairy Cheese Curds, Edgewood Locker's Pork Sticks (the pineapple ones are awesome!) and an assortment of bite-sized fruits and vegetables. Here are some ready for Hawkeye, Panther and Cyclone fans!

Some Snack Pick ideas include (starred items can be purchased at Hansen's Dairy stores): 
  • Hansen's Dairy Cheese Curds*:  Any flavor would work
  • Meats: Edgewood Locker Pork Sticks* (see coupon at the top of this newsletter), summer sausage*, beef sticks* and jerky
  • Fruits: Cantaloupe*, honeydew, berries, pineapple chunks, grapes, Mandarin oranges and olives (black, purple or green)
  • Vegetables:  Cherry/grape/yellow pear tomatoes, bell pepper chunks, pickles, cucumbers and zucchini
In case you missed it ...

Cows Help Corral Suspect

Check out this YouTube video when a herd of cows in Florida helped corral a suspected car thief!

Hansen's Dairy - Cedar Falls 
Monday - Saturday: 
    8 a.m. to 9 p.m. 
   10 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Hansen's Dairy - Waterloo 
Monday - Saturday:  
    8 a.m. to 10 p.m. 
   10 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Hansen's Dairy - Hudson (farm)
Monday - Sunday:  
7 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Copyright Hansen's Dairy © 2018. All Rights Reserved.