Become a Transformer
Participate in a Fantastic Oppoortunity
Row Houses

We Are Writing With Exciting News!
I am excited to announce that we have a fantastic opportunity for you to help Neighborhood Transformation continue to grow. Last year we had a successful fund raising campaign to support the development of new people as they spearheaded Neighborhood Transformation in new cities. We called these individuals, City Catalysts.
By God's grace, with the funding assistance, since January of 2015 this vision has been realized in 16 cities across the USA! The impact in these locales has been major as you will hear more about.
Remember, Collaborative for Neighborhood Transformation helps people in poor neighborhoods transform their neighborhood from the inside out, resulting in:
  • People knowing, loving, caring and serving their neighbors
  • People taking responsibility and working to change their place
  • A reduction in crime, drug abuse, and alcohol addiction
  • Healthy growing churches
  • Less unemployment and under-employment
  • Hope, health and enthusiasm toward neighborhood life 
Our Goal for 2016  is to raise $20,000 by 12/31/15 to spread the work of City catalysts into new cities.  Here's the amazing news , as we have shared this goal, people have already started to give and we already have $10,000 committed towards our $20,000 Goal!
In view of this significant Kingdom advancement, I would like to challenge you to become a "Regular Supporter" (monthly, quarterly or yearly) and become a member of our new exclusive Transformer Club. Their financial support is for ongoing implementation in the existing cities as well as to initiate transforming ministry in new cities, through City Catalysts.
We are looking for 50 regular monthly supporters who will become a member of our Transformer Club.  We can meet our goal through giving like:
  • 35 monthly champions who provide $25 each month for a year 
  • 10 monthly champions who provide $50 each month for a year  
  •  5 monthly champions who provide $100 each month for a year  
  • Any number of one-time yearly gifts
Monthly supporters will become members of our exclusive Transformers Club and will receive special opportunities such as special updates and materials. Also, in becoming a monthly supporter your gift will have significant impact on raising up new City Catalyst.  This will help us achieve our goal of adding 50 regular donors and expanding the use of one of the most effective mission tools in the Church today! 

Would you consider helping us to meet the goal of increasing the number of new monthly donors and Transformer Member to 50 by the end of this campaign?   

Donate Here  and become a Regular Supporter and a Become a Transformer Member

To Donate By Check 
Make Out To: Collaborative for Neighborhood Transformation 
Mail To:                Schneider and Associates Suite D-122
                                          727 E. Bethany Home
                                             Phoenix, AZ 85014
New Neighborhood Transformation Video                  
Also this email is the unveiling of a new, dynamically-inspiring three minute video which explains Neighborhood Transformation in a fresh 

Stay Tuned You will be receiving three emails introducing you to three different City Catalysts who are in their position because of your giving in 2014. 
Stan Rowland
President, Collaborative for Neighborhood Transformation

PS: Remember that enlistment in the Transformers Club and raising up 50 new regular givers is our goal. Help us reach that goal and become a Transformer.
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