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July 2024

Important Back-to-School Information

Move-in Dates and Times

Arrivals on campus will be staggered on the dates listed below.

New students should arrive at the Mars Athletic Center (MAC) for registration according to their designated date and time (GPS address: 22 Lime Rock Road).

Returning students should go directly to their prospective dorms.

All students must sign up for individual arrival time slots using the arrival form below.


Wednesday, Aug. 28

Arrive at your dorm between 8:30-11:30 a.m. 



Thursday, Aug. 29

Arrive at your dorm between 8:30-11:30 a.m.


FALL VARSITY ATHLETES (by invitation only) 

Thursday, Aug. 29

Returning students participating in pre-season practice arrive at your dorm between 8:30-11:30 a.m.

New students participating in pre-season practice arrive at the Student Center between 8:30-11:30 a.m.



Saturday, Aug. 31 

Arrive at the Forrest E. Mars Jr. Athletic Center (MAC) between 10:30 a.m.- 2 p.m. 



Monday, Sept. 2 (Labor Day)

Arrive at your dorm between 10 a.m.-3 p.m.

STUDENT ACTION REQUIRED: Registering for an Arrival Slot


Each student must sign up for an arrival time slot via the 2024 Student Arrival Form. Please note that this form is only accessible to students as they will need to be signed into their Hotchkiss account to select a slot. Students should coordinate with their parent/guardian about the date and time of their arrival.


Students should make every effort to arrive on campus by the dates outlined above. If your arrival will occur beyond these timeframes, please contact the Deans' Office.

Sibling Students with Different Arrival Days

If siblings are scheduled for different arrival days, they may both arrive on the day that works best for your family. Note that all new students should arrive on Aug. 31. Please contact the Deans' Office to confirm the arrival date for your siblings.

A Note about Dorm Move-In

New students will receive their dorm assignments at new student registration in the MAC. Upon completion of registration, new students will move into their rooms where they will have the opportunity to unpack, decorate, and start making it feel like home. Family members are permitted in the dorms to help their student(s) get settled and are invited for lunch and other afternoon programming before Orientation kicks off. New students will not be allowed to leave campus after 4 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 31 due to continual Orientation programming.

Returning students will receive their dorm assignments via email before arriving on campus. This will allow returning students to go directly to their respective dorms for registration/check-in.

Roommate Information

Roommate assignments will be sent via email to students in early August. For those of you who are new students, we hope that having roommate information will give you an opportunity to begin to get acquainted. For returning students, it should be a chance to do some planning before the start of school. Stay tuned for further information!

Additional information about move-in day and new student orientation will be provided in August.

Required Summer Reading

A complete list of required summer reading assignments was sent via email to students and their families on June 21 (books by class level and the All-School reading assignment). 

Click here for a copy of the mailing.

2024 All-School Read

Reminders and Announcements

2024-25 Travel Calendar 

Click here for the revised 2024-25 travel calendar. A printable PDF is available on the "Calendars" page of the website.

2024-25 Required Proxy Due Aug. 1

All families are asked to identify an adult who is able to come to Hotchkiss on short notice to pick up their student in the event the School needs to close its campus, or their student becomes ill or otherwise needs to be off campus for unexpected medical, safety, disciplinary or other reasons. Whether the designated adult is a parent/guardian or an alternative emergency contact, this identified person should be someone available to come to campus within 24 hours and assume care of and responsibility for the student.

We recognize that identifying an emergency contact may be challenging for some families. Therefore, as a courtesy to our families, information about community-based resources that may be available to assist families in these types of situations is provided. 

Click here for more information and to access the 2024-25 Proxy Form.

Questions may be directed to the Deans' Office via email.

2024-25 Required Health Forms are Due

Attention all families! The Health Center staff requests your assistance in completing the required health forms. Click here for more information

New Pharmacy Partner

As of July 2024, please note that Hotchkiss has a new pharmacy partner for the delivery of student medication to campus. Please register online with Kent Station Pharmacy and ask your prescriber to send your student's prescriptions to Kent Station Pharmacy for the start of the school year.

From the Business Office

Please note that all students should come to campus with a personal debit or credit card. Our snack bar, campus store, post office, and vending machines are all equipped to accept debit and credit cards. We also have two ATMs on campus should a student need cash.

For those who do not have access to a card, we encourage you to open a student checking account at your bank of choice to obtain a debit card. Alternatively, we have partnered with one of our local banks, Litchfield Bancorp. With parental permission, students can open a student checking account and receive a debit card associated with that account. The paperwork for this can be completed ahead of time. Litchfield Bancorp will be on campus during Opening Days should you have any questions or would like to wait to open an account until then.

To open a student checking account, contact:

Susan Dickinson, Branch Manager, Lakeville

Vice President, Litchfield Bancorp

Phone: (860) 393-9171

Fax: (860) 435-9223

Litchfield Bancorp – A Division of Northwest Community Bank

326 Main Street | PO Box 737 | Lakeville, CT 06039

Try-Outs for Fall Varsity Athletic Teams

Students interested in trying out for a fall varsity team should contact the head coach via email by Aug. 1.


Boys Varsity Cross Country - Pierre Yoo P'21,'23

Girls Varsity Cross Country - Kira Shaikh

Varsity Field Hockey - Kait Perrelle Leonard '06

Varsity Football - Dempsey Quinn

Boys Varsity Soccer - Mario Williams '12

Girls Varsity Soccer - Missy Wolff

Varsity Volleyball - Bill Fenton P'26,'26

Varsity Mountain Biking - Mike Fitzgerald

Ordering 2024-25 Textbooks

Online book ordering will take place in early August. We will email you the necessary information regarding the ordering process at that time. 

Laundry Options for 2024-25

There are laundry machines in the basements of Buehler, Dana, Garland, Edelman, Flinn, Memo, Redlich, Tinker, Watson, and Wieler dorms. The use of machines by students is free of charge, but students need to provide their own laundry supplies (soap, dryer sheets, etc.).  


An optional laundry and dry cleaning service, E&R (the Campus Laundry), is located in the basement of Tinker Hall. Click here for information. Please note there is a fee for this privately arranged service.

2023 Hotchkiss Senior Class Carnival

Student Activities - Required Waiver

Throughout the school year, Hotchkiss contracts with Neon Entertainment and Party Vision, LLC to provide amusements. These amusements include, but are not limited to the following: bounce house, mechanical bull, dunk tank, inflatable water slide, laser tag, and obstacle course.

Students in all grades are invited to participate and must have a “Participant Waiver and Release of Liability: Neon Entertainment Rental Company" on file with the company.

PARENT ACTION REQUIRED: Please log into Veracross and click on the coral-colored "2024-25 Student Activities Waiver Form" button to complete your student's digital waiver.

Questions may be directed to Marcie Wistar P'26, director of student activities.

How to Ship Items to Campus

If you are shipping items or supplies to campus, please do not send packages until Aug. 22. (We accept packages sent via all common carriers — e.g., U.S. mail, UPS, FedEx, DHL, etc.)


Please send mail and packages to students (using their legal name if possible) at this address:


Student's Name (first and last)

The Hotchkiss School

11 Interlaken Road

Lakeville, CT 06039


Any shipped parcel or package will be available for student pick-up at the Hotchkiss Post Office during Orientation. Please note the School does not deliver packages directly to the dorm room.


Questions for the Hotchkiss Post Office? Call (860) 435-3299.

2024-25 Student Transportation Schedule

Click here to access the 2024-25 Transportation Schedule.

Reservation instructions and information will be included in each month’s Family Update, beginning in August.

For Families New to Hotchkiss

2024 Parent Portal Landing Page

Reminder: Parent/Guardian Action Required to Establish Veracross Account

On July 8, an email was sent to all parents/guardians directly from Veracross, Hotchkiss’s student information management system. If you have not already created your account, the email will guide you through the steps to do so.

Access to Veracross will allow you to view:

  • Your student's schedule
  • Your student's grades and comments (posted at mid-term and the end of semester)
  • Your student's attendance

You will also use Veracross to:

  • Update family contact information (address, phone numbers, email address, etc.)
  • Submit absence requests for your student

Once your new Veracross credentials have been created, you'll be able to access Veracross from the Hotchkiss Parent Portal landing page. Simply click on the "Veracross Login" as shown.


Having trouble logging in? Please contact Registrar Heather Mechare at (860) 435-3186 for assistance.

New Student Hotchkiss Accounts Now Active

Kevin Warenda, director of information technology services, sent an email to new students on July 8 containing their Hotchkiss username, password, and instructions on how to access their Hotchkiss email accounts (subject line "Action Required: Hotchkiss Student Login Account Information”). New students are encouraged to login as soon as possible as this is now the account the School will use to correspond with them moving forward. In addition, students will need to be logged into their accounts to sign up for an arrival time slot.

Please note, new parents/guardians received a copy of this email for informational purposes, but students need to set up their accounts themselves.

Reminder: Final Transcripts Due July 15


Your student's final official transcript must be sent to Hotchkiss by July 15 in order to be registered for courses in 2024-25.

Please have it sent to, faxed to (860) 435-1525, or sent via U.S. Mail:

The Admission Office

The Hotchkiss School

11 Interlaken Road

Lakeville, CT 06039

New Student Advisor Assignments

Advisor information will be emailed to students August. Students, families, and advisors are encouraged to reach out to each other in August to help prepare for the upcoming school year. 

Upcoming Webinar: Parenting from Abroad

Join Director of International Programs David Thompson P'27 for an overview of ways that families can prepare for the Hotchkiss experience, with particular attention paid to some of the typical challenges that students from abroad encounter and how their families can partner with the School to help their students find success.

Event Date: Friday, July 19 at 7:30 a.m. EDT

A Zoom event link will be sent to all registrants. A replay will be posted for those who are unable to join us.

Questions may be submitted in advance. Click here to register!

New Family Webinar Replays Available

In case you were unable to join us, remember to watch the informational webcasts hosted for new families. They contain useful information for those joining the Hotchkiss community. Click here to watch these videos.

The College Corner

Class of 2025: Click here for fall 2024 testing information.

Class of 2026: Click here for 2024-2025 testing information.

2024-25 Standardized Test Dates and Deadlines

Upcoming Family Events

“Welcome to Hotchkiss” Receptions for New and Returning Families

Be sure to join us for a reception where new and returning families can meet one another before School starts in the fall! Invitations will be emailed to families with homes in the regions listed below.

Greenwich, CT: Thursday, Aug. 15

Hong Kong: Saturday, Aug. 17

Sharon, CT: Thursday, Aug. 22

Boston, MA: Saturday, Aug. 24

New York, NY: Tuesday, Aug. 20

Washington D.C.: Sunday, Aug. 25

Welcome Dinner for Families from Abroad: Friday, Aug. 30 (on-campus)

Questions may be directed to Director of Alumni and Parent Engagement Caroline Sallee Reilly '87.

2024-25 Student Travel Opportunities

Students will have a number of opportunities to learn off-campus this coming year. All travel programs are connected to the curriculum and co-curriculum, and are led by Hotchkiss faculty members. 

Below are the programs that we are working on for the coming year; the final list, applications, and information about funding for students on financial aid will be available by Family Weekend in October.  

Winter Term

  • HBCU in the DMV (travel to visit Historically Black Colleges and Universities in D.C., Maryland, and Virginia) 
  • Hotchkiss in Québec (French immersion with a Round Square partner school)

March Break (in addition to athletic pre-season travel)

  • Hotchkiss in Flagstaff, AZ (high altitude training, community service, hiking)
  • The Lakes, the Peaks, and The Moors: Literary England 
  • Hotchkiss in Greece (for classics students)
  • Poland/Slovakia/Czechia

Summer Break

  • Hotchkiss in Guadeloupe (French immersion)
  • Hotchkiss in Andalucía: The Legacies of Religion, Power, and Culture in Medieval Spain
  • Hotchkiss in Tanzania (cultural immersion and exchange)
  • Hotchkiss in Spain Music and Arts Festival 
  • Hersey Scholars (archival research at Yale in literature; connected to honors senior class)
  • MacLeish Scholars (archival research at Harvard in the social sciences; connected to honors senior class)

Reach out to David Thompson P'27, director of international programs, with questions. Click here to see what was offered this past school year.











The Hotchkiss School | | (860) 435-2591

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