Family Support Updates

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Every Wednesday!

Virtual Groups for Parents & Caregivers

of Children Ages Birth to 5 with Developmental Delays

Wed. Group Times:

10:00am & 1:00pm English

11:15am & 3:00pm Spanish

Links to Join:

English Meet - jbx-jjbt-exc (

Spanish Meet - wjt-ufdp-yne (

Visit our virtual bulletin board (Column 1) for more information on the groups! We will also post any important announcements pertaining to the group here as well (cancellations, visitors, topics...).

Click the box above to learn more about our Self-Care challenge for parents and caregivers!

Self-care doesn't have to be just another thing added to your already lengthy "to do" list. Learn more here.

Parents Supporting Parents

Every Wednesday join us for an opportunity to find support, connection, and information designed just for parents of young children with developmental delays (ages birth to 5).

Come as you are and stay as long or as short as you'd like.

These are casual groups to get to know each other and build community.

And don't forget your golden nugget!

As parents and caregivers of children with developmental delays, much of our focus is spent on the delays and challenges and it is easy to miss or forget to celebrate the successes. Therefore, along with our introductions each week, we share our golden nuggets, something good that has happened in our lives or families' in the recent past.

Every flake of gold has value, so there is no such thing as a golden nugget too small to share and celebrate.

We hope you will join us!

See the blue box to the left for information on times and the links to join.

In their own words...

Watch a video HERE and listen to parents share how they have found meaningful support in attending the virtual Wednesday groups.


While the evenings above are planned for adults, we understand that you may need to bring your little ones along, and they are more than welcome to join us. Please feel free to bring toys and snacks to help keep them entertained.

Click here to RSVP  for Meet, Make, & Explore 

More Workshops & Trainings

Click Here to Send RSVP Email for IEP Readiness Training
Register here for Being the Best Advocate...
Click Here to Register for Understanding Your Child's BIP
Click Here to Email Your RSVP


Down Syndrome Association Fall Programs

Click Here for More Information on the DSA's Fall Programs

LISS Funds

The Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA)

has a

Low Intensity Support Services (LISS) Program

The LISS Program provides up to $2000 to assist eligible children and adults with developmental and/or intellectual disabilities with purchasing eligible services and/or items to address their needs. 

The random selection application submission must be completed online and the deadline to apply for this round of funding is

November 30, 2024.

Visit the DDA's website to learn more and to apply!

Have you visited our virtual bulletin board (the Padlet)

filled with community resources and information yet?

Did you miss a training or meeting?

Don't worry, this bulletin board or Padlet is the companion to our Birth to Five family support programming. Here you can find information shared at Wednesday groups, community resources, and so much more!

Just scroll down the columns!

Visit the Padlet

Does your child attend a Baltimore County Public School and receive IEP services?

Sign up to receive the Baltimore County Public Schools'

Special Education Family Support Newsletter!

Sign Up Here

Baltimore County Public Schools'

Birth to Five

Family Support Coordinators

Debbie Page / 443-809-9696

Edna Quintero / 443-809-1799 (Spanish)