If we don't teach our children to follow Christ, the world will teach them not to.

Because GOD IS ALL-POWERFUL, He helps me overcome my weaknesses.

Preparation: Do you ever look at other people and wish you could be as good at something as they are?

Read the Bible Memory Verse below.

Ah Lord GOD! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power
and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee. (Jeremiah 32:17)
Read this brief story:

Minnie Moorehouse had a very obvious weakness. Not only was she a 10 year old little girl, but she was paralyzed and couldn't walk. Her dad came home one day with a package for her mother.

"Where is Mother?" he asked after he kissed and hugged his daughter.
"Mother is upstairs," Minnie responded.
"Well," he said, "I have a package for her."
"Oh," she pleaded, "Let me carry the package to Mother."
"Why, Minnie dear," her father replied, "how can you carry the package? You can't even carry yourself."
With a smile, Minnie continued, "That's true, Papa. But you can give me the package, and I will carry the package -- and you will carry me!"

How did Minnie's weakness give her dad an opportunity to show his strength? ( He's strong enough to carry her!)

Listen to what the Bible says about our weaknesses. Read 2 Corinthians 12:9-10.
  • Why do you think God said, "My power works best in your weakness?" (Our weaknesses remind us that we need God's help. I am weak next to God.)
  • Think about Minnie. Would she have asked her dad to carry her up the stairs if she had been able to walk? (Probably not.)
  • Because she couldn't do something for herself, and she knew how strong her father was, she entrusted him to do the heavy lifting.

It's a lot harder to remember to ask for God's strength when we think we're strong enough (even though it is God who gave us the strength in the first place). Our weaknesses remind us how Powerful God is.

If Minnie had been able to walk up the stairs by herself, would she have been thinking, "Wow, my Dad is so strong! I'm glad he's so much stronger than I am!" ( No!) She probably would have raced up the stairs, never giving a thought to her dad's strength. God created us with the ability to do amazing things, but we often forget to give Him the credit and praise He deserves. When we see His power in our weakness, it's a good reminder!

What are some things you are really good at? These things are called strengths. ( For example: kind heart, hard worker, generous, great sense of humor, music, math, sports.....). God gave you those strengths, and it's important to thank Him for them!

What are some things you are not good at? These things are called weaknesses. ( For example: controlling your temper, being kind to others, sharing, listening, music, math, sports...) Our weaknesses give us obvious opportunities to let God help us and give us the strength to do the things we can't do on our own.

Let's read Philippians 4:13.
  • Where does strength come from? (God, Jesus)
  • How do you feel about the things you may not be very good at doing? (A looser, dumb, okay...)
  • Can you think of a time when God's power helped you do something you didn't think you could do? (For example: being nice to someone who has been mean to you, getting up in front of class even though you are scared of standing up there, saying "no" to something you knew was wrong, even though everyone else was doing it and you really wanted to do it too ...).

Try to remember to ask God to help you do the things that are difficult for you. God's strength and power are always available.

If we believe that God is All-Powerful, we will not walk in fear or unbelief. We will place our faith in God; not necessarily a GREAT FAITH in God, but rather faith in a GREAT GOD. In turn, He will lead you into a life full of adventure and purpose, fulfilling His Will. There is no better way to live.

Your weaknesses are not a problem for God, and they don't stop Him from doing what's best for you. As long as you admit them to God and are open for Him to work in your life.

  1. God knows your strengths and weaknesses. Both are opportunities to see God's Power at work in you. Thank Him for both. Ask Him to give you strength in one of your weak areas, and thank Him now for the opportunity to see Him help you later!
  2. Think of a Bible character who received God's great strength to overcome their weaknesses. How can you relate? How do you let your weaknesses overpower God's strength? What are some difficulties you are having right now? How can you be open for God's power in your life this week?
adapted from Discover God 4 Kids
A Sample Prayer to Conclude Your Time
Dear God, You are to be praised forever and ever. Yours is the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty. Everything in the heavens and on the Earth is yours. With You in control, we have nothing to fear. Help us to trust You with every detail of our lives. We adore You and thank You for being a great God, filling our lives with Your purpose. Amen.