If we don't teach our children to follow Christ, the world will teach them not to.

Because GOD IS MERCIFUL, His mercy towards me is unending.

Preparation: Before you begin, read the Parable of the Prodigal Son ( Luke 15:11-24) and retell the story in your own words.

The younger son had blown it big time, and he knew it! After he had spent all his money, what were the consequences of his bad choices? ( He was starving. He had to work feeding the pigs, which for a Jew was the worst job imaginable. He was so hungry that he ate pig food. None of his friends would help him.)

What did he hope for when he went back to his father's house? ( To be allowed to work as a servant and have good food to eat.)

What did he get when he went home? ( A welcome home party and restoration of the family.)

Having received great mercy from his father, how should this son act towards others that take advantage of him? ( Respond with the same mercy he received)

Read the Bible Memory Verse below.

For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous
in mercy unto all them that call upon thee. (Psalms 86:5)
God’s mercy does not end with the forgiveness of our sins. Look up as many of these additional mercies as you desire.

Luke 1:54; 1:72 - God has an eternal plan for Israel. He preserved them as a promised lineage for His Son. He continues His mercy towards Israel to fulfill all His promises.

Lamentations 3:22-23 - God daily renews His provision of compassion and faithfulness towards us.

John 8:32,36 - God delivers us and empowers us to break free from sin's daily control.

John 10:10 - As His children, He provides us an abundant life that is much more than
we deserve or could ever expect.

Romans 12:2 - Meaning, acceptance, purpose, and fulfillment in life are available.

Galatians 6:16 - God grants us peace that is not dependent upon our circumstances.

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 - God comforts us in every sorrow.

2 Corinthians 4:1 - God sustains us in fulfilling His ministry through us.

Philippians 2:27 - God grants physical healing to us.

Hebrews 4:16 - Being aware of all our trials and tribulations, God's grace, wisdom, and help are available anytime we ask.

Hebrews 12:6,11 - God will discipline us as a father disciplines his child, to protect us from ruin and provide for us a righteous walk.

James 5:11 - We have the strength and faith to overcome every hardship and doubt that we experience in life.

Romans 12:1 - The realization of all of God's mercies provides the proper motivation to serve Him.

God is truly rich in mercy towards us. How should you respond to His great mercy?

Because God is merciful, I know I am forgiven through Jesus. Because God is merciful, I also know that His mercy continues to be available to me in amazing ways.

When was the last time you complained about how bad things were? When was the last time you thanked God for the countless ways He shows mercy towards you every day?

When we think of God's rich mercy and thank Him for each act of mercy towards us, our thoughts consider His great compassion for us. How can you remind yourself and others of God's rich mercy? How should you respond to others?

adapted from Discover God 4 Kids
A Sample Prayer to Conclude Your Time
Dear God,
We praise You for being a Merciful Judge Who also became our Gracious Savior. In our lives there is no way to deserve your mercy or give reason for your love. Your mercy enables us to break free from the habits of sin, and experience joy, peace, and fulfillment in life. Help us to be merciful towards those who harm us. Help us also to share about Your Mercy and Grace to those lost in sin.
In Jesus' Name we pray, Amen.