If we don't teach our children to follow Christ, the world will teach them not to.

Because GOD IS EVERYWHERE, I cannot hide from His presence.

Preparation: On April 11, 1970 NASA’s Apollo 13 flight was launched. Jim Lovell, Jack Swaggart, and Fred Haise were scheduled to walk on the moon. Just after they blasted off, an explosion on their ship endangered their lives. Not only did they have to abort their plans to make a moon landing, but it also looked as if they would not have enough engine power and cabin oxygen to return to Earth alive. One of the tensest times during the flight was when the space ship orbited behind the moon. For agonizing hours, the astronauts were sailing through the darkness on the far side of the moon, out of reach of
radio contact with Mission Control in Houston. All over our country, Americans prayed for the safety of the astronauts. The country breathed a sigh of relief when radio contact was reestablished and when Apollo 13 was successfully brought back home. How could God hear all the prayers for the astronauts? How could God answer the prayers for those hidden in the darkness behind the moon? Because God is no less present behind the shadow of the moon than right beside you right now.

Read the Bible Memory Verse below.

The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.
(Proverbs 15:3)
Every fisherman has a story of the big fish that got away. Let's hear about a time when God used a big fish to catch a man that almost got away.

Read Jonah 1:1-3.
  • What was Jonah hoping to accomplish by getting on a boat to sail away in the wrong direction to Tarshish? (He was running away from God.)
  • Based on what we have learned from our memory verse, would Jonah be successful at running and hiding from God? (No)

Let's keep reading ( Jonah 1:17).
  • Do you think that God was with Jonah inside the fish?
  • How do you know? (review the Bible Memory Verse - God is with us WHEREVER we are!)

Let's read what Jonah did and how God responded ( Jonah 2:1-2 and Jonah 2:10).
  • What did Jonah finally do? (prayed to God for help)
  • How did God respond to Jonah? (He answered His prayer)
  • What did Jonah discover about running away from God? (It's impossible)
  • How would things have been different if Jonah would have prayed to God BEFORE he ran and hid from Him?

Even though Jonah was running from God, God did not run away from Jonah. He was with him, even in the belly of a fish! God waited for Jonah to reach out to Him. Just think of all that could have been avoided had Jonah gone to the Lord sooner. What will you do the next time you feel like running or hiding from God? Jonah would surely tell you to run to Him, even if you do not feel like it.

Have you had an experience that left you wondering where God was? Sometimes we do not feel God’s presence, but emotions can be misleading. No matter what we feel, God is still there. David often felt abandoned by God ( Psalm 22:1 ), yet before the Psalm was finished, his faith had been restored in the Lord ( Psalm 22:22-24 ). The just shall live by faith and not by feelings.

He is here with us right now and forever—because He is our ever-present God. He is our guide for life and for eternity. What an incredible truth! What a powerful motivation for us to know, love, trust, obey, worship, and enjoy the presence of our wonderful God and Savior.

Knowing that God is there when we make bad choices is not a happy thought, but knowing that He never leaves our side and is waiting for us to ask for help is very comforting!

Tell God how thankful you are that He is always with you. When you have a problem, ask God to help you run to Him rather than running from Him.

Who can you encourage today with the great news that our God is always with us? Share the following verse with that person:
"Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them:
for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not
fail thee, nor forsake thee." (Deuteronomy 31:6)
Click on the image below for a fun and active learning lesson using every child's favorite game - Hide and Seek!

adapted from Discover God 4 Kids
A Sample Prayer to Conclude Your Time
Dear God,
You are with us everywhere we go. You can see everything we do. You are always available anytime we need You. Forgive us when we do not take time to talk to You in prayer or hear from You in Your Word. Help us to speak and act in ways that glorify You. Help us to recognize and give You thanks for the things You do for us everyday. We thank You for Your promised presence. Guide us in Your will. In Jesus' Name, Amen.