Family End of June update:

Hello Family members

Some of you have heard that we will be relocating by the end of June. It saddens me to announce this at such a short notice. We have found a new location not far from our current.

The Farm Athletic Performance Center at 2660 Vickers Dr. between Academy Blvd. & Union Blvd. This 83,000 sq. ft. multi sport complex will be a historic move for CHS/DuMyon by being in a pure athletic environment. Our workout area will be smaller than the current at 800 sq. ft. it will be all ours. Due to rental space increase all student fees will be increased by $5.00.

To enter our part of the facility check the video below:

CHS / DuMyon Martial Arts

Our policy for interested new members:

Interested individuals are encouraged to participate in two free classes to see if our programs are of interest. New students purchase a punch card for $80.00 which allows them to determine if we wish to start. Uniforms can be purchased at anytime for $40.00 each.

Our Anniversary Picnic was a great success with over 50 family members present and a lot of food. The weather was perfect without a cloud in the sky.... Please enjoy our short video of pictures:

Join us as we HIKE with Mr. Grove

July 1st 2023

for more details contact:

Help Support our Athletes

On our donation page:

Please direct my support: Tournaments

Click the QR Code below

"Positive energy to you & yours"

DuMyon Martial Arts President

GM Sterling Chase,Sr.

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