Who will pay for private school after we are divorced?
By Sandy Brooks
The answer is… it depends. Isn’t that a lawyers answer to everything?
In an ideal world, the parties agree on where their child will go to school, and they have endless funds to cover the child’s educational expenses, so no need for lawyers and courts. If that is not the case, the next best thing is to try and reach an agreement regarding the child’s education.
In many states, the court may order a parent to contribute to all, or a portion, of their child’s private school tuition. In making a determination on education, the court is to consider what is best for the child. Factors to be considered and weighed by the court may include, but not be limited to, the child’s educational history, the child’s educational needs, the school’s resources, the parent’s ability to pay, the parent’s decision regarding the child’s education while married, and the child’s educational performance history.
Absent the court’s interference, the parties may come to an agreement on which school they want their child to attend, and how it is to be paid. In some instance, the child is so young, the parties may come to a written agreement on a process for determining which school their child should attend.
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