Fall Hours, Scheduling, Protocols, and More

Fall Clinic Hours

August is zooming to a close, and fall is peeking around the corner at us, and at least from a weather standpoint, I'm happy to say goodbye to the hot, humid, sticky days of this summer, and welcome in some crisp fall air!

In an effort to make the schedule more accommodating to all of you, we are making a few changes to the fall schedule and to the scheduling window.

We are also including a reminder of our protocols and precautions we are taking during the pandemic, in order to help keep ourselves and each other safe and healthy. Plus one final note, which comes from my own persistent hope in this world.

Beginning the week of September 6, we will be adding back in our Friday morning clinic hours! So the new hours will be as follows:


Mondays 12-5 w/Rachel
Tuesdays 12-5 w/Rachel
Wednesdays 9-3 w/Rachel
Thursdays 3-7 w/Anne Louise
Fridays 9-2 w/Rachel 2-7 w/Anne Louise
Saturdays 9-1 w/Anne Louise

Please note that we will be closed on Monday, September 6, for Labor Day.


The scheduling window refers to how far ahead of the current day that you are able to schedule an appointment yourself, when you are scheduling online using our online scheduling software, Mindbody.
For the last several months, we have had it limited to scheduling out only 30 days, in case we needed to change the schedule/hours etc, due to the pandemic's uncertainty primarily. Prior to this time, it was set up to schedule out 60 days (or 90, I honestly can't remember!). So we are increasing that window to 45 days for now, an extra two weeks. We may increase it even more as the fall goes on, but as this time continues to have a definite air of uncertainty, it's easier for us if we can still keep it somewhat tight.

That said, if your schedule is such that you have a very small window of availability that fits with our own schedule, please email me directly, and we will do our best to reserve that time for you. As our schedule is filling up quickly these days, please use this feature only if your schedule and ours conflict, to give a fair offering to all who would like to come in.

In Summary:

*Fridays 9-2 have been re-added to the schedule starting September 10

*You can now book out 45 days instead of 30, using the online scheduling system

*If your schedule conflicts greatly with ours making it difficult to get an appointment, please email me directly with your requested window of time and frequency of appointments, and I'll do my best to hold that time for you.

The additional hours and the added scheduling window will be live when you get this email, so feel free to go online now and book ahead some extra appointments!! Click below for a link to our scheduling website -

How We Keep Each Other Safe
This is a reminder of the protocols and precautions that we put into place last year when we reopened the clinic in Summer of 2020. We have continued to follow our protocols throughout the past year, and will continue to do so as long as it is deemed appropriate to do so.

We have a number of newer clients at the clinic who may not have even known what the clinic experience was like, pre-pandemic, and many others who've been coming back regularly and gotten used to the routine, as we have. Well, mostly!!

Here are some of the main areas of focus:

Masks are required for all, no exceptions. We have surgical masks available for free; just ask if you'd like one. We also have KN-95 masks for sale for $2/each.

Hand-washing: There are hand sanitizers located throughout the clinic, and touch-free soap dispensers in the bathrooms.

An award-winning air purifier running 24/7 in the treatment room-to learn more about the Molekule air filter, which uses PECO technology to break down pollutants at a molecular level, click HERE.

Social Distancing - We have set up the schedule so that no more than two people are in the treatment room at one time (in addition to the practitioner), and there is a minimum of 6 foot distance between clients.

Tables and recliners are covered with disposable, one-use paper sheets and pillowcases, and are wiped down with disinfectant between each client.

High-touch surfaces are wiped down regularly with disinfecting wipes.

WAITING ROOM USE: The waiting room IS open for your convenience, if you arrive a few minutes before your scheduled appointment time, or we are running behind. But please continue to observe social distancing and wear a mask.

SPECIAL NOTE RE MASKS: Given how hot the building gets in the summer, and how many stairs are in our building, we understand that it can be very hot/uncomfortable to wear a mask going up the stairs. Please be mindful of others in the hall and stairwells as you are coming and going, and if you are going to be passing someone in close range, be sure your face is covered to respect the safety of others. And again, please wear your mask otherwise, including in the waiting room.

Choosing Love Over Fear
One Additional Note, as we enter into the fall season... this email has been mostly concerning practical details and cautionary reminders, HOWEVER - we do not survive, living by precautions and safety measures alone, even during a pandemic! ~

We are ALL in this together.

Our words and actions - our thoughts too! - impact everyone around us, whether we realize it or not.

And yes, this can lead to division - "I'm right, you're wrong",
"YOUR behavior is hurting me", "if only THEY would make a better choice..."

But we also CHOOSE what to focus on -consciously, or out of habit-

Do we focus on everything that is going wrong all around us, or do actively seek out what is going RIGHT?

What has actually gotten better, since all of this crazy mess started?

Many people who have been thru a serious health crisis will say, after the fact, that it was the best thing in the world that could have happened to them, though at the time they would never have believed that.

THIS, yep, right now, THIS crazy, uncertain, stressful time we are in the midst of, may be EXACTLY the kind of change that was needed, for ourselves and for our world and our future on this planet, to catalyze us towards a better world that our hearts know is POSSIBLE. ~ Rachel

Northampton Community Acupuncture 413-586-8251 nohocommunityacupuncture.com