The latest news from the Virginia Department of Transportation on plans to improve Route 7.
In This Issue:
Stay Connected:
>  Design public hearing Nov. 15   
> The latest on noise walls 
Feedback from June public info meeting 
Design Public Hearing set for Nov. 15 
Stop by between 6:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. to view displays and learn more about the project. A brief presentation  will begin at 7 p.m.  The project team will  be  available to answer your questions. 

Tuesday, Nov. 15
6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Colvin Run Elementary
1400 Trap Road
Vienna, VA 22182

The design public hearing is an opportunity to learn more about the Route 7 widening and corridor improvements as the project moves toward design approval, and to view and comment on the
draft of the recently completed Environmental Assessment Information on the project's proposed schedule and potential delivery methods will also be available .

This is a formal meeting
where written and oral comments may be given to the project team and court reporter. The team will review and consider all comments received at the hearing. A summary of the comments received along with responses will be posted to

Give your comments at the meeting, or submit them by December 2, 2016 to Mr. William Dunn, P.E., Virginia Department of Transportation, 4975 Alliance Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030, or email .   Please reference "Nov. 15 Design Public Hearing" in the subject line.

Past meeting resources, including  questions and comments received at the June info meeting, with responses from the project team, are available at .

The project team has completed a revised  preliminary noise study  for the corridor. Please note, the analysis remains preliminary and future changes may still occur as the design phase continues. 

The Route 7 team is happy to answer any questions you may have.  We've compiled some of the most common questions below, and encourage you to continue to check out the resources linked at the bottom: 
The criteria for noise walls involves three questions:
Is there a noise impact?
Is the barrier reasonable?
Is the barrier feasible?
When am I considered impacted by traf fic noise?
For residential areas to be considere d impacted, and therefore warrant investigation of noise abatement, the property must ex perience  either of the following conditions:

>> Projected year 2040 traffic noise levels reach 66 decibels or greater. 66 dB(A) (A denotes weighted for human hearing) is the volume in which two people can hold a conversation standing three feet apart without needing to raise their voices.
>> Projected year 2040 traffic noise levels are greater than existing noise level by 10 decibels or more.  
Click for brochure
When is a noise wall considered reasonable?

Reasonableness refers to the cost effectiveness of the noise wall, where the total surface area of the barrier is divided by the number of benefited receptors (typically one per residence, regardless of number of occupants). 

VDOT's approved cost is based on a maximum square footage (1,600 square feet) of abatement per benefited receptor.  At least one of the benefitted receptors should receive noise reduction of 7 dB(A) for a barrier to be considered reasonable.
When is a noise wall considered feasible?  
A noise wall is considered feasible when its installation is able to reduce projected noise levels by at least 5 dB(A) for at least half of impacted receptors. It must also be able to be physically constructed and maintained based on site conditions and topography to be considered feasible.  

Noise wall eligibility is based on Federal Highway Administration and VDOT criteria. Check out more VDOT resources about noise walls online:

Give input and feedback today 
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