The Link
The newsletter for The Brooklyn Oratory Parishes

"I am a link in a chain, a bond of connection between persons."
-St. John Henry Cardinal Newman, C.O.
 The Brooklyn Oratory Parishes
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Boniface
September 7, 2021
Visit our website for more information:
Fall Programming 2021
Mass Times and Church Hours
Click here.
Family-Based Faith Formation and Sacraments at the Oratory 2021-2022
Registration is now open! If you have not registered your child, please do so ASA. For more information, please contact Christina Matone,
9/11 Memorial Mass
The Oratory Parish of Assumption invites you to join us for a Solemn Memorial Mass at 11am, Saturday, September 11, 2021. This Mass honors the firefighters of FDNY Engine 205/Ladder 118 who were lost in the 9/11 response and all who died from the attacks of that day.
Interfaith 9/11 Observance on the Promenade

7:15pm on the Promenade
Brooklyn Brownstone and Beyond Bible Study
The BBB Bible Study group will begin meeting again in September. The group consists of parishioners from St. Charles Borromeo, Assumption/St. Boniface, and St. Augustine/St. Francis Xavier. Click here for details: click here!
The Oratory Women’s Community
Join OWC For A Discussion of an Interview
Click here for details:

September 15, 7:30pm
Join OWC Discussion
Facilitated by OWC Steering Committee. Sr. Marion DeFeis, CSJ will join us as a guest.

September 22, 7:30pm
Homecoming at St. Boniface
Join us for an outdoor Coffee Hour. We welcome back the St. Boniface choir on September 19.

Sunday, September 19, after the 11:15am Mass.
Baptism Preparation for Parents
If you are expecting your first child or are new to our communities and would like to have your child baptized in our parishes, please register for the next Baptism Preparation Session which is offered through Zoom. Send your inquiry to: and we will follow up to register you and send you the print materials.

Baptism Dates: 9/26, 10/24, 11/21, 1/23, 2/27, 4/24, 5/22.

Baptism Preparation Dates: 9/15, 10/13, 11/10, 1/12, 2/9, 3/9, 5/11. 7:00pm on zoom
RCIA: A Journey Into The Catholic Tradition
“Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults” (RCIA) is for men and women who want to journey deeper into the Catholic faith. Some come with little or no religious background. Some were baptized or raised in other Christian denominations and now feel called to explore Catholicism. Others are engaged to or married to Catholics and want to learn more. And some are baptized Catholics who practiced their faith up to a certain point in their lives and now wish to complete the sacraments of initiation. RCIA aims to support you wherever you are.

The 2021/2022 RCIA program will begin in late September, meeting on Wednesday evenings, both on Zoom and in person. All inquiries are welcome and will be kept confidential. For more information, contact RCIA coordinators Rob and Nadine at, or one of our pastors, Fr. Mark Lane, or Fr. Michael Callaghan,
Oratory Young Men’s Group (OMG)
In its ninth year, the Oratory Young Men’s Group (newly rebranded as OMG) allows young men (21-35) in the Oratory parishes and beyond to connect for prayer, service, and social activities. If interested in learning more, contact Fr Anthony
Baronius Lecture October
Save the Date

The 2021 Baronius Lecture in Church History
Presenter: Dr. Cecilia Moore
Topic: "Working with and Against Culture: African Americans, Catholic Religious, and Civil Rights in Virginia, South Carolina and Louisiana in the 1950's and 1960's."

Tuesday, October 26, 6:30pm via Zoom
Food Donations
Parishioners have generously donated to food collections for those in need conducted by Social Justice Action. These on-going collections will be paused until community space is available in the new building. There are still many opportunities to donate, including local groups, click here. Hospitality ministers will have information on local food banks to share with anyone seeking assistance. Thank you for your generosity.
Mass Intentions
If you would like to request a mass for someone living or deceased, mass intentions are available for the weeks or months ahead. Email The 2022 Mass book is open as well. The offering is $20. Please pay by using Pushpay or by mailing a check to 64 Middagh St. Brooklyn, NY 11201.
Prayer List
If you would like add someone to the prayer list email the parish office at or go to the website and complete the information there.
Visit our website for online giving:
The Brooklyn Oratory Parishes 
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Boniface
Roman Catholic Communities in
Downtown Brooklyn and Brooklyn Heights
Both parishes operate from one office:

64 Middagh Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201