TOLI provides professional development seminars for educators in the US and abroad that link the lessons of the Holocaust and other genocides to current world events, working with teachers to promote a human rights and social justice agenda in their classrooms.
The Olga Lengyel Institute for Holocaust Studies and Human Rights
Seminars in Lithuania, Ukraine bring European Programs to a Close
With the completion of seminars in Vilnius, Lithuania, October 24-28, and Kyiv, Ukraine, October 28-November 1, TOLI programs in Europe draw to a close for 2021. Educators in Lithuania had the opportunity to hear from Silvia Foti, author of The Nazi’s Granddaughter: How I Discovered My Grandfather was a War Criminal. For the first time in Lithuania, Foti presented her book about her grandfather, Jonas Noreika, in a context where many still consider him a hero.
Over 200 teachers participated in seminars that took place in Bulgaria, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Serbia, and Ukraine, marking a robust return of in-person learning after the previous year, when all programs were virtual. For many of these educators, it was their first opportunity to learn in detail about the Holocaust, particularly its history in their own countries, and acquire the skills to teach in their classrooms.
TOLI in Serbia: First Holocaust Seminar for Educators
Gathering together 35 educators, the inaugural seminar in Serbia opened with an outdoor welcome reception at the Archives of the Vojvodina Region, with speakers from the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Department of Culture. The program was held in partnership with Terraforming, a Serbian-based Holocaust education organization, and included interactive sessions, a visit to the local synagogue, a tour of Jewish heritage in the city and of the Danube Memorial, as well as sessions with three second-generation survivors. The first-time program was picked up by seven news organizations spanning national and local coverage. 
Becoming a Holocaust Educator Book Launch
Just released in October, Becoming a Holocaust Educator: Purposeful Pedagogy Through Inquiry was co-published by Teachers College Press and the National Writing Project. The volume includes 15 chapters written by members of the TOLI teacher network, all of whom have attended the flagship seminar for educators held in New York City, and many of whom have gone on to lead Satellite Seminars across the United States. Following the release, TOLI hosted a virtual roundtable discussion with co-editors Jennifer Lemberg, Associate Director of US Programs at TOLI, and Alexander “Sandy” Pope, Associate Professor of Education at Salisbury University and co-leader of TOLI’s Maryland Satellite Seminar, along with TOLI educators Corey Harbaugh, Michelle Sadrena Pledger, Brenda Johnston, and Wendy Warren. The discussion was grounded in the experiences of teachers who are navigating the challenges of teaching the Holocaust and social justice in their classrooms.

Order a copy of Becoming a Holocaust Educator: Purposeful Pedagogy Through Inquiry here.
Special Project for Teachers in North Dakota
North Dakota educator Kari Hall, a participant in the 2019 TOLI seminar in New York City, conducted a two-day pilot program for teachers in the Williston Basin School District. This special program, entitled Implementing Holocaust Education into Your Classroom, was the first of its kind and brought together 15 educators to think deeply about best practices for teaching their students about the Holocaust. Throughout the workshop, Hall was able to incorporate many aspects of the TOLI seminar model through writing, research, and partner discussions on effective teaching practices. Educators heard from Alie Diaz Kuna, who shared information about her family’s heritage and her personal experiences practicing Judaism in North Dakota.
“The workshop brings insight into not only the Holocaust, but the human narratives that we can teach our students to better understand each other with empathy and compassion.”
Donating to TOLI will help to provide more opportunities like the program, Implementing Holocaust Education into Your Classroom, to teachers throughout the US.
Virtual Events
The next virtual program, The Holocaust, Tikkun Olam, and Three Generations of Humanitarian Women, will be held on November 18. The program will feature noted humanitarian activist Caryl Stern, and her mother, Manuela, a Holocaust refugee, as they discuss the impact of the Holocaust on three generations of women. The program will be moderated by NBC correspondent Cynthia McFadden.
Timothy Snyder Speaks About Lessons of the Holocaust 
Holocaust education can provide an important test of democracy, explained the renowned historian, Timothy Snyder, speaking to a virtual audience. “Democracy is about self-correction. It’s about reflection, and Holocaust history is an opportunity to reflect, and to correct,” he said, in an interview with TOLI Board member Arthur Berger. “The better countries are able to do that, whether it’s the history of the Holocaust, or the history of slavery, whatever it might be. I think with more, the more hope we can have for the democratic future,” he added. (read more)

To watch the rest of the Timothy Snyder interview and other TOLI virtual events, click the link below.

Remember TOLI this Giving Season
If you believe in the importance of our work, then please consider giving to TOLI this season. TOLI relies on the support of individuals and foundations to continue helping thousands of teachers educate their students about the Holocaust and against hate and intolerance. Your gift to TOLI will make a difference for teachers and students around the country and around the world.

Click the link below to donate.