Message from Vice President, Curtis A. Reynolds
I hope you all are enjoying the Fall season!
During the past few months, there have been several notable safety improvement projects on campus. Recently, we have unveiled the Newell Gateway located along University Avenue connecting to the Plaza of Americas. Both the Newell and Northeast gateways provide a safe and welcoming portal onto UF’s campus and are one piece of a larger set of pedestrian and bicyclist safety improvements to come. It is truly exciting to witness the continuing construction progress which will not only enhance UF's campus but also improve safety for all who visit campus.

To stay informed about current and upcoming construction impacts on campus, please visit our campus closures website. I encourage you to subscribe to the site to receive email notifications regarding new closures.

I'd also like to remind you to nominate your fellow colleagues for an Elite Gator Award. These awards were created to celebrate those that have gone above and beyond to display the Business Affairs mission of service, sustainability, and safety across the campus community. Anyone can nominate and all employees, even leadership, are eligible for nomination. I look forward to reading the nominations and seeing what incredible projects and initiatives are taking place within Business Affairs.
Thank you for reading and staying up to date across Business Affairs.

Go Gators,

Curtis A. Reynolds
Director of Physical Security
Joe Carriker, CPP

“I am excited to work with all departments to improve the safety and security in the UF learning environment for students to achieve success” said Carriker.
Carriker brings over eighteen years of combined law enforcement/security experience and over thirteen years of physical security management experience to UF.
Want to stay informed about the latest construction news on campus?
Visit our campus construction map, a site created as a resource to inform our campus community of current construction impacts on roadways, sidewalks, parking, and building entrances. We encourage you to utilize the site and subscribe to receive email notifications for new closures. 
Cydney McGlothlin is always looking for ways to express her creativity. With her father and brother both being architects, creativity has always been a large part of Cydney’s life.

Working at UF for nearly 20 years, Cydney contributes to the programming of buildings on campus with just a few of her notable projects being Steinbrenner Band Building, Harn Museum Asian Art Wing, the Reitz Union expansion and renovation, the Career Connections Center expansion and renovation, and the Herbert Wertheim Laboratory for Engineering Excellence. Holding the position of the University Architect and recently obtaining membership to The Association of University Architects (AUA) Cydney certainly plays an influential role on Gator Nation.

What you may not know about Cydney is her love for quilting. Growing up, Cydney watched her grandmother quilt and in recent years has used quilting as a hobby and creative outlet. Cydney remarkably is self-taught and often will use her talents to make quilts for her two children as well as gift quilts for coworkers expecting a baby. She explains that the type of quilting she does is modern quilting, which involves the use of bold colors, prints, and graphics.
What sparked her enjoyment for quilting is her passion to learn, which also translates to her role at UF. “One of my favorite parts of my job is learning from researchers, faculty, staff, and students about what makes them passionate and working towards how we can create the space that allows them to take it to the next step. We are always thinking about how we can make the best impression for everybody who comes to campus. Our campus must reflect our Top 5 ranking.”
Congratulations are due to UFPD Police Communications Operators Victoria Hunt, Vianka Ordonez, and Katherine De Armas for completing the Public Safety Telecommunications (PST) Training Program and passing the state certification test. The PST Program is comprised of a 232 total contact hours course along with 12 student performance standards required by the Department of Education.
Join us in commending these three for their outstanding achievements. Their commitment is in keeping with the highest standards of the Department of Education and the University of Florida Police Department Communications Section. 
for the PD&C Cornhole Tournament Fundraiser
“Modernizing the parking permit process provides an opportunity to enhance the customer experience, and at the same time, creates a more environmentally friendly and economically sustainable model for our services,” said Eddie Daniels, assistant vice president for business services.
Did you know Florida Fresh has two meal plan options for faculty and staff? 

The Orange Plan includes $25 Faculty/Staff flex and 25 meal swipes. Flex bucks can be used to purchase meals from all dining locations on campus. Meal swipes can be used at select locations on campus.
The Blue Plan includes $275 Faculty/Staff Flex to purchase a meal from all dining locations on campus.
To learn more about meal plan options click HERE and to learn more about what Florida Fresh has to offer click HERE.
Does your department have an
emergency plan?
If so, when was it last updated or exercised? 

UF Department of Emergency Management hosts an annual planning cohort, limited to 5-10 colleges and departments. Participants will learn and apply the skills to develop, exercise, and maintain an emergency plan based on university templates. The cohort begins each January. 

If you have any questions or would like to enroll, please contact
Lisa S Blackwelder
Kenneth Davis
James P Mahony
Virninia A Lancaster
Reatha M Caldwell
Darlene M Sweatt
Bruce T Woods
Harmon J Major
Chandrabally Persad
Cynthia L Terrell
Perttina Davis
Ann Patricia Barnum
Christine E Geoffrion
Sylvia C Pace
Thank you for Reading!
Business Affairs | 352-392-1336