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September 2013
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Dear Friends,

During these beautiful September days, we are always filled with energy and a renewed sense of purpose!
We look forward to celebrating not only our good news from this summer but reaching new goals this fall helping New Yorkers create new opportunity and financial health.


Helping Our Clients "Fare" Better

Because the
Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) is now accepting applications for Street
(SHL) licenses, we have been working closely with the TLC to provide orientation sessions for livery drivers to help them determine if applying for the new license is right for them.


The Pottal Fii Bhantal Fouta Djallon Soccer Tournament in the Bronx is one of the highlights
Soccer team
of the summer in the Guinean refugee
community. And this year, BCNA was proud to sponsor Toudue, a team whose Guinean players ranged in age from 18 to 25, and who placed 3rd out of the 12 teams that competed in the summer-long tournament. 

Congratulations to New Client Bimala Pandy

Bimala Pandy, who immigrated from Nepal, is oneBimala Pandy of our newest clients, and is the owner of Beauty Threading Spa, an eyebrow threading spa in the Bronx.

Small Biz

Find Out More 

Obamacare: What Small Businesses Need to Do  Before Oct. 1

State and federal insurance exchanges are websites on which small businesses can shop for health plans. Though the deadline is less than a week away, many small businesses don't know they have to notify employees.

Dong Tran speaks at "Financing Your Business"

Senior Loan Officer Dong Tran was a guest speaker at "Financing Your Business," a seminar sponsored by World Journal, a daily newspaper serving the Chinese community, and by State Farm Insurance.  

A few days ago we had a lunch to thank our invaluable interns, Rumi Ahmed, Ami Doumbia, and Nancy Zhang, who will be returning to the High School for Economics and Finance in a few weeks.

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120 Broadway, 2nd Floor  -  NY, NY 10271
212-898-4127 - info@nybcna.org