at the University of Michigan

Fall 2023

News and Updates

A message from our director

As the weather in Michigan turns cooler and the holiday season approaches, I find there is so much to be thankful for. This year, we welcomed new faces to our lab, and we traveled across the world to reconnect with colleagues doing important work in stuttering research. We had the great pleasure of seeing many of you at our John Hendrickson event and at community events around Ann Arbor. We celebrated the ten-year anniversary of our program, and also uncovered new research findings that energize us to continue our work understanding the neural bases of stuttering.

Throughout this newsletter, you'll find nods to these milestones and more. But most of all, as I reflect on this year, I'm thankful for you. Whether you've participated in our research studies, attended one of our events, given to our program, or you simply take an active interest in our research: thank you. We couldn't do this important work without you.

Headshot of Dr. Soo-Eun Chang

Soo-Eun Chang, Ph.D.

Principal Investigator

Program Director

Speech Neurophysiology Lab

University of Michigan

An Evening with John Hendrickson

This fall, we welcomed John Hendrickson—writer for The Atlantic and author of Life On Delay: Making Peace with a Stutter—to campus to speak about his experiences as a person who stutters. The event was fantastic and drew a crowd of people from all around our local and campus communities. Below are just a few of our favorite photos from the event!

The event was also featured in The Michigan Daily. If you missed it, be sure to check out their article for a summary of the evening's biggest takeaways.

Read the full article
John Hendrickson

Left to right: Lucas Campbell, Fiona Höbler, Yanni Liu, Megan Sheppard, Emily Garnett, John Hendrickson, Soo-Eun Chang, Stephany Daniel, Nick Mularoni, Anthony Sun

John Hendrickson and Dr. Soo-Eun Chang in conversation

John Hendrickson signs copies of his memoir

Dr. Ho Ming Chow interviewed on the Stuttering Foundation Podcast

Dr. Ho Ming Chow is currently Assistant Professor at the University of Delaware and a former Speech Neurophysiology Lab researcher. He was interviewed earlier this fall on the Stuttering Foundation Podcast! There, he discussed findings from our lab's recent paper, Brain developmental trajectories associated with childhood stuttering persistence and recovery, published in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. Listen to the full episode to learn more about stuttering research and these latest findings in the field!

Listen to the full episode

Featured study: MRI brain imaging

Did you know that our lab runs multiple research studies to help us better understand the neural bases behind stuttering? Our MRI brain imaging study helps us identify which areas of the brain look and work differently between children who stutter and children who have never stuttered.

Children who participate in this study complete simple lab tasks, like tapping on an iPad and listening to sounds on a computer. Then, they play a game inside an MRI machine where they describe cartoon pictures as they are displayed inside the machine. As children talk about what they see, the machine makes a map of all the areas of their brain that are active. Afterward, children receive a photo of their very own brain—how cool is that?

Our lab has been conducting MRI research with children for more than a decade. This is a safe yet powerful method that helps us understand how the brain works differently stuttering, which will help us toward developing neuroscience-based treatments.

Learn more about our research
Nick with van SNL

Speech Neurophysiology Lab around the world

This fall, our lab members shared research findings at conferences all across the world, including in Marseille, France! Take a look at our recent adventures.

Dr. Emily Garnett presents a poster at the Society for the Neurobiology of Language Conference in Marseille, France

Lab members admire views of the French Riviera

Left to right: Soo-Eun Chang, Amanda Hampton Wray, Emily Garnett, Fiona Höbler, Yanni Liu

Members of our lab join research colleagues from around the world to enjoy a beautiful meal in France

Dr. Fiona Höbler presents a poster at the Society for the Neurobiology of Language Conference in Marseille, France

Dr. Yanni Liu presents a poster at the Society for the Neurobiology of Language Conference in Marseille, France

Dr. Emily Garnett and Nick Mularoni present at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention in Boston, MA

Spotlight: get to know our lab members

Alexis Mansour

Research Speech-Language Pathologist

Read our interview with Alexis

Dr. Emily Garnett

Research Assistant Professor

Read our interview with Emily

Participate in our research

Are you or someone you know interested in participating in stuttering research? We are currently recruiting participants of all ages for our research studies. Our study procedures include surveys, speech and language screenings, and non-invasive brain activity recordings using electroencephalography (EEG). Our participants are compensated for their time and are helping to advance the field of stuttering research!

Learn more

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