Fall 2023 Issue:

WCHP Highlights

Nebraska Tracking Updates

New Team Members

Featured Publications

Publications, Presentations, & Awards

Program Photo & Video Updates

From the Director

Welcome to the new format of our newsletter for the Water, Climate and Health Program. This change will help us provide you more regular updates throughout the year and improve your ability to access information about our program. Our team is doing lots of great work and we want to make sure you can stay informed. Our team is now over 25 faculty, staff, and students, so there is a lot of great work. Please look over some of our highlights below and do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or requests. We look forward to working with you. 


Jesse E. Bell, PhD

Dr. Bell spoke with area high school students during the "Dinner with a Scientist" event at Bellevue University in April.

WCHP Highlights

WCHP Co-Authors the Nation’s First Assessment of Drought and Health

This report is the result of years-long work and collaboration by WCHP team members.

After several years of research and collaboration efforts, WCHP’s Jesse Bell and Rachel Lookadoo co-authored the nation’s first assessment of Drought and Health with the National Integrated Drought Information System to help communities prepare for and respond to drought.

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The WCHP Hosts Visiting Women's Faculty Group from Pakistan

Drs. Kristina Kintziger and Jesse Bell with ten visiting female faculty from universities in Pakistan at the UNMC College of Public Health building in Omaha, NE.

Faculty and staff from the WCHP hosted a women’s faculty group from Pakistan in a first-time partnership between the WCHP, the UNO Center for Afghanistan Studies, and the U.S. Department of State. Visiting faculty visited the UNMC campus to learn more about the impacts on climate change on human health during a two-week visit.

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Drs. Jesse Bell & Ali Khan are Authors on Nation's Foremost Review of Climate Change and Health

Drs. Ali Khan and Jesse Bell with other authors of the Climate Change and Human Health chapter of the Fifth National Climate Assessment.

Dr. Jesse Bell and College of Public Health Dean, Dr. Ali Khan, were featured for their work on the Fifth National Climate Assessment, the most comprehensive assessment of climate change in the United States. Their work contributes to current knowledge on the health impacts of climate change.

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Nebraska Tracking Updates

The Water, Climate and Health Program is a proud partner with several agencies, including the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services and the Centers for Disease Control, to bring the new Nebraska Environmental Public Health Tracking Program (Nebraska Tracking) to Nebraska. The goal of this project is to improve the health of our communities by becoming a one-stop shop for environmental health data across our state. As we continue to build this program, we will continue to post program updates in our newsletters here and invite you to join us as we work to make safer and healthier communities in Nebraska. Learn more about the Nebraska Tracking program at www.dhhs.ne.gov/tracking.

Nebraska Tracking Hosts Advisory Panel Meeting

Sue Dempsey discusses the CAP at the NE Public Health Conference

A major goal of Nebraska Tracking is to identify priority environmental health topics within our state as indicated by our own community members. To begin this conversation, in early spring 2023, Nebraska Tracking established a Community Advisory Panel (CAP) of community members across the state, representing a wide range of organizations and interests. Members of the CAP met with Nebraska Tracking staff to identify key areas of concern seen in their communities. If you are interested in learning more about how you can be involved with the Nebraska Tracking program, please reach out to Summer Woolsey at summer.woolsey@unmc.edu.

Tracking Team Presents at Conferences

Derry Stover presents at the NE Public Health Conference

To continue to receive community and stakeholder feedback on priority environmental public health topics across the state and raise awareness of the new Nebraska Tracking program, Nebraska Tracking staff presented at both the 2023 Nebraska Public Health Conference and an Environmental Public Health Summit hosted by the Nebraska Association of Local Health Directors. Both events were an excellent opportunity to hear key feedback and community needs to improve state capacity in the area of environmental public health.

Tracking Awareness Week 2023

Tracking Awareness Week was celebrated in-person and online

July 17-21st marked the first time that the state of Nebraska celebrated Tracking Awareness Week in honor of the new Nebraska Tracking Program. The goal of Tracking Awareness Week is to celebrate and highlight the work of both the National Environmental Public Health Tracking program and all its partner states, including Nebraska. We are thrilled to become a part of this new network and are looking forward to celebrating Tracking Awareness Week moving forward.

Publications, Presentations, & Awards

Featured Publications:

Public Health Computer Simulation Tool to Support Disaster Preparedness in Rural Communities

Dr. Kristina Kintziger

When natural hazards occur in rural communities, where resources are often scarce, local public health agencies, hospitals, healthcare providers, and emergency responders are quickly overwhelmed. Dr. Kintziger and colleagues designed a computer simulation model that accurately tracks key public health response outputs such as the number of individuals in need of rescue or medical care, patient wait times, surge, and resource management that can help rural communities better prepare for disasters.

Read the full Report Here

Kristina Kintziger, PhD

The Association between Drought Exposure and Respiratory-Related Mortality in the United States from 2000 to 2018

Dr. Yeongjin Gwon

Despite droughts becoming more frequent and severe due to climate change, their impact on health, particularly in the United States, is often overlooked due to complex and indirect pathways. This study examines the effects of monthly drought exposure on respiratory-related deaths in different U.S. regions from 2000 to 2018. Using two drought indices, the research reveals that during moderate to severe droughts, respiratory mortality risk increased in various regions. Factors like age, ethnicity, gender, and urbanicity influenced the impact. These findings emphasize the need for targeted strategies to mitigate drought's health effects across regions.

Read the full study here

Yeongjin Gwon, PhD

View all WCHP Publications, Presentations, & Awards

New Team Members

Our team is growing! Please join us in welcoming four new team members:

Christine Allmon Vetro

Program Manager

Kelli Gribben, PhD

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Ryan Cannady

PhD Student

Paula Swanson

Administrative Associate

Learn More About our New Team Members

Program Photo & Video Updates

WCHP Team member, Laura Nagengast, MPH presented on drinking water quality at the Wellhead Protection Network Meeting in York, Nebraska in April 2023.

Dr. Bell spoke about Climate Change and Health at Nerd Nite Omaha, Check out his featured photo in the Omaha World News here.

Dr. Bell presented on the impacts of Climate Change on Health at the Region 7 Tribal Climate, Emergencies, & Health Symposium in June in Lincoln, NE.

Dr. Jesse Bell was a panelist for the “Flatwater Free Press Forum on Nitrates in Nebraska’s Water” in Norfolk, NE in March 2023. Watch the full video here.

Members of the WCHP team attended the 2023 Water for Food Conference in Lincoln, NE. Pictured left to right: Ruth Mencia, Summer Woolsey, Rachael Birn, Siddhi Munde, Dr. Jesse Bell, Dr. Kristina Kintziger, Dr. Harshanee Jayasekera.

"Protecting Nebraska's Waters" is a middle and high school curriculum developed by WCHP team member, Taylor Hamblin. Watch the video above to learn more about this exciting curriculum designed to engage students in science and civics lessons around Nebraska's water supply.

Dr. Bell was recently interviewed by 6 News WOWT to discuss extreme heat patterns seen across Omaha and Nebraska and the current efforts to respond to health threats posed by extreme heat.

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Upcoming Events

Water, Climate & Health Program | unmc.edu/publichealth/wch

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