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Computer science is a fundamental gateway to influence our software-driven society, yet according to the National Center for Education Statistics, only 18 percent of undergraduate computer science degrees in the U.S. are awarded to women. The Penn State Department of Computer Science and Engineering, in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, wants to see this percentage increase.
Fall 2017
A safe optical fiber for delivering light and drugs into the body

A flexible, biodegradable optical fiber that can deliver light into the body for medical applications is the latest work of a collaboration between electrical engineers and biomaterials engineers in Penn State's Materials Research Institute.

The ability to deliver light into the body is important for laser surgery, drug activation, optical imaging, diagnosis of disease, and in optogenetics, the experimental field in which light is used to manipulate the function of neurons in the brain. Yet, delivering light into the body is difficult and typically requires the implantation of an optical fiber made of glass. >>
A neurosurgeon and an engineer walk into a lab ...

Steve Schiff has the soothing voice and gentle manner of someone who has spent a large part of his career dealing with children, and frequently, children in pain. As a pediatric neurosurgeon, he has lent his skills and bedside manner to treating diseases of the brain in children. As a researcher, he is joining forces with electrical engineer Srinivas Tadigadapa to develop technology to understand and treat diseases of the brain.
Schiff is director of the Penn State Center for Neural Engineering, a lab that takes up an entire floor of the Life Sciences wing of the Millennium Science Complex on Penn State's University Park campus. A series of card-swipe controlled laboratories make up the 11,000-square-foot center, which includes facilities for the construction of custom electronics, live animal imaging and surgery, and advanced computerized microscopy. >>   
Computer scientist receives $1 million in grants for his research
Gang Tan, associate professor of computer science and engineering, has recently been awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) CAPA: Collaborative Research: Lightweight Abstract Memory Feature grant and the Office of Navy Research (ONR) grant: "Semantics-Directed Binary Reverse Engineering and Transformation Validation."

Tan, who works in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, said that the NSF grant is a collaborative grant with Lehigh University and Arizona State University, that will help them design a software tool chain--languages compilers, and runtime systems--that allows programmers to take advantage of modern memory features, including encrypted memory, transactional memory, and scratchpad memory. The $2 million grant is jointly supported by the NSF and Intel, for three years. Tan and his team will receive $500,000 for their work. >>
NASA awards electrical engineer's work on a tiny spectrometer

Xingjie Ni is in the process of creating a new, small-footprint, lightweight, versatile spectrometer that can be integrated into a photonic chip. Since NASA has been looking for "innovative, early-stage technology that addresses some high-priority needs of America's space program," they have awarded him with an Early Career Faculty for Space Technology Research Grant.  
Ni, the Charles H. Fetter Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, explained that a spectrometer - a powerful tool that can split light into an array of different wavelength components and measure their intensities - is widely used in many areas, such as chemical and biological sensing, material characterization, and analysis of astronomical objects. He will use a metasurface, ultrathin layer of nanostructure that can freely manipulate light, as the key element to sort light. >>
CSE student wins China Overseas Talent Innovation and Entrepreneur Award

Kaisheng Ma, a Ph.D. candidate in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, won third prize in the China Overseas Talent and Innovation Entrepreneur competition.  

The computer science and engineering student, supervised by Distinguished Professor Vijay Narayanan and professor Jack Sampson, won for his contributions to non-volatile processors. The nonvolatile processor technology can enable applications with battery-free devices like wearable devices, implanted devices, and energy harvesting sensing networks. >> 
Student-built satellite aims to provide insight on effects of solar storms

This summer, astronauts on the International Space Station launched a Penn State student-built satellite into orbit that will help learn more about space weather.  

The OSIRIS-3U satellite, delivered in its launch configuration, was designed and built over the past five years by students working in the Student Space Programs Laboratory (SSPL). When in orbit, it will provide measurements of the heated ionosphere to better understand space weather phenomena. >> 

  • Electrical Engineer named 2017 Optical Society Fellow >> 
  • Breakall receives high honor from Radio Club of America >>
  • Computer science and engineering research team wins Best Paper award >>
  • CSE students win second place in Global Student Challenge >>
  • Passonneau named Teaching and Learning with Technology Fellow >>
  • McDaniel named Weiss Chair in Information and Communications Technology >>
  • More than $8M awarded to advance engineered metamaterial research >> 

  • Penn State students join international rocket research team >>
  • West Point EECS department head opens 2017 SHV >>
  • Five tenure-track faculty members join the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in 2017-18 >>  
  • Checking out his options >>
  • Faculty and Staff News of Record: 25-Year Awards October 2017 >>
  • How Penn State engineers are brightening up medicine: BTN LiveBIG >>
Nov. 19-25
Thanksgiving Break  >> 

Dec. 16
Graduate and undergraduate commencements >>